The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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IDK why ESPN isnt taking Bill Simmons' side on these things, he IS their basketball coverage. I would ride for Simmons over anyone not named Skip Bayless if I was them. He would be untouchable
Get rid of Simmons all together..
For what reason exactly? When was the last time ESPN has had anyone as good as Simmons doing their basketball coverage?

I never saw you go back in the thread you made but congrats on the marriage man
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Both are overreacting

People gotta realize this is the first week of the NBA season

Now if this was NFL, this is a huge problem

But at the same time, chemistry is not something you can get in a span of days, weeks, or months

Like someone said earlier, it's different that when Bron when to Miami, because Wade and Bosh were already veterans, and don't forget that Wade already been to the finals and won

This year, there are two young superstars who shined on bad teams, and I'm not sure if they are willing to take a backseat. That's just part a

Part b is coaching/defense, which is self explanatory, it's something that I'm not seeing out of that club, they are not trying on D, and the substitution methods, and the pace they play at is just terrible, and that's on the coach as well as the players
brah, you are making too much sense for NT. :smh:
people forget this is where you have to gel and just acquiring a roster filled with talents just don't do it.
Nah I *** with Simmons. Seriously though as much as the media nut hugs Bron I can't see that happening if it came out Bron on HGH. I don't know what player in the League the past 30 yrs that hasn't really gotten hurt this guy gotta be on something to be playing that many games n not get hurt for a significant amount of time. Plus receding hairline is a symptom of steroids....[emoji]128064[/emoji]
so if espn gets rid of bill simmons, does he take grantland/podcast/30 for 30 with him?
First the build up and hype was blamed for lebrons poor play
Then Kyrie.

Blatt and love on deck.

You don't play with lebron. You play for lebron.
Kobe looked great at 30 still 
Still looks great at 36 IDC IDC IDC what anyone says.
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