The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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funny how guys think West, LBJ types are skillful players. they aren't. they rely soley on athleticism.  LBJ was scrutinized for this.  you can bully your opponents, but there comes a time when you must evolve your game, you must evolve and rely on 'skills' not the mass of your calf, or deltoid, or biceps. but people continue to want to believe in this.  to be fair, Dwight has neither, he relies on physique and he lacks skill, which is why he is a 'lose' 'lose'.

look at the players in the past. they had no where near close to the medical/ sports science technology that the players have today, yet they are knocking down 3s, play tooth and nail defense, and still find ways to develop 'skills'.

NBA just like WWE real soon, just an act. 
From troll to troll

You pushing it b
This thread has been spiraling downhill for a few days now. To the point where now we got male cameltail photos being posted. Cmon man

So I don't need to get my eyes checked...print pics were really posted along with favorable comments regarding those print pics :rofl: :rofl: :x
Celtics lose tomorrow, and the Mavs beat the Pacers.

The Cavs should have beat Brooklyn last night...:smh:
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@baileymcmurdie: "We can't let a team that is not even in a playoff spot come out and beat us like that." @Enes_Kanter after the game.
I don't know if this is something you want to say when your departure was the clear turning point of their season. :lol:

19-34 before the trade (.358). 13-7 (.650) after.

Edit: 17-32 (.347). He missed four games that the Jazz split.
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