The College Basketball Post

RIP Duke Bozos
I don't even take those talking heads serious. Their job is to get people talking and it looks like it worked.
I feel like Banchero gets kind of lazy at times. I don’t know, I’d expect him to takeover but he’s missing that killer instinct IMO. Definitely like a Julius Randle type.

Hell of a player though, there’s a spot for him to stick around the league for sure.
I think Mark Williams going to play longer than Banchero in the league. I'd take him on my Hornets right now over Plumlee.

I said it last week and I’ll say it again. Mark Williams was duke’s best player. He is just really limited offensively. Him being in foul trouble impacted the game exponentially and it caused UNC to be comfortable inside. Obviously Banchero was their best player offensively but that “it” factor, he just don’t got it. Nobody on that team was a dog, where you could give them the rock every possession and they’ll get you buckets
Im not seeing why 6 Duke players are rated higher than every player on North Carolina. What exactly are the scouts watching
Banchero looks like Terrence Jones 2.0

No clue how AJ Griffin is going top 10

Pretty easy to see why Griffin will probably be picked too 10.

Athletic young wing who can Shoot the ball. Same reason guys like Kevin Knox, Cam Reddish, Jarret Culver etc we’re lottery picks.

He checks off the boxes.
I’m going to abuse that picture of Love hitting that shot the same way Dook fans lost their minds with that Austin Rivers one.
I don't even take those talking heads serious. Their job is to get people talking and it looks like it worked.
Yeah, but that Jones take is especially silly because you could apply that same "logic" to any draft prospect who played in the tournament and didn't dominate every game. (So basically all of them).
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