The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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College in general in the U.S. is a joke. Half the kids that go treat it as an expensive 4 year party, after which they still have no clue what to do as a career. That's why it's not imperative to me my son go to college. As long as he's happy, I'd be fine with him picking up a trade like electrician or carpenter or something.

i have friends that pay over 50k a year to go to USC just to learn stuff you could easily learn online. 

we are going to start to see a shift in employment qualifications in the near future though, soon it will be based on what you can actually do rather than having a degree that says you can do something. I talked to a computer science major the other day and he said he has a decent gpa (3.5) and had just sent his resume to 30 companies looking for a summer co-op job and only got two replies (doesnt even mean he has the job). On the other hand, i got asked to take part of a summer co-op where i would be helping a school grant funded research team develop a 3d printed robotic hand for amputees. Ive been on academic probation since my first semester here and ive never taken an engineering class in my life (and if you ask people in this thread im probably a huge idiot).

its not about degrees anymore, its about actually creating something to prove your worth.
The most Michael Beasley possession ever.

Only 1.3 left in the game and he decides to launch a long two after taking a dribble. Game over.
Z-Bo pulls down Jordan Hill and gets a flagrant. No Laker rushed at Z-Bo afterwards LMAO. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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