The Boys | S4 Episodes 1-3 Out Now! | Amazon Prime

Yes I agree 😂 that ending took the wind out of the whole series.
I have faith. Despite how this season didn’t really progress the story much besides setting up the fifth and final season, the show is never not entertaining, continues to push the boundaries of violence and good decency, and has a cast of endearing heroes.
I haven't read the comics but does it with Homelander and Firecracker 'winning'? :frown:
No. Not to say there wasn’t a firecracker or Sister Sage in the comics but the ending had Butcher becoming a sort of dark messiah a la Attack on Titan and the fate of the boys a Seven Samurai or Star Wars Rogue One.

Everything we’re saying is just conjecture. They’ve clearly, probably too ham fistedly, created a parallel to Americas politics. So the ending could be spectacular and happy.
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