The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Lin 4 MVP
He will probably be an All-Star starter in the West with the NBA's sorry all-star voting system 
My favorite part of Steve's besides the pick and roll play is his footwork.

Nash's foot work is so underrated, it's underrated attribute for perimeter players in general, him Tony and Kobe are unmatched as far as that is concerned.

I love when teams would try and force Nash into being a scorer, and he would unleash the runners, wrong foot floaters, running hook shots, reverse pivot lay ups a really good finisher for a non leaper all due to that elite foot work, knowing how to use steps to throw off defenders timing.
Also Americans also probably don't get the magnitude of how ridiculously unlikely it was that he became and HOF basketball player.

Steve Nash was in Victoria BC maybe at best like the 5th best basketball area in a wack basketball country, he never played AAU, no exposure in the states, not recruited by anyone, after his senior season his coach sent his highlight tape to 30 college teams only one responded, Santa Clara, 4 years at a small school made himself a 1st round pick, STILL bounced around until he got dallas all the way to becoming a two time MVP and an All time great,

Steve Nash HAS to be the most unlikely path to an NBA superstar ever.
Also Americans also probably don't get the magnitude of how ridiculously unlikely it was that he became and HOF basketball player.

Steve Nash was in Victoria BC maybe at best like the 5th best basketball area in a wack basketball country, he never played AAU, no exposure in the states, not recruited by anyone, after his senior season his coach sent his highlight tape to 30 college teams only one responded, Santa Clara, 4 years at a small school made himself a 1st round pick, STILL bounced around until he got dallas all the way to becoming a two time MVP and an All time great,

Steve Nash HAS to be the most unlikely path to an NBA superstar ever.
Also Americans also probably don't get the magnitude of how ridiculously unlikely it was that he became and HOF basketball player.

Steve Nash was in Victoria BC maybe at best like the 5th best basketball area in a wack basketball country, he never played AAU, no exposure in the states, not recruited by anyone, after his senior season his coach sent his highlight tape to 30 college teams only one responded, Santa Clara, 4 years at a small school made himself a 1st round pick, STILL bounced around until he got dallas all the way to becoming a two time MVP and an All time great,

Steve Nash HAS to be the most unlikely path to an NBA superstar ever.
I definitely get it because I was born in Canada.

my grandpa told me that one summer nash broke his right hand and spent the entire summer shooting and dribbling with his left hand which is why he's so good with both hands

this is when he was in highschool (could have been middle school) 
I'm never hearing any Steve Nash slander ever. There wasn't a shot or a pass he wasn't capable of making.

Dudes need to go into a video time machine to see all of the plays he made. Look at all the players that ate because of Nash.
Nash's story is pretty amazing. Maybe Rodman's competes, but that's the only other guy I can think of with a super unlikely path to NBA stardom:
My favorite Nash game will be the one against the New Jersey Nets which I believe he scored a career high.

Another player at the time got into with Nash in the 4th and Nash just went off
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