The College Basketball Post

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how you figure? I didnt see anything that made Towns look inexperienced. If anything it should be how Cauley Stein wasnt a factor tonight.
what exactly is heartbreaking? That we didnt win? Or that we'll prob lose a cpl guys to the draft ... only to have another great recruiting class and put ourselves in position to win the Nat'l Ship again?

Well, my after-the-post disclaimer is that I missed from 18 min down to 8:30 in the second half.... But every time they were trying to post, franks positioning and footwork looked to make them uncomfortable. There was even one time where towns was trying to post up frank, and he basically moved him all the way out to the three point line!
[quote name="spacedoodoo"]harrison twins most likely leave. KAT leaves, cauley stein, Lyles?[/quote]Lyles, Booker, Harrisons

People Who Should Stay If They Know What's Good For Them
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Needed poythress, booker couldn't guard Dekker. I wonder if Marcus Lee and dakari Johnson will stay
That, too. :lol:

I'm saying, though, Harrisons making any noise in the draft? Would Lyles or Booker even get drafted?
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you don't pay attention to the draft.

They werne't anywhere near lottery. Aaron was at risk of going undrafted, Andrew was 2nd rounder.
Wow. Granted, I don't really pay attention to draft stuff like super close, but I had no idea Booker & Lyles were getting 1st round attention.
Other than loving college there is no real reason to stay for any first round pick.
Exactly, If their goal is to get to the NBA (as it most likely is cause they wouldn't have went to kentucky in the first place). Why stay in school? 38 wins and a final 4. What else will you accomplish? other than winning a title, which isn't easy to do.
[thread="117787"]Always thought the twins should've left after last years. Both would've been top 10, lotto at the latest. [/thread]

always thought aaron late first rd. think andrew is early second

i could see aaron being drafted in second to undrafted, andrew getting undrafted if they enter
get eaten up during 1-1 workouts

cal finna have them boy transfer out at this rate :lol:
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Always loved her

IMO nobody goes to the league, they all stay if they knew any better. Biggest potential would be Towns and Lyles but I'd like to see them come back.

I dont think any of them are ready though, but that would hurt the recruiting class coming in

All that talent to come up short...again. Just like last year. If I was a fan, that **** would irritate the hell out of me... That's just my perspective 

I mean yeah who the hell doesnt wanna win when you got that kinda talent but the best and most talented team doesnt always win.

Now what would be irritating if all that talent wasnt even in the position to win itt. That ish would be a huge let down.
Wow. Granted, I don't really pay attention to draft stuff like super close, but I had no idea Booker & Lyles were getting 1st round attention.

Well lyles is playing of position so people think he will play great as a PF in the pros.

and booker is perfect 3 and d player so many teams are looking for.

The stuff they need to improve is best worked on in the NBA.
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I guess I don't pay attention to the draft. But I clearly remember seeing the harrison twins up there in the first round. Must've been those mock draft express ones,
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