The College Basketball Post

^ you already know what time it is huh Cam?
Also, if Gonzaga's Austin Daye can ever get meat on his bones, the feeling is that he's skilled enough to be an NBA player.
I mean he DOES need to get bigger no doubt but its notlike hes just getting pushed around all game and making no impact, hes usually one of the top 5 people on the floor everytime hes playing, and he's afreshman too.
Thats my man. Kid is the leading scorer in California history......of course he is gonna gun it when he gets in the game....especially since coach K only plays him 15 min. a game
Dude is a liability on D, hence his 15 minutes a game. King is on that Mark Aguirre tip though, cookin' as soon as he get in thegame
If he gets in shape and loses some weight he can be a brokeman's Mike Miller
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Thats my man. Kid is the leading scorer in California history......of course he is gonna gun it when he gets in the game....especially since coach K only plays him 15 min. a game
Dude is a liability on D, hence his 15 minutes a game. King is on that Mark Aguirre tip though, cookin' as soon as he get in the game
If he gets in shape and loses some weight he can be a broke man's Mike Miller

Liability on D is being nice. I tried to tell him that he wouldn't play much because he doesn't have the quicks to keep up on D in the ACC. Imsurprised he even gets 15 min. Come his junior/senior year he might be something though, its just gonna take a lot of work.....
But he does have a nasty stroke from 3
I got G-Town. Pitt has too many key guys hurt not to mention Ramon has played like garbage this year.
My Dude Taylor King is gonna have to take notes from JJ and shed some pounds in the off season...
JJ's main reason for losing weight was because he stopped drinking beer that summer of 2004 and got on this triathalon like workout program. We were sitting on the couch in our apartment when Collins and Dawkins came through on some mafioso @#%$, kidnapped dude and brought him to Coach K'soffice for some serious intervention.

I don't know what Taylor's lifestyle is like but it seems like it should be easy for him to shed some lb's and gain some muscle mass. And as faras modeling his game after someone, he should watch tape of Lee Melchionni. He was never greater than a 4th scoring option but he threw up a good amount of3's because he knew where to find the open spots for kick outs due to drives and double teams. Taylor's a decent rebounder and isn't a slouchathetically on the offensive end so his game has a tad bit more than just being a shooter.
Gtown has some great individual athletes on their squad.. but they just don't look like a basketball "team" to me just yet.. i dunno,something's missing.
And what's missing is in Seattle right now

nobody has a killer instinct on this team, Jeff was passive at times, but in a game like this he'd step up
Awful, guess you can't win them all in the BE. but still I'm sick of the falling apart 2nd half performances when we're not playing well

Pitt and Jamie Dixon have proved me wrong and hats off to them, I thought they'd fall apart without Cook and Fields
Nah, Pat is not a starter, he is a great 6th man...and Freeman needs to be on the court

But yeah, Jessie and Pat are the only 2 with heart right now
nobody has a killer instinct on this team, Jeff was passive at times, but in a game like this he'd step up
Kinda like he did in the Final Four right? And this game was at Pitt where dudes fold up like beach chairs. I doubt Jeff Green would have made adifference. Pitt just had more will to get it done. G-Town looks like a 2nd tier challenger this year.
I meant more on the rebounding interior side of things tonight, that's where he's been sorely missed so far. The offensive is still efficient withouthim..just a bad shooting night tonight. But he was our best rebounder and post defender and that's whats needed now

But How about against ND in the BET, or Vandy, or UNC? Or the game winner @ Nova last year

People can point to the OSU game and rightfully so, but Thad Matta coached his#$$% off and would not let Jeff beat him. Jt3 didn't make adjustments either

With Jeff who played within the system, there was nothing he could do, and the game woulda got out of hand had he tried forcing things.


Now a case can be made that in the system, we may never have a true, take over the game player.

But if the system was good enough for the Final 4, I don't doubt that its not good enough for a title

And a I agree, we clearly are a level below UNC, Memphis, Kansas, UCLA right now. But in a down Big East should still win it
I say Memphis and Kansas are 1,2...either way you wana put it...

and I think Kansas' frontline would give UNC and Hansbrough a whole lot of trouble
Kansas is looking like the best TEAM in the country right now. Very reminiscent to Florida last year. ANYBODY on this squad is capable of going for 20+ on agiven night but they play so fluid together they don't need a 20 point scorer to be successful. Team is fun to watch as well. College basketball is soweird this year because if UNC, Kansas, Memphis, and possibly UCLA, don't get to the final four I'd look at it as a dissapointment for any of thesefour teams, yet any of these teams could get knocked off by anybody in the top 48 I feel. The NCAA tourney is gonna be NUTS this year.
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