The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Hold on... Last time I checked this dude was a Miami Heat writer, no?  So, basically from this point on he's just going to follow Lebron anywhere he goes? 
He's a LeBron reporter, ala Ahmad Rashad to MJ
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Bledsoe with 9 turnovers (silly 9-10 FG shooting though )
Dragic 1-7 FG with 2 points
Lil Zeke 4-9 with 13 points
He's a LeBron reporter, ala Ahmad Rashad to MJ
Honestly, that sounds pathetic. I understand doing articles here and there, doing a documentary, etc. but to have your whole career defined by following ONE player around? No bueno. Everything he writes is going to completely biased, as we can see from the work he put out already. 
Lets clap for Rondo master of the empty triple double, one thing i will never appreciate is how bad he chases stats

Like no bruh your my pg I want you to start the break off an outlet pass not crash the defensive glass and the start the break giving the D more time to set up

Rant over, he is still hell of a player just never really seen a player chase stats this bad in a while

how is he chasing stats?

I watch him play alot, he takes the fast break by crashing the boards himself, and he is an assist hog, he rather have it be him making the play then ball movement, and on numerous occasions i have seen him give up a gimmie basket to rack up assist
That Cavs squad got some cats that play selfish. Will take time to change the mindset of that team.
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