The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Brooks buries talent on the bench.
Such a good problem to have, but he'll never get another head coaching job unless KD owns the team or, he wins a Chip.

And Freeze, I'm going to pretend you didn't say "Russ is a better scorer at this point"

Nobody is a better scorer than KD, the end.
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Brooks isn't burying the talent. They all get a shot. Truthfully, there aren't many minutes for the bigs. The scapegoat has become Scott Brooks in OKC. Dude isn't THAT bad, it's just the popular opinion right now so everyone rolls with it.
Chesters new avi 

I didnt like the Pelicans take on their mascot, theres nothing menacing about a Pelican, IDC how many other birds they eat, but a Deer I can see being scary to people.
Brooks buries talent on the bench.
Such a good problem to have, but he'll never get another head coaching job unless KD owns the team or, he wins a Chip.

And Freeze, I'm going to pretend you didn't say "Russ is a better scorer at this point"

Nobody is a better scorer than KD, the end.

Didnt really come to the realization scott brooks is a bad coach till this season, even tho NT has been saying it forever

You a savage for posting this dog
Brooks isn't burying the talent. They all get a shot. Truthfully, there aren't many minutes for the bigs. The scapegoat has become Scott Brooks in OKC. Dude isn't THAT bad, it's just the popular opinion right now so everyone rolls with it.

Mcgary got 0 mins last night.. While he played waiters more than anyone else last night.. Think okc had a double digit lead for most of the game from the 1st

With morrow shooting lights out the 2nd half of the season, he hasn't gotten 1 start this entire season with all the injuries okc has had

Ask bhz about what he did to Steven Adams last year during that grizz series

Harden didn't get over 30 mins per until his final season with okc.. And Eric maynor going down probably played a role in that

Fisher was guaranteed 20 mins per from day one, but the young guys were glued to the bench.. Ditto tough juice

Jeff green had to be traded to free up the starting spot for ibaka.. Even though he was one of the most important players in that series vs the Lakers and that gasol/Bynum frontline (and green demonstrating why it wasn't the best idea for him to be the starting 4 in the west)

Then you have his 'commitment' to Perkins, like he had incriminating evidence on him
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