The 2015 NBA Draft Thread: Draft Day Is Here

Even if Nerlens only gets an easy 10 points a game off putbacks and alley oops... he's going to be a yearly DPOY candidate and defensive anchor for the next decade or so.
I was pretty low on Nerlens and didnt think he was worthy of all the hype, but he proved me wrong. the Sixers got them a good one. Pissed Danny Ainge didn't jump on that deal on draft night. Rondo for Nerlens + 2014 first
I'm more than satisfied with Noel and Saric for Holiday. Then that making us bad enough to land Embiid. Then that move making us bad enough to get another top 3 pick.

That's what I feel the Lakers should do instead of just trying to add guys like a Rondo and possibly Love this summer that aren't going to make them contenders right now in the West. Just develop Towns/Okafor, Randle and Clarkson and build through the draft...but they're kinda screwed because we're definitely going to have their 1st rounder next year :lol:
I'm more than satisfied with Noel and Saric for Holiday. Then that making us bad enough to land Embiid. Then that move making us bad enough to get another top 3 pick.

That's what I feel the Lakers should do instead of just trying to add guys like a Rondo and possibly Love this summer that aren't going to make them contenders right now in the West. Just develop Towns/Okafor, Randle and Clarkson and build through the draft...but they're kinda screwed because we're definitely going to have their 1st rounder next year
1. The fanbase/management isn't patient enough to do that

2. It's not necessary Towns/Okafor, Randle and Clarkson should be a decent enough young core

3. Boatloads of cap space the next 3 summers to go after stars, no need to field an entire team of youngsters, this was the year we needed to keep the pick. Next year doesn't matter TBH. Mitch already said we don't have time to "build through the draft" If he can somehow use #27 and #34 to move up and select a wing, that's all that's needed. 
I don't buy into the Clarkson hype. Lakers should think about trading him while his value is high
To be honest I was flamed for saying NO was dumb for not pairing them together

Nobody was up in arms about that time folks were saying they were the same player :rolleyes
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To be honest I was flamed for saying NO was dumb for not pairing them together

Nobody was up in arms about that time folks were saying they were the same player
I definitely thought it was terrible at the time too. I was never big on Jrue Holiday, so that was a major reason. Trying to mortgage for future by surrounding AD with Reke and Jrue just seemed desperate at the time anyways.
In the draft thread it was 50/50 ...might've been mixing NT up with another forum or Twitter

Crazy how folks didn't see AD as an offensive force back then
I'm more than satisfied with Noel and Saric for Holiday.

You should be.. At the time I thought it was yall who were giving up the 1st and as long as it was lottery protected I would been ok with it..

When I saw yall were getting the 1st back, I had the Jaguars fan look at the pels.. Even if the team was better than expected they were still in a deep western conference, so highly unlikely to make the playoffs
In the draft thread it was 50/50 ...might've been mixing NT up with another forum or Twitter

Crazy how folks didn't see AD as an offensive force back then

Idk where it was 50-50 but the trade was so bad that people thought it was Jrue + a first for Noel. Ended up being Jrue for Noel + a lottery pick :lol:

The Noel/Davis offensive fit was an issue but most people were excited to see the havoc on defense. Of course the trade looks even dumber now that Ant is filthy from midrange and is an overall star.
^ I just remember the people covering the draft celebrating it and talking about "block party"

I think it was jaken and bill Simmons..

But it was the right move for them to make, take Noel and red shirt him for a year.. They were going be in the lottery anyways with the teams in the west
Best part about the Noel/Saric for Holiday trade was it confirmed Broussard just gets his info from other reporters (this time Woj) on Twitter. Woj incorrectly tweets the trade, Broussard tweets the same trade info a few minutes later, then Woj corrects it a few minutes later. :lol:
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“Clearly, at the top of the draft at this time, there are two bigs, and we have the second pick,” - Mitch Kupchak

Pretty clear where they are going with their pick.
McLemore was a product of being 7th in a weak draft.

Stauskas on the other hand. Not only another SG, but was such a reach. Best laugh of that night. Then watching the behind the scenes of Vivek that night even more. . :lol:
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