The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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andre robinson shoots the most airball 3s :nerd:

okc needs a legit 3/d wing
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there is -10 arc on Parsons shot
that **** is terrible
Still undecided on the Thunder's deadline. I know Reggie had to go since he made it clear he wanted no parts of staying (granted he was going to be restricted in the summer) and apparently his teammates even were getting tired of him, plus he hasn't played as well this yr as year's past and Presti somewhat got a replacement for him in Dion Waiters, but I have to imagine you could have gotten more than Singler and Augustin. DJ is former teammate and friends with KD from UT so that's cool, and Singler is what probably a 42% 3pt shooter (I'm racist, just assuming because he is white really) and probably can take charges on D, but c'mon. And Kantner is super meh to me, also going to be a restricted free agent this year and delusional about his talent level as he was demanding a max contract. Don't know why the Thunder think he is going to be a better locker room citizen here and stay in the summer. Also for all these moves, we didn't even get out of the tax and had to cut 2 players making guaranteed money to facilitate them.

I didn't really want Lopez unless we could get Jack or Anderson with him, which I didn't hear of in any rumors.

We should be in though, Phx is going to fall off quick. Even if they didn't decimate their roster, they have a brutal remaining schedule.

Not sure if Novak gets minutes but he is obviously a lights out shooter. Oh yea, out of th 4 guys we bought in, not 1 plays a lick of defense.

Should be playing more small ball anyways with KD at the 4 and Ibaka at the 5.

Singler is 40.6, so you're close (something something stereotypes exist for a reason something something).

I'm not as enthusiastic about the moves as the rest of the Internet is. None of the guys they've picked up have ever had to play with any sort of expectations or pressure. We'll see what happens.
Oo look pj3 in. Let's see how many minutes before brooks takes him out
He's lucky he's still in the way he's playing.
This is pretty much standard for PJIII.

Doesn't shoot well.

Doesn't defend well, frequently lost.

Doesn't rebound well. (At his height he's one of the worst rebounders in NBA history)

His motor is damn near non-existent.

Frequently puts up 0s on the stat sheet...
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