Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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Lance picking up right where he left off last season. :rofl:

Someone post the vine of him dribbling around, falling out of bounds, launching an airball, and looking for a foul.
I saw him pass it to Rivers on a 2 on 1 fast break, and then Rivers just drove and missed the shot but got fouled.

Lance was throwing his arms up cause he didn't get the pass back. 
I know my team just won the ship but am I the only one who felt like the off-season was like a couple of weeks long lol. I mean its only been like 3.5 months but damn our off-season is short af
I know my team just won the ship but am I the only one who felt like the off-season was like a couple of weeks long lol. I mean its only been like 3.5 months but damn our off-season is short af
Nah it felt like forever but then football came back , and it flew by .
I don't get how y'all are getting "defensive" from what kd said..

I think it was pretty simple, I only talk to certain people.. I know he didn't speak to any of them.. He's lying

Pretty simple

After hearing all of the speclative stuff dude has gone on about chip being a racist in the offseason wouldn't surprise me if some exec told him and he said it and it blew up into a story
What's more likely SAS making stuff up out of the blue knowing this type of backlash is possible or someone in KD's camp did actually speak on privileged information and instead of KD going at that person, he goes at the easy target in SAS knowing there's really no repercussions. He took a personal shot at SAS which could bring into question his credibility on stuff in the future. He didn't have to take it that far or just did what he used to do and not comment on anything "I'll deal with free agency in the summer, I'm focused on the season at hand."

Also Chip Kelly isn't a racist, news to me.

Sas has a show he has to come up with crap for 5 days a week for 2 hours.. He already has had a show canceled.. I'm pretty sure he has said stuff that has already been wrong

Anything Durant does anything and it is news

And he pretty much was getting his news on chip from a very bitter lesean.. Unless you know chip otherwise please elaborate on him being racist

I live in a small country.. My dad was a politician for 30 years and I went to law school, as soon as I got back the assumption was I was going to run for politics.. Our local papers have been running with stories for about 8 solid years with BS because I talk to none of them.. I talk in the same dismissive manner because there is nothing but speculation to back up anything
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i dont see sas name calling or being "harsh" ...

SAS statement:

"Regarding @KDTrey5 and his negative comments about me, let me say this: At NO time did I ever say I SPOKE to K.D. Or his family. Or his brother, friends, teammates, etc. (although I can assure you all I have on several occasions in the past). I said I HEARD from folks I know — in a league I’ve been covering for 19 years — that if he were to leave OKC as a free agent, these are the cities I was told he was considering. OKC. LA. Miami. DC. NY. I stand by it all. And that is that.

His assertion that I was lying is not only FALSE, but totally uncalled for. Especially from a player who receives nothing but praise not only from me, but from practically every media member you can find. Yet, for some reason, we’re all the same folks who don’t know *&%$ about the game of basketball. Whose thoughts he could give a &^%$ about. Essentially, individuals he wishes he’d never have to talk to.....that he’s being forced to if someone has done something to him.....OF ALL PEOPLE!

Don’t know what has happened to Mr. Durant over the years. But I know this much: We all win with his return, because he is an absolute superstar. The NBA is better with him. We’re all at a loss without him.

It just appears that @KDTrey5 needs to learn something about today’s world in professional sports:

We don’t have to talk TO HIM to talk ABOUT HIM!

Folks like ME will still be here. Watching! Listening! Waiting! Reporting!

Whether he likes it or not. While he’s here and long after he’s gone.

Time to get use to it."
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What Durant was asked and his responses:

View media item 1734137

What SAS said to start this on first take:

“Regardless of how senseless it may (sound), in one breath I’m hearing that if Kevin Durant doesn’t stay in Oklahoma City, L.A. is his primary objective and landing spot as opposed to South Beach or even his home of Washington, D.C.,” Smith said.


“I heard Melo, Kevin Durant, Kobe,” Smith added. “And when you take into account that Phil Jackson is on the record saying it might be Kobe’s last year in L.A. — opening the door that there are possibilities for him to go elsewhere. All I’m saying is you just never know.”

A show that features this guy:
View media item 1734138View media item 1734140View media item 1734141
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What does one have to do wit the other? SAS being on first take somehow diminishes everything he's ever said? There's a reason why SAS gets all the exclusive interviews for the most part, the majority of the players trust him or at least are willing to use him as a mouthpiece to voice their stuff. Is it so hard to believe that this isn't the case? You going hardbody for no reason, KD was deep in his feels and Chip is more probable than not a racist.
Lance gonna kill the chemistry. He's better than thinking he's a jabawokees on the court. He's gotta create like on the Pacers. For the most part.
What does one have to do wit the other? SAS being on first take somehow diminishes everything he's ever said? There's a reason why SAS gets all the exclusive interviews for the most part, the majority of the players trust him or at least are willing to use him as a mouthpiece to voice their stuff. Is it so hard to believe that this isn't the case? You going hardbody for no reason, KD was deep in his feels and Chip is more probable than not a racist.

Deep.. This is the total transcript:
View media item 1734137

[emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]@ that lance Stevenson sequence.


Clippers are going to regret that purchase.
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