The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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All this talk about the Cavs and Hawks and we can't eem watch it :stoneface:

Rather watch the young players in the league than some washed up player take 40 shots as they lose by 25+

Fact is people are gonna want to see a legend in his last season. You probably didn't wanna watch the Lakers when their were winning rings. :lol:
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Cleveland looks like they don't want to be here tonight. Look like they wanna be home chilling. No energy or flow at all.


College in general in the U.S. is a joke. Half the kids that go treat it as an expensive 4 year party, after which they still have no clue what to do as a career. That's why it's not imperative to me my son go to college. As long as he's happy, I'd be fine with him picking up a trade like electrician or carpenter or something.


You sound like my dad :lol:
some members of the cavs must have partied in atl last night. they look awful
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