The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Lol at some of the Barkley opinions. Jump shooting teams don't win. What was Miami heat then? Then didn't even have a center. And the "center" Chris bosh shoots more 3s then anyone on the team. They won 2. Charles Barkley opinions are invalid.
Lol at some of the Barkley opinions. Jump shooting teams don't win. What was Miami heat then? Then didn't even have a center. And the "center" Chris bosh shoots more 3s then anyone on the team. They won 2. Charles Barkley opinions are invalid.

We've been over this a million times. History has proven you need to have an interior presence to win four out of seven games deep into the playoffs. And, no, Miami did not win on jumpers. I swear, none of you guys actually pay attention.
Dallas wasnt a jump shooting team? They sure jumpshot the hell out of the lakers into a sweep

If you look at it almost every team in the nba has some type of interior presence defensively bogut being gsw presence

But dallas wasnt a jump shooting team?

Barkleys hate always get the best of him
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10th place behind AD and the suns. nah.

this is good by standfors.profwssors.can talk about chemistry as opposed to talent on paper.

that miracle.on ice. kids too yoing dough. any given Sunday.

will.KD play defense ever?
I aint never seen so much, quit and preserve types in a long time. MJ was quoted as saying, love of the game. These ballerina guys strategize too much, do too much. They try to.mimic billichek but they can‘t. Simply put, the love aint there. Amd Ive said all along, the CBA is BS. Its about time they implement incentice based salaries.

Guys with game genie sick.leaves, No love, no heart. League of softs Guys worrying about their suits and IG pics more than they care about the game.
kd hurt bruh. westbrook had to match his career high tonight to just beat the pels. i think they miss it.
I like the Warriors a lot, but what I feel will eventually hurt them is Draymond. He's not big/good enough to defend post 4s like Timmy, ZBo, and LA, and he's not skilled enough offensively to offset that.

If they run into any of these teams come playoff time, especially the Grizz or Spurs, I think they might be toast.
If you just chuck up jump shots, you won't win in the playoffs or the RS. That's not what good teams do though. They work it inside and kick it out for GREAT and open jump shots. "Jump shooting" team is such a vague and lazy concept.
Saw Heather Cox in person today at the Mavs/Dubs game. Walked by her, Mark Jones, and Jon Barry after the game. She's much taller than I thought, and absolutely gorgeous.
 this is good by standfors.profwssors.can talk about chemistry as opposed to talent on paper.

that miracle.on ice. kids too yoing dough. any given Sunday.

will.KD play defense ever?
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