The College Basketball Post

Christmas cometh early tomorrow!

this first time we’ve had all four teams ranked 1-4 in the Champions Classic? And I’ve always wondered if UNC ever felt some type of way being left out of the club.
Miami , ND , Louisville , Duke and FSU . Everybody else has zero chance to make noise in march this season .

Is it just me or does anyone us feel like this is the least amount of buzz surrounding a start of college basketball. I am still in full time football mode.
Definitely ready for this season. Ready to see how Cole Anthony does this year.

MSU over UK
Duke over KU .
Is it just me or does anyone us feel like this is the least amount of buzz surrounding a start of college basketball. I am still in full time football mode.
Maryland football sucks, so I'm absolutely ready, but on a national scale, I agree with you. There's nobody like Zion or RJ for the public to get hyped about.
Is it just me or does anyone us feel like this is the least amount of buzz surrounding a start of college basketball. I am still in full time football mode.
No “generational” freshmen + no elite teams on paper = low hype

I also don’t think the NC game w/ TTU and UVA helped either.
Basically if your alum mater or favorite cfb team is in the toilet the start of cbb is a welcome reprise to the norm of losing and despair.
Around here the NOA and consistent talk of cheating, allegations, etc has certainly soiled the start of the season and up until last week Miles had a good amount of people day dreaming what winning in football was like.

I agree with all of those points, ricardo malta ricardo malta . I also believe that the majority of college basketball fans only really start to pay attention in March and April.
Duke beat UK by 34 last year. Reversal this year.
I’m still smarting from that whipping.

Been waiting for this season to start. I gave up all other sports a few years ago due to not having time to keep up. Last year first time not going to a Super Bowl party.

With the league having so much young talent and a free flowing style it’s been more fun to watch.

Honestly the turnover in college ball has made it more time consuming to keep up with just one team than it had in years past. Used to know who everyone had coming in, now just keeping it to one.:lol:
I remember being little and dissing my dad for not knowing the 4th recruit UNC had coming in their class.

Cant wait for my son to do the same to me
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