The College Basketball Post

Like 2 hours or so pending weather/traffic. Ann Arbor has a couple good breweries tho. Grizzly Peak and Ann Arbor Brewing Co.

Embiid got some flex in him 
I stay in Lansing, whats some good breweries up that way?

Check out HopCat. I think it's relatively new to Lansing but GR has one and its really good.

It doesn't too good Payne for Saturday. If they're without Dawson/Payne I might have to get my hopes up a little more. I just figured they'd trade home wins but this is a great opportunity for Michigan to beat it's 3rd straight top-10 team.
Josh Smith ate his way out of UCLA and flopped his way out of Georgetown

Keep it 100, dude just didn't really ever care much about ball.
Also...he still has another year of eligibility. Hopefully he takes these next 8 months and locks himself in the gym. III said he'll still participate in practices for the remainder of the season.
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You missed his play early this year? 

I have not watched one minute of G'town and have no desire to :lol:

I saw he had 25 against Oregon though in a L. besides that nothing mind blowing.

Maybe scrub was too harsh, but wasn't there a lot of hype about him at UCLA?
PJ Hairston dropped 40 on 14-24 in the D-League tonight. I'm sick :x

UNC would have been so much nicer this year had he been reinstated :smh:
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