The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Playing on the road for most of the month will do that to you :lol:

Home cooking this month :pimp:

We had 5 games in 7 nights with 4 of those 5 on the road :x

We also have another 5 games in 7 nights starting tomorrow. B2B 5 GAMES IN 7 NIGHTS :x

Then, guess what? After that....another 5 games in 7 nights.
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Not the point.

Its fair though, since Chester is always the first one to pipe up on the CP3 slander for playoff failures, yet nobody from his team has done **** in the playoffs since 90s.



Not the point.
Its fair though, since Chester is always the first one to pipe up on the CP3 slander for playoff failures, yet nobody from his team has done **** in the playoffs since 90s.
Its fair to compare a player who is a regular in the playoffs to two players that have a combined 3 appearances?  Guess you and I are not on the same page on what is considered "fair."
If you look at every single MVP award in the past what, Idk 20 years all of them were in the top 3 seed. I said Kobe didn't deserve it because he wasn't a top 3 seed, but I'm trolling? When every single MVP award winner meets that criteria? :lol: :lol: oh man, alright.

You totally missed the point

"Kobe didn't deserve mvp because he wasn't a top 3 seed"

Meanwhile the clippers are sitting at 5th in the standings

"Chris paul doing mvp type ****"

If a team hasn't won anything before you were alive or while you were still pissing in the bed it shouldn't be brought up.
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You totally missed the point

"Kobe didn't deserve mvp because he wasn't a top 3 seed"

Meanwhile the clippers are sitting at 5th in the standings

"Chris paul doing mvp type ****"


Right, because me stating that he's putting up MVP type numbers (which he is) means that I'm saying he deserves the MVP award for this season.

Nothing worse than people bringing up past titles as if it has anything to do with the present.
Blazers are more know over the last 30 years for being cursed than anything else. Sam Bowie, Jail Blazers, Brandon Roy, Greg Oden, etc.
Right, because me stating that he's putting up MVP type numbers (which he is) means that I'm saying he deserves the MVP award for this season.


If he's not a top 3 seed why does he even belong in the mvp convo?

Word to "If you look at every single MVP award in the past what, Idk 20 years all of them were in the top 3 seed."
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