The Amero... Is This True. Will It Really Replace the Dollar???

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The People's Republic of China, long lauded by America's enemies as the world's next economic power, will be the country that will force thecreation of the `North American Union' (NAU).

Kofi Annan's former pointman, Canadian Maurice Strong, has been boasting from Chinese soil that China soon would be replacing America as economic king,using the jingo that's the official language at Turtle Bay.

The billions of dollars China has invested in the flagging American economy will be worthless. They will have to negotiate the exchange rate to the new amero.This will then force the creation of the North American Union.

The cloak of the NAU, fashioned in secrecy, will be thrown over an unsuspecting public, erasing the borders of three countries. Mexico, which already haslegions of its citizens living and working inside America, is, in effect already inside the NAU. Their governments will inform the American and Canadian peoplethat there is no option but the bread line.

Unfortunately, the plan, which has been in place for some time, now, has been all but ignored by the mainstream media.

One of the signs that the NAU is on its way is the collapse of the American greenback dollar paving the way for the debut of the 'amero'.

"Two analysts who have reconstructed money supply data after the Fed stopped publishing it argue a coming dollar collapse will set the stage for creatingthe amero as a North American currency to replace the dollar," (WorldNetDaily, Dec. 13, 2006).

The euro followed the same blueprint of stealth and surprise. It was already issued as replacement currency before the masses could coalesce to fight it.

Who ever would have dreamed that the euro of a secular bureaucracy one day would be accepted for use at the Vatican? Pope John Paul II, who repeatedlycondemned the "moral drift" of secular Brussels, sanctioned an official Euro for the Vatican.

In appearance, the Vatican coin looks very much like other Euro coins. But on the flip side of the coin, the image of Pope John Paul II faces left.

"By permitting his image on this new coin, John Paul II has given another symbolic and powerful stimulus to the European Union, which with the issuance ofthe Euro, is taking an important step towards the Universal Republic," said Atila Sinke Guimarnes in Daily Catholic.

Was it all that long ago when people said the formation of the European Union was impossible? Today, the EU European holds 27 nations under its authority withother countries lined up for membership.

In the US, experts are now predicting that the collapse of the dollar is imminent.

"People in the U.S. are going to be hit hard," says Bob Chapman publisher of The International Forecaster newsletter. "In the severe recessionwe are entering now, Bush will argue that we have to form a North American Union to compete with the Euro."

"Creating the amero," Chapman explained, "will be presented to the American public as the administration's solution for dollar recovery. Inthe process of creating the amero, the Bush administration just abandons the dollar."

While the amero is being groomed to enter stage left, another phenomenon has been gathering steam outside of media headlines.

The North American Union, which got its start in secrecy, has been pulled out of the closet by a grass-roots effort, that will force it onto the agenda whenNancy Pelosi and Company open the 100th congress next month.

Pressed on by Conservative Caucus Chairman Howard Phillips; WND columnist and author Jerome Corsi; activist and American icon Phyllis Schlafly, leaders of the50-member strong coalition are poised to halt any effort by the U.S. to enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada.

Members of Schlafly's Eagle Forum have been in training for the past two months to lobby on Capitol Hill when Congress convenes.

The resolution--sponsored by Republican Reps. Virgil Goode Jr. of Virginia, Tom Tancredo of Colorado, Walter Jones of North Carolina, and Ron Paul ofTexas--expresses "the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union (NAU) with Mexico or Canada."

It's no idle boast when Phillips says, "this could be the most important project on which we've ever worked."

Armed with the Internet release of about 1,000 documents, obtained in a Freedom of Information Act request to the Security ad Prosperity Partnership of NorthAmerica, the coalition has the potential to embarrass the governments of all three countries.

According to Corsi, "the documents show the White House is engaging in collaborative relations with Mexico and Canada--outside the U.S. Constitution.

Very little about the NAU has been covered by the Canadian media.

The stage has been carefully set and only intervention will stop North America from taking the same stealth route that Europe took in creating the EuropeanUnion and its legal tender the Euro.
^ that article was taken from the canada free press ... (which today's headline reads " Is Obama spiking Kindergarten Kool-Aid?" ).. it would belike believing everything fox news puts out..

im not saying that all this isnt possible or im sure that everythings going to be ok.. it's just that it would be nice to see some credible informationposted

imma actually try to get back to work.. but imma check back on this thread...
Originally Posted by jeyel

^ that article was taken from the canada free press ... (which today's headline reads " Is Obama spiking Kindergarten Kool-Aid?" ).. it would be like believing everything fox news puts out..

im not saying that all this isnt possible or im sure that everythings going to be ok.. it's just that it would be nice to see some credible information posted

imma actually try to get back to work.. but imma check back on this thread...


NOT CREDIBLE? they wrote this yrs ago.. its going on NOW!!!! I dont know about the other stories but 2 yrs ago I'd prolly say the same thing... look aroundyoung grasshopper
If anyof this matter or is revelant . Other country currency value is def going up for every american dollar. it has gone up a lot to what it was last week.For Example colombia last week was like 2170 something not it goes for 2338. Mex has gone up from 11 to 13.30 fore ach dollar and the euro has gone up fromlike .63 to .69
Hold onto your hats. (Or should that be dollars?) The Amero is coming. I've heard a lot of talk over the last few years about a new currency called theAmero that will replace dollars and pesos.

I thought at first it was just conjecture and gossip, but the more I have researched it, the more I believe it is not only real…but coming soon. And as awriter who has your best monetary interests at heart, I feel you need to know at least a little about this.

A North American Union (NAU) with a common currency is not a new idea. Herbert G. Grubel, a senior fellow of the Fraser Institute, came out with a bookentitled "The Case for the Amero" in September of 1999. But the mass media has largely ignored it, with both the supporters and critics of the planbeing relegated to obscure talk radio and Internet sites (hopefully, this one doesn't fall into the latter).

However, since 1999 a case has been building for the new currency, and some believe the current administration is setting the stage for the introduction ofthe Amero very soon, as soon as 2010 some believe. The lack of serious intervention on illegal immigration coupled with the continued devaluation of the dollarand its weakness in the world economy is in fact the perfect place to set the foundation for a new currency. Or so I've been told by various economistswith far more smarts than myself.

The Security And Prosperity Partnership Of North America.
This is where many people believe the Amero will stem from. This is not a phantom organization or conspiracy theory, the SPP exists and you can view ityourselves at . It was a 'dialogue' (some say agreement) between President Bush, Prime Minister Harperand President Fox to enhance security and prosperity among the three nations (prosperity for whom is obviously debatable).

What you'll notice is that the SPP is a trilateral partnership established to keep North America a safe and secure place to live and work. So why theopen borders and lack of serious control on illegal immigration? Surely such a plan would involve tighter security, not weaker.

Well, it comes down to this. If there is a plan in the works to create a union of Canada, the USA and Mexico, the last thing you'd want to do is closethe borders. Quite the opposite. You want open borders. It's good for business. And as we all know, big business and large multi-national corporations arealways looking for new ways to make a profit. The NAU and the Amero is one such way.

The AMERO - who benefits?
That's the big question. Now, in Europe the Euro was not such a bad idea (although I know many people who disagree). The countries of Europe are all fairlywell matched economically. So, it made sense to simply create a Euro and encourage cost-effective trade between all the separate nations (of course my homecountry Great Britain is still being difficult…as we always are). It also reduced a whole bunch of costs associated with exchange rates, fees and so forth.

However, Canada, the USA and Mexico are hardly the same economically. For a world super-power like the USA to consider diluting its economy with that ofCanada and a 'third world' nation like Mexico, rife with corruption, seems at first ill-conceived. Unless, of course, the ultimate goal is to create"corporatism" - the merger of big business with big government (and something Mussolini referred to as the foundation of fascism).

Basically, with the NAU, multinationals are dealing with one currency (the Amero), one controlling entity (government) and one set of rules for all. And thebenefit? Simple. To enable the sale, purchase and movement of goods across the former three nations effortlessly and cheaply. And let's not forget thecreation of a super-cheap workforce and the eventual destruction of the middle class (which is already happening).

As you can tell, I'm clearly not a supporter of the NAU. But I'm not a supporter of any policy that seeks to make the rich even richer, and make aprofit at the expense of the public. As Tom DeWeese wrote in his article for the American Policy Center, "The SPP is not about free trade. Its use ofpublic/private partnerships creates an elite of certain, chosen global corporations which basically become part of government at the expense of theircompetition and our national independence."

The NAFTA Super Highway.
Also known as the Trans Texas Corridor, this is another huge benefit to big corporations that would be made possible by the NAU and the Amero.

It is basically a massive super-highway, ten lanes wide, with rail lines, utility corridors and natural gas and oil power lines running down the center.It's purpose? To transport containers loaded in foreign lands (Indonesia, China etc) from Mexican ports, through the USA and up to Canada with massivelyreduced transportation costs. Such a move would only decrease the security of America, to such an extent that the borders would literally be wiped out. And theflood of Mexican trucks using the highway would not be required to meet current US standards of safety. Getting the picture? At the end of the day, the Amerois a move to will make a select few so rich, they'll make Bill Gates look like a welfare case. Money is power…and ultimately, that's what this is allabout.

What can you do about it?
Well, keeping yourselves informed is the first step. I haven't even scratched the surface here. So far, the public has been kept in the dark about theAmero and the NAU, and before you get a chance to protest you'll be spending you new, devalued currency and wondering what happened.

Here are the links to several sites you can read. I have included information that's both for and against the NAU and Amero, you are all smart people,you can chew the facts over and make up your own minds.
It would make sense, alot of things in history happened out of crisis.. Sept 11th-War in iraq, collapse of the soviet union- Desert storm, collapse ofGermany-WWII Rise of Middle Ages-Fall of Rome, Victorean Age-Death of King Henry, the list is endless, with great tragedy comes great change.
this thread is a joke... where do you freaks come from with this stuff? The north american union?
nice one..
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

this thread is a joke... where do you freaks come from with this stuff? The north american union?
nice one..

Bush actually signed the bill. Whether it happens or not is not the point. It is definetly on the table.
I was about to say its very much possible since dude already signed the North American Co-operative Security Bill a while ago.
Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

this thread is a joke... where do you freaks come from with this stuff? The north american union?
nice one..

Bush actually signed the bill. Whether it happens or not is not the point. It is definetly on the table.
signed WHAT bill?

Look, the Amero has been talked about for years.. but it's not happening right now. This is just getting attention again because the economy sucks,there's no basis for it's discussion right now beyond that.
DevilDog, if you're going to post articles, at least post them from credible sources. You know like legit newspapers and magazines. First you postsomething from some weird canadian free press, and the next ones from a blog by a guy who writes advertising copy. If you really want to strike home a pointabout the Amero, use something credible like this fromthe Boston Globe, I'll leave you with a quote from the article
If you haven't heard about the NAU, that may be because its plotters have succeeded in keeping it secret. Or, more likely, because there is no such thing.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

this thread is a joke... where do you freaks come from with this stuff? The north american union?
nice one..

Bush actually signed the bill. Whether it happens or not is not the point. It is definetly on the table.
signed WHAT bill?

Look, the Amero has been talked about for years.. but it's not happening right now. This is just getting attention again because the economy sucks, there's no basis for it's discussion right now beyond that.

Oh I agree. I just didnt know if you were acknowledging the fact that there is legislation to this effect. But since you are aware of it then I agree with youits not happening now.
Originally Posted by Lootpac

DevilDog, if you're going to post articles, at least post them from credible sources. You know like legit newspapers and magazines. First you post something from some weird canadian free press, and the next ones from a blog by a guy who writes advertising copy. If you really want to strike home a point about the Amero, use something credible like this from the Boston Globe, I'll leave you with a quote from the article
If you haven't heard about the NAU, that may be because its plotters have succeeded in keeping it secret. Or, more likely, because there is no such thing.
The North American Union REVEALED (Ron Paul 2008!)

The Greatest trick the devil pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist!
I just dont understand why people will just shoot anything anyone says that challenges the established order down as a conspiricy where there is overwhelmingevidence if you spend an hour looking. I just dont get it these people who you are defending do not care about you.
On 6-6-6:Bush Announces Mark of The Beast System

The Microchip Mark Of The Beast (666)

Revelation Prophecy Fulfilled: Mark of The Beast

This preacher says he's Jesus. Now he's the Antichrist

Concentration Camps being built for U.S citizens

Originally Posted by theone2401

I just dont understand why people will just shoot anything anyone says that challenges the established order down as a conspiricy where there is overwhelming evidence if you spend an hour looking. I just dont get it these people who you are defending do not care about you.

I used to be big into these conspiracy theories - but at the end of the day, they usually just end up being a bunch of people trying way to hard to figure outwhat's wrong with the world.

I don't disagree that some of them offered are possibilities, and that we as everyday citizens probably have no clue about what really goes on behindclosed doors somewhere - but to sit around making outlandish claims that it's all connected and all these people are all in it together... I just don'tbuy it.

I don't believe everything I read - not even close. But that goes both ways - seems like some of these guys question EVERYTHING, and will believe everydamn question raised, even when it's completely illogical and made up out of thin air.

I could start a rumor tomorrow that Bush is actually an alien, make up some youtube video pieced together the way i want it - and by next week you'd have10,000 people spreading that rumor.

These people are just hungry for ANYTHING that questions the system and will buy whatever you want to sell them.
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