The College Basketball Post

Sean Miller read a statement saying he never met Christian Dawkins or spoke to him about paying Ayton

He'll continue to coach the team
This whole 'wiretapping' story is falling apart by the minute. In the end someone is going to look really, really foolish when the truth, if it ever comes to light.

My pet peeve....this story is exactly what is wrong with today's journalistic standards. Everyone is so quick to print / publish a story without fact checking and verifying the major news publications don't care anymore. I don't know how ESPN, Yahoo could okay a story like this when the writer didn't even hear the tape but his 'source' did...which leads me to my next pet peeve...

I can't stand the word 'source.' If you don't have the guts to come out and say and stand behind your word then you should never say or print.

The only way this gets resolved is PUT up the TAPE. If there is no tape then Mark Schlabach should never be allowed to write again just like if this tape is true Sean Miller will never coach again.
Any word come out on what actually happened? Still hoping Jalek comes back home hopefully Frank comes through. Not even sure if Bowen is gonna get reinstated honestly

Word is he gave multiple girls STD’s. Wouldn’t be mad if he went to South Carolina. I just want him out of the ACC.
Stephen B : Put money on Kentucky to beat UF this weekend. Florida has some frontcourt kid named Bassett who is out with a concussion
So espn fires all their good college basketball work writers and now they’re publishing reports that appear to be erroneous. They’re not even trying to hide the bias anymore.
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