The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Sleeved jerseys didn't sell well. Some players spoke out about it but Silver basically said they would still push them because of the ad space but they might get rid of them.

Rockets have the worst jerseys in the league. Their alternate is nice though.

Raptors need to go back to their original jerseys.

Pelicans jerseys are pretty weak too.
I'm more appalled at his spelling and grammar than the actual picture :lol:

Dude, you're the best player on the planet get someone to write your social media posts if you can't spell.
Rockets def have to revamp that jersey and or logo probably as well. They still on that China/Yao logo esque thing :smh:. it sucks to me
I knew right away dudes dumb when he said its playoff basketball after a regular season game interview.
Utterly disrespectful to call James Harden the new "King James". The Bearded One needs to win a ring first. He jumped ship from OKC, like LeBron did Cleveland back in 2010. James Harden needa' win a ring, and then i'll allow the media to call him the new "King James". "So-so-so disrespectful" *50 Cent voice*
Utterly disrespectful to call James Harden the new "King James". The Bearded One needs to win a ring first. He jumped ship from OKC, like LeBron did Cleveland back in 2010. James Harden needa' win a ring, and then i'll allow the media to call him the new "King James". "So-so-so disrespectful" *50 Cent voice*

How did he "jump ship like LeBron did?"

Not sure if serious Dip
Utterly disrespectful to call James Harden the new "King James". The Bearded One needs to win a ring first. He jumped ship from OKC, like LeBron did Cleveland back in 2010. James Harden needa' win a ring, and then i'll allow the media to call him the new "King James". "So-so-so disrespectful" *50 Cent voice*

The same Harden could've won a ring against Miami if his face wasn't so far up Trina's *** :lol:
Any contender going to take a flier on Javale? Low risk, high reward type to me. The right coach can get him to play some meaningful minutes.
Utterly disrespectful to call James Harden the new "King James". The Bearded One needs to win a ring first. He jumped ship from OKC, like LeBron did Cleveland back in 2010. James Harden needa' win a ring, and then i'll allow the media to call him the new "King James". "So-so-so disrespectful" *50 Cent voice*
Diptroll General at it again 

I want the Spurs to get McGee, any contender should go after him. Its worth the "risk"
Utah gonna give us some trouble tomorrow night. I can feel it. :smh:

Against Minnesota was one of the first times in a while we ran the offense through Marc. Our offense been struggling for a while, because we reverted back to the same old schemes. Throwing it to Zbo and Marc trying to be unselfish. As soon as we start making Marc the focal point, we score a 102 points. Granted, it was against the Twolves, but I hope we continue do what has worked for us the entire season. If we try that Zbo iso stuff against Utah, they have one of the few frontcourts in the league that will eat us alive.
Diptroll General at it again :lol:

I want the Spurs to get McGee, any contender should go after him. Its worth the "risk"

I'd take him on the Clippers. DJ is playing a ton of minutes, so it would be nice if we had a back up 5 that could let him rest a little more.
Utterly disrespectful to call James Harden the new "King James". The Bearded One needs to win a ring first. He jumped ship from OKC, like LeBron did Cleveland back in 2010. James Harden needa' win a ring, and then i'll allow the media to call him the new "King James". "So-so-so disrespectful" *50 Cent voice*
bron was calling himself king since before he won chips and all that witness nonsense.
Utah gonna give us some trouble tomorrow night. I can feel it. :smh:

That's how I feel about the Clippers game against the T-Wolves tonight. Last game of the trip against a bad team, after two very solid wins, and the second night of back-to-backs. Has trap written all over it.
I've never changed . Always have hated lj.
of half *** haters in here... The lj hate thread has been dead for a min.
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