is this iLLest's way of telling NT we bullied him out of here? 
idea was done poorly. Nobody stopped it because it looked fake. But that chick was cute as hell
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: @ "sock you in the face", "sock you again"

How is this believable to anyone?
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This has been done numerous times with ABC's "what would you do", so he already knew what the results would be. I respect the hustle, but out of all the folks that do this, maybe 2-3 actually try to be original while the rest just troll videos and copy what's already been done.
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Nah. I wouldn't have done a damn thing. This is America, always looking for someone to save you ain't how we used to be built. If he was getting jumped I'd step in, otherwise I'm watching. Handle your own ****. Punk *** generation.

Y'all really feeling bad for old dude? Like seriously I fear for the future. In real life ain't nobody gonna save you, save yourself.

not sure if I would step in on someone getting jumped. If it were real bad then yes, if not they're on their own.

but word, someone messes with you, you gotta put them in their place.
Asian chick

Give you a B+ since I dig the message but not sure what I would have done since I would probably be leaving the library on campus since the vid was being filmed at night. Didnt know bullying was this bad in America during people college years. Maybe im just being ignorant because I dont see it in my daily life. I know it exist just not at the level in this video.

Looking forward to a nice Christmas special video illest
That gets no respect from me. How you only going to put on a cape when it's convenient but not when it matters? That's the biggest issue I have with the world now, our morals only extend as far as our convince allows.

'If you don't stand on your morals when their challenges, they're not morals, they're hobbies' - John Stewart

Soft *** ******...

i think that is how it works for most people, the type of people who would "put on a cape" in situations like this do so because it convenient for them in a way, it fits the way they see themselves. notice that when those that intervened were asked why they stepped in it almost was more about their own personal feelings than the person they were might say it is the exception that proves the rule

i think bullying is a problem in the "digital age" where it may feel inescapable but it also does feel like maybe people need to better prepare their children for this modern day reality? not really the case here in this type of situation, because these are/were adults (albeit early/young adults) in a physical space and when you're an adult i think there is a greater expectation that people should handle their own problems, especially when it hasn't escalated to serious violence?

the more concerning thing is what my dude did with the almost instant reaction to record what was happening, bullying & people's varied reactions to it ain't new, but that reflexive urge to capture a moment through these phones is somehow reducing humanity & real life things to something to be uploaded...
I feel like expecting complete strangers on a college campus to intervene isn't the best way of combating bullying. I think that acquaintances of the victim/bully are more likely to intervene than complete strangers. Take all those random Youtube assault/fight videos. It would be much more effective for a friend/associate to stop the bully/aggressor. That said, if I saw Illest bullying some kid like that I would stop and figure out what's going on.

I respect the sentiment of wanting to stop bullying, but I feel like the issue is much more prevalent in high schools.
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That white girl with the uggs [emoji]128525[/emoji][emoji]128525[/emoji][emoji]128525[/emoji][emoji]128525[/emoji]
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