The College Basketball Post

Beuckers is a generational talent, these college wins and championships won’t mean much.

She’s going to blaze the trail of serious earning potential in women’s basketball
Beuckers is a generational talent, these college wins and championships won’t mean much.

She’s going to blaze the trail of serious earning potential in women’s basketball
Earning potential where, endorsements? For basketball salaries, don't know if americans could or want to play in russia anymore.

We’re all Jayhawks today, not really but you get it. Rock chalk
Damn I didn’t know the Women’s side was getting done like that. Yikes.

It will be interesting to see the trajectory of Paige both as a player and her marketing potential. She is going to be a star for sure.

Surprisingly feel pretty calm. Heels will be tough but I wanted no parts of a Coach K ‘ride off into the sunset’ game.
I thought KU was the best team all year, thought Duke was number 2 (so I could be way off on everything). When Duke Carolina play, you can throw rankings and **** like that out. Hoping for a good one tonight. Probably gonna go down to the power & light district to watch. Gonna be crazy down there. They were blocking off streets yesterday around 5.
This is the first year the womens tourny was allowed to use the term “march madness”. Let’s face it there’s a lot of growth and evolution that needs to take place on the women’s side whether it’s college or WNBA.
This is the first year the womens tourny was allowed to use the term “march madness”. Let’s face it there’s a lot of growth and evolution that needs to take place on the women’s side whether it’s college or WNBA.
Damn. Never noticed that.
I love that I'm going to be able to enjoy the game tonight without a care in the world on who wins. Anyone else? :nerd: I mean I had Kansas picked from the beginning so I'd like to be right about that even though the rest of my bracket is horse feces, but I would also like to see Love go ahead and finish off his amazing tourney w/ a win.

I love that I'm going to be able to enjoy the game tonight without a care in the world on who wins. Anyone else? :nerd: I mean I had Kansas picked from the beginning so I'd like to be right about that even though the rest of my bracket is horse feces, but I would also like to see Love go ahead and finish off his amazing tourney w/ a win.

How I feel about the nba playoffs. Just need them to stop showing the lakers lose all these damn games that don’t matter.
Same. Game will feel like an early season tourney compared to Saturday night

I was similarly unstressed for the 2016 NC game but that didn't exactly work out

Imagine me...a Atlanta falcon fan, and a Tar heel fan going through all that in the span of 2 months.

If Bron didn't come through in the Finals I was done with sports for a good 3 years.
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