The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Dude its very easy to understand the diff between a good hard foul and a cheap move. is it so hard to get that not everyone thinks guards should be basically impossible to defend and thr offense shouldnt have such an unfair advantage? Im not thrilled when games turn into 3 point shooting contests all the time either.
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Lol na they weren't playin WWE they were playing NFL :lol: laying folks out for real like strong safties layin out little receivers coming across the middle on the fast breaks back then. Just good clean hard fouls.

Bruh there is nothing "good" about that though :lol:

The clotheslining and **** was too much but the overall physical play and trash talk was great. They took a lot of emotion outta the game after that Detroit incident.

Well damn

There's no way of actually knowing, though. Head trauma is a weird thing. A lot of things have to go wrong to die from a blow to the head. Sure, 2 centimeters could be part of it, but it wouldn't be the end-all, be-all factor.
There's no way of actually knowing, though. Head trauma is a weird thing. A lot of things have to go wrong to die from a blow to the head. Sure, 2 centimeters could be part of it, but it wouldn't be the end-all, be-all factor.

While the tweet was worded that way, I don't think he literally meant that he would die if it went 2 centimers up. But, the amount of speed that dre was moving with to fracture his face like that, one could imagine that if that amount of speed and pressure were to hit that spot, it could have been very very serious.

Maybe not resulting in death, but it could have easily been very serious.

Damn, 2 centimeters separated a rather cosmetic injury from a life threatening one.
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