The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Y'all think Magic Johnson would average 25 plus points, 10 plus rebounds, and 10 plus assist in today's NBA?


assists would be there, boards too. I never really thought he was that great of a scorer to avg 25 though. todays game, to get that about of pts, youll iso quite a bit. I'd love to watch him make some of those passes again though.
Y'all think Magic Johnson would average 25 plus points, 10 plus rebounds, and 10 plus assist in today's NBA?


I don't think so. It just wasn't in his nature to score that much. He only did it when necessary. 25 points is a lot to average for someone who doesn't think shoot first. It would also be tough for him to average 10 boards since he'd be playing guard and wouldn't be that close to the basket on D a lot of the time. I think his line would look more like 18, 12 and 8. Something like that.
I don't think so. It just wasn't in his nature to score that much. He only did it when necessary. 25 points is a lot to average for someone who doesn't think shoot first. It would also be tough for him to average 10 boards since he'd be playing guard and wouldn't be that close to the basket on D a lot of the time. I think his line would look more like 18, 12 and 8. Something like that.

I think his line would be like prime steve nash with more rebounds. 18 8 and 12 is exactly what I would think.
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Dude over here trying to compare Magic Johnson and Steve Nash. And Magic could score 25ppg if that what it took for his team to win. Averaged 20ppg for his career. With weak defenses of today's modern rules and soft fouls no reason to think he couldn't average 25+ if his team needed it to win. Would depend on what his TEAM would need him to do to win.
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I didn't compare Magic and Nash.

I said that from a production standpoint, Magic's output would mirror Prime Nash's with a few more rebounds.

18 7 and 12 is very feasible for Magic in Today's NBA. Is it that ludicrous to think this is what Magic's line would be in today's NBA :lol: ?
Magic was perfect for the era he played in, he would still be great, but his size advantage would be diminished because of the hand check rules. I don't think you can play him at PG in todays NBA he wouldn't be able to gaurd them.
Magic was perfect for the era he played in, he would still be great, but his size advantage would be diminished because of the hand check rules. I don't think you can play him at PG in todays NBA he wouldn't be able to gaurd them.

No no no...

My man said Magic was a great defender because...he averaged 3 steals for a year....
Magic was perfect for the era he played in, he would still be great, but his size advantage would be diminished because of the hand check rules. I don't think you can play him at PG in todays NBA he wouldn't be able to gaurd them.

could you imagine magic trying to stay with Russ
I'm sure that question is sourced from the "Is MJ an Average Athlete" thread. That threads a disaster zone
It for sure did
I thought so. Stopped reading that mess at like page 5. 
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