The College Basketball Post

Going to be an interesting season for Oregon. Luckily Dana is one of the best Xs and Os coaches out there since he's returning 1 key player from last season

Too bad he's a scumbag

Yea K has said that he will play all 3 bigs together at times.

Bagley at the 5 is a terrible idea imo but we'll play a lot of 4 out this season.

Trevon just needs to learn the half court offense and he'll be fine. Not too worried about his shooting when he can get to the rim and has the talent around him that he does.
As opposed to who? All the big coaches are riding a thin line of ethics.


Coach K definitely in the scumbag cesspool too. Shouldn't throw stones...
They all in it. Unfortunately that's what you have to do to win. You pass up on these potential trouble makers, somebody else will take the chance and beat you
Didn't he get the boot tho? And that was literally right after he was the only one to show up during that Notre Dame game we lost.
According to him, the boot wasn't for the accusations. Plus, the accusations came months before the boot if I'm not mistaken.

Woody coming in here on his high horse is definitely going to send dudes into a fit. So much **** is overlooked at all of these schools. K is no better than the rest.
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High major college basketball for the last 30 years has been a cesspool. K, Pitino, Boheim, Cal, Roy, Dean, Self are all as dirty as they come. They would not be competitive. Crossing the line is not an issue for these guys. There is no moral high ground for any coach, program or fan in this arena. That's the reason known cheaters and scumbags get rehired all the time. Some of them are as blatant as K pulling in Capel, UNC running a diploma mill, or having agents always around.

I"m going to continue to beat on the drum for a true academy system to identify prospect and teach fundamentals from early on, and to push these disgusting people that run AAU teams out of the game.
Greene is not super athletic, but has great court awareness. Protects the ball well and has a surprisingly consistent jumpshot. Alexander is the real surprise. Has great size and finishes well on drives. Will be tough to keep him off the court. The times they've been on the floor together the team played well.

UK is recruiting more guards like these bums are good enough to go pro after this season .
High major college basketball for the last 30 years has been a cesspool. K, Pitino, Boheim, Cal, Roy, Dean, Self are all as dirty as they come. They would not be competitive. Crossing the line is not an issue for these guys. There is no moral high ground for any coach, program or fan in this arena. That's the reason known cheaters and scumbags get rehired all the time. Some of them are as blatant as K pulling in Capel, UNC running a diploma mill, or having agents always around.

I"m going to continue to beat on the drum for a true academy system to identify prospect and teach fundamentals from early on, and to push these disgusting people that run AAU teams out of the game.
I have no problem with it as long as it's a practice exercised by all the high majors - same way I feel about PEDs. If everyone's doing it then it's basically an even playing field at that point. You get caught tho, that's on you, and would express the same feelings around K if he ever got caught.
I wonder what these dummy's did

‪Texas A&M has suspended Admon Gilder, D.J. Hogg and Robert Williams for violating school policy.‬
According to him, the boot wasn't for the accusations. Plus, the accusations came months before the boot if I'm not mistaken.

Woody coming in here on his high horse is definitely going to send dudes into a fit. So much **** is overlooked at all of these schools. K is no better than the rest.

Man :lol: I'm jusy saying. It's Dana ****ing Altman and Oregon has a history recently and the kid played while under investigation
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