The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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dwight butt buddy just got traded & im sure he requested it

but kj on the rockets is NASTY
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That last five minutes of the deadline woooooh...

Didn't see that b knight , I Thomas and mcw trade coming
didn't MCW just win ROY or am I drunk?

son almost had a quadruple double in his first game and now he traded.. life comes fast.
Melo should have sat out the all star game. Being in the west Brandon Knight will see DeAndre Jordan 4 times a year and never come close to being in all star talk....
Wow. A flurry of moves in the last fifteen. A couple I dont really like but whatever. Cant wait to see if theres any of those "Were submitted before three PM" trades out there looming.
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