The College Basketball Post

Went to the same high school as 'Zo, but played 8 years before him. My youngest bro currently plays on the squad with them and I have appreciated the way he plays unselfishly.

I was able to play in a couple runs back home with him and his bros, and even being on the court with 'Zo I felt like I was playing with someone who made the hard things effortless. He's the only one who plays defense in his family for sure, but I don't know how he will make the adjustment at the NBA level. 

Pulling for him to put on a show Saturday, but Kentucky is the real deal. 

Its kinda unfair to compare him to J Kidd, but he is averaging a similar stat line. 15ppg, 9apg, 5rpg
From my observations on Ball, I have to rely solely on the ceiling/floor principle. I see what he COULD be, both in the positive direction and negative direction. 
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From my observations on Ball, I have to rely solely on the ceiling/floor principle. I see what he COULD be, both in the positive direction and negative direction. 
Yeah one of my boys said he could be like Michael Carter-Williams. I see the validity in that comparison. 
Yeah one of my boys said he could be like Michael Carter-Williams. I see the validity in that comparison. 

The only comparison I see here is size/length and skin tone.

Lonzo's shot might be quite ugly, but it goes in at an above average clip unlike professional brick artist MCW.

His unselfishness and court vision are what draw the JKidd comparisons. Not quite the athletic beast Jkidd was in college tho.
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The only comparison I see here is size/length and skin tone.

Lonzo's shot might be quite ugly, but it goes in at an above average clip unlike professional brick artist MCW.

His unselfishness and court vision are what draw the JKidd comparisons. Not quite the athletic beast Jkidd was in college tho.
The MCW comparison was in reference to the lower-end of the spectrum. I saw him try and change his form over the summer, but didn't work out for him. Gelo, the next one going to UCLA, has the purest stroke of all, so I think it's possible for him to fix his shot.

'Zo will fill out. His pops still looks like a former NFL pro, so he will eventually inherit that grown man strength. Not worried about that long-tern. 
Went to the same high school as 'Zo, but played 8 years before him. My youngest bro currently plays on the squad with them and I have appreciated the way he plays unselfishly.

I was able to play in a couple runs back home with him and his bros, and even being on the court with 'Zo I felt like I was playing with someone who made the hard things effortless. He's the only one who plays defense in his family for sure, but I don't know how he will make the adjustment at the NBA level. 

Pulling for him to put on a show Saturday, but Kentucky is the real deal. 

Its kinda unfair to compare him to J Kidd, but he is averaging a similar stat line. 15ppg, 9apg, 5rpg

Were you the first class at Chino Hills?

LaMelo will be the best if he keeps growing.
He works out with my close friend so I saw it a lot this summer. Amazing body control, plays the right way generally.
Agreed with the body control.

Hopefully he stays level-headed like his bros throughout his career. He got suspended from school for punching another teammate last month 
. Sometimes can be a bit too cocky. 
Woody : You think Bolden or Giles play next Tuesday against UF ?

I originally guessed they would play limited minutes against Maine but I'm not sure. I don't see us rolling them out in a game against a power conference team. If they don't get limited minutes I think we're looking at Tennessee state reasonably.

The timetable I've heard all along was early December. Harry and Bolden are ready, it's just on the staff giving the green light
Great win by Cincy last night.

AAC is a wide-open conference this year. Weird teams and still not sure what to make of any of them.

UCONN is awful, Temple looked awful but then went and beat FSU/St. Joes/WVU, Memphis is fun with the Lawson bros.
Great win by Cincy last night.

AAC is a wide-open conference this year. Weird teams and still not sure what to make of any of them.

UCONN is awful, Temple looked awful but then went and beat FSU/St. Joes/WVU, Memphis is fun with the Lawson bros.
UC has the talent to be a top 15 type team all year. I just don't think Cronin can get them to their full potential. Even in a great win, their offense is terrible.
That is the second game in a row that ISU seems to have no clue what to do to end a game. They repeatedly just dribble out the shot clock and then chuck a contested 3 while Prohm stands there doing nothing.
UC has the talent to be a top 15 type team all year. I just don't think Cronin can get them to their full potential. Even in a great win, their offense is terrible.
That is the second game in a row that ISU seems to have no clue what to do to end a game. They repeatedly just dribble out the shot clock and then chuck a contested 3 while Prohm stands there doing nothing.
Four senior guards with three end of game situations and all we've gotten are two long 3s and didn't even get a shot off.  Pathetic. Morris needs to take the ball to the basket.
Great win by Cincy last night.

AAC is a wide-open conference this year. Weird teams and still not sure what to make of any of them.

UCONN is awful, Temple looked awful but then went and beat FSU/St. Joes/WVU, Memphis is fun with the Lawson bros.
UC has the talent to be a top 15 type team all year. I just don't think Cronin can get them to their full potential. Even in a great win, their offense is terrible.
That is the second game in a row that ISU seems to have no clue what to do to end a game. They repeatedly just dribble out the shot clock and then chuck a contested 3 while Prohm stands there doing nothing.
Winning on the road against a team that hadn't lost at home since 2011, they played the style that they needed to play to win that game. The offense has looked better this year. Having better players will do that. 
:smh: early game tomorrow,don't they know folks are hung over on Saturdays....Really feel for the west coast folks 9:30 am :smh:
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