2 girls helped the victim, none of the asian dudes helped

at the dude that said he'd help if illest continued

im asian.
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Damn, that sucks. I think they should have more videos like this, people need to be accountable. Thanks for the video. Maybe try this in a more diverse place, even off campus. Most of those people seemed similar.I hope you got that girl's number in the North face.
Good intentions, C+ execution.

I have a feeling that a lot of the people who walked away were exchange students. It's best they don't get involved for the sake of international relations.

Perhaps he could do this at a more ethnically diverse university then it wouldmake more sense.

:smh: at the dude who pulled out his camera.
:lol: man I can't even be mad at some of those people. If that happened to me I would legit think y'all were playing some joke on me. Terrible acting
Race thread coming in...choo choooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn dude had like a 2 second reaction time from seeing it and getting his camera out 

they way the two guys interacted it seemed like they already knew each other, except for a few times where the guy was on the ground i dont see any reason to stick my nose in
damn dude had like a 2 second reaction time from seeing it and getting his camera out 

they way the two guys interacted it seemed like they already knew each other, except for a few times where the guy was on the ground i dont see any reason to stick my nose in

im saying

dude just whipped out the phone and started recording

i wouldnt help either

there's always confrontations in subways/stations in nyc so its nothing out of the ordinary
Nah. I wouldn't have done a damn thing. This is America, always looking for someone to save you ain't how we used to be built. If he was getting jumped I'd step in, otherwise I'm watching. Handle your own ****. Punk *** generation.

Y'all really feeling bad for old dude? Like seriously I fear for the future. In real life ain't nobody gonna save you, save yourself.
Nah. I wouldn't have done a damn thing. This is America, always looking for someone to save you ain't how we used to be built. If he was getting jumped I'd step in, otherwise I'm watching. Handle your own ****. Punk *** generation.

Y'all really feeling bad for old dude? Like seriously I fear for the future. In real life ain't nobody gonna save you, save yourself.

im not stepping in if anybody gets jumped unless its the homies :lol:
Nah. I wouldn't have done a damn thing. This is America, always looking for someone to save you ain't how we used to be built. If he was getting jumped I'd step in, otherwise I'm watching. Handle your own ****. Punk *** generation.

Y'all really feeling bad for old dude? Like seriously I fear for the future. In real life ain't nobody gonna save you, save yourself.

im not stepping in if anybody gets jumped unless its the homies
I would do the opposite, only jump in if they were getting bullied.

They getting jumped, I step away. You have no idea what dudes be carrying. 
Nah. I wouldn't have done a damn thing. This is America, always looking for someone to save you ain't how we used to be built. If he was getting jumped I'd step in, otherwise I'm watching. Handle your own ****. Punk *** generation.

Y'all really feeling bad for old dude? Like seriously I fear for the future. In real life ain't nobody gonna save you, save yourself.

Please don't procreate
That gets no respect from me. How you only going to put on a cape when it's convenient but not when it matters? That's the biggest issue I have with the world now, our morals only extend as far as our convince allows.

'If you don't stand on your morals when their challenges, they're not morals, they're hobbies' - John Stewart

Soft *** ******...
What is this nonsense? If a fellow classmate was getting beat down on my college campus, I'd probably do something about it. If a stranger was catching a beatdown in real life, I'd almost certainly do nothing about it unless I was close to 100% sure that my intervention wouldn't be a futile effort and getting involved wouldn't result in any injury to me.

Here, Fousey was giving a dude on a college campus a noogie and expected people to do something? this one is a reach
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People are cowards who only look after themselves these days

If this was real and someone stepped in and the bully pulls a gun, people'll be saying he should've kept to himself and just keep it moving.
I'm not saying they should've attacked Fousey which would have led to a gun (if they even had one) being pulled, most of these people didn't even try and step between them or discourage him/diffuse the situation. You really think some dude wants a murder charge over someone trying to discourage a beatdown?

Pulling a gun on a crowded college campus would be foolish anyway and the attacker would know that.
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