The Bicycle Thread

I'm looking to purchase a road bike from them around the $300-$400 range, just to get me started again. I rode my uncles Marin hybrid bike during all throughout July 4th weekend and I decided to rekindle the passion again. I like the drop bars on road bikes and the more compact sporty look. (Rode bikes alot during younger years). I'd like to know how bike quality is. I already know my sz (went to a local LBS). I know there are diff fittings for diff bikes so I'm just browsing around!

You don't want to do that - $400 would get you a nice used bike. Anything new for that price won't be good and you'll regret it - and resale will be poor.

If you get something a few years old it will be much better quality and if you still decide to get something better you can sell it and not lose much.
I highly recommend a road bike over a fixie. I got into the craze out fo no where, spent $1300 on a whole build up and hardly ride it since SF just has killer hills. LA seems way more flat but to this day, I wish I got a road bike instead.
I highly recommend a road bike over a fixie. I got into the craze out fo no where, spent $1300 on a whole build up and hardly ride it since SF just has killer hills. LA seems way more flat but to this day, I wish I got a road bike instead.

Agreed, a road bike is just so much more versatile than a fixie. I can't wait to start riding again, i'm in Mississippi right now due to Air Force training but i'll be in Germany for three years after i get done here. Riding in Europe is gonna be epic.
white/blue super pista?

Yup...that is mine. Don't have the heart to sell it and feel like I will just own that bike for the rest of my life seeing how I put two solid months (laughs!) finding all the parts but man, I literally don't ride it for nothing. Maybe when I move to the burbs again when I have kids, I'll ride it around again.
fixies are so damn stupid. its like driving a a 1 cylinder car. its old technology. i speed past all the kids in their lame fixies everyday.

went riding today putting some air in ur tires makes a huge difference.

can anyone recommend me a helmet that looks good?

i dont have one and wanna be safe.
fixies are so damn stupid. its like driving a a 1 cylinder car. its old technology. i speed past all the kids in their lame fixies everyday.

went riding today putting some air in ur tires makes a huge difference.

can anyone recommend me a helmet that looks good?

i dont have one and wanna be safe.
fixies are so damn stupid. its like driving a a 1 cylinder car. its old technology. i speed past all the kids in their lame fixies everyday.

went riding today putting some air in ur tires makes a huge difference.

can anyone recommend me a helmet that looks good?

i dont have one and wanna be safe.

Fixies are still used in racing all the time. Track cycling aka velodrome is huge and the amount of speed those guys produce is nuts. For everyday riding and practicality it's not the greatest choice but it all depends on how fit a rider you are and what kind of terrain you ride on. If you commute on nothing but flats it can be a good choice. They're usually much cheaper than a typical geared road bike and less complicated. Most ride it now because it's the trend and it's something fun to customize to your liking.

As far as helmet recommendations, they will all work as far as protecting your head but it depends on how much you wanna spend. You can spend $40 and get a basic Bell or Giro helmet or spend $200+ on one. Higher in price you go is usually more venting and weight savings. I use a Giro Ionos.
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well i ride just locally and there are some big hills so a fixie would not make sense. but besides the track a road bike makes more sense.
You don't want to do that - $400 would get you a nice used bike. Anything new for that price won't be good and you'll regret it - and resale will be poor.

If you get something a few years old it will be much better quality and if you still decide to get something better you can sell it and not lose much.

Interesting advice. I've searched on CL for vintage road bikes and I don't see anything interesting or that they are too tall. I am only 5'4. Any key words I should search up?

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I would definitely get a decent used road bike over a brand new bikes direct bike. keep an eye in CL and on eBay. you can usually find some decent deals.

that's how I got my BMC
Oh god, this bike gives me nightmares.  A kid brought one of these in to my store to fix, wheels weren't trued at all, chain was rusted, frame was bent, everything was complete ****.  To this day it is still the heaviest bike I have ever seen, like it was made out of lead.  
Oh god, this bike gives me nightmares.  A kid brought one of these in to my store to fix, wheels weren't trued at all, chain was rusted, frame was bent, everything was complete ****.  To this day it is still the heaviest bike I have ever seen, like it was made out of lead.  
my rims & pedals are bent, the rear shock is broken.
The thing that annoys me the most with those bikes is that they're all style and no function - those tube shapes make sense in alloy or carbon - but not in steel. They're just adding tons of weight because people think that full suspension is better.

Not many people get that they'd be much more comfortable on a rigid for the same price - it would be a much nicer ride.
I like the ability to track all of my rides and the routes i ride. Tells me miles ridden, speed, average speed, elevation gain, cadence, temperature, etc. I wear a heart rate monitor as well so i get a rough idea of calories burned and heart rates etc. Uploading my rides into garmin connect and strava is really handy as it lets me track every mile i've ridden in a given week, month, year, etc. Comes in handy when i set mileage goals for myself for the month.
I'm debating on whether or not I should get a fixie, road bike, or hybrid.
I'm mostly going to be using it for recreation/exercise, but I eventually want to build up enough stamina to compete in a race.
Any recommendations? My budget is no more than $400 (new or used)
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