The Combat Jack Show Thread

:lol: Decisions...decisions. Angela Yee and her friends are definitely annoying as **** though. I'm not listening unless they get a really good guest.

Or you want to listen to her dodge every damn extreme sexual related question aimed her way.
:lol: Decisions...decisions. Angela Yee and her friends are definitely annoying as **** though. I'm not listening unless they get a really good guest.


shes tolerable on TBC but her voice is still annoying plus i'm not trying to hear them talk about a bunch of sex...probably won't listen but I like Po from what I saw on Lala's show

I listened to The No Filter Podcast and I rock with almost everything Aisha Thalia said. She mentioned a few books I've recently read/bought so that was great.
It's a sex podcast :lol:

And exactly what do you expect Po to talk about her music :rofl: She's La La's "lesbian" friend and that's it.
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Po seemed like she didn't know why she was there. At the beginning she seemed shocked they were talking about sex.

I'm not sure who Po is.

Yee asked what is the craziest thing sexually you've done, and then said I hadn't thought about it. And then once she did, it was nothing :stoneface:

I liked the Dru Ha episode of Juan Epstein, but it was pretty much an hour of nothing. It was entertaining though.

check out the podcast Waste of time with Itsthereal. First guest is Alchemist

I'll give it a listen.
I listen to a few other episodes of the new filter podcast and they are so whack. I'm so tired of these hosts talking about these secret *** baes. I don't care who they're dstijg but all the code words and **** is annoying.

They kept asking people what they need to masturbate and ****. I'm just nit with all the sex talk in my ears while I'm in the train or doing whatever.

I like podcass because it allows people to create a lane for themselves that traditional media doesn't but not everyone needs a podcast cuz you and your friends like to sit around and talk ****.
You going through a dry spell or something? :nerd:

Po was acting like that because she's dating a dude now. :lol:
Nah it's just corny to talk about every episode. It's something I notice mainly with shows that have men & women hosts it ALWAYS leads back to sex.
I listened to the No Filter with Aisha Thalia and it was cool. I can't believe she doesn't work out.

I think I'll listen to that based on the guest. I have no clue who the people are on the podcast or their voices. Which isn't good. They don't really have personalities and aren't identifiable.

And I agree with mytmouse76 mytmouse76 , they might need more male presence to even it up or diversify the subject matter.
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I have a feeling Aisha Thalia has had more work done than just her breasts...she has that standard issue IG honey hip area

You can get a general idea of the content judging by the name and's call the No Filter podcast with relatively young people living in Miami...

Same with Joe Budden...if you have access to social media you probably know what he's about. I mean dude's " hiatus" from recording the podcast is to film Couples Therapy with Kaitlin :rofl:

I have no expectations from these people including Yee or Brilliant Idiots...they aren't' exactly people of substance

I saw yesjulz post about No Filter twitter otherwise I wouldn't have known about it and I follow watchjazzy on Instagram :lol: She was/is on Youtube and did stuff with Spoken reasons back in the day never heard of the other 2

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Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcast
WTF with Marc Maron
Stuff You Should Know
TED Radio Hour
These Things Matter
You Made It Weird
Serial (of course)
The Champs (when they were active)
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Most of my podcast are sports or music related :lol:

I have other stuff like Ralph Nader's, NPR, Bill Maher and that I don't have time to get too a lot.

So these are instagram celebs who made a podcast with other instagram people as guest?

That explains Nerissa and DeDe on there.

I've seen the WatchJazzy chick from people reposting her talking

Not sure who yesjuelz is, but the body :nerd:
Is The Champs completely dead? They haven't dropped a podcast in months.:frown:

Bill Burr's Podcast is hilarious
The Joe Rogan Experience
Game of Thrones recap Podcasts
How Did This Get Made
Comedy Bang Bang
Ari Shaffir's Skeptic Tank

I pretty much just listen to comedy podcasts.:lol:
I listened to No filter & Joe Budden cuz they were posted in this thread. The Aisha episode was good & I knew who Yes Julz & Nessa Nefertiti were before this so I listened to those episodes. Got too birdy for me on the DedeOnTheBeach episode.

Julz looks good. I love women who rock short hair.

I didn't plan on listening to Budden but when there was mention of Bomani on his show I listened thinking he was a guest. It's not bad but it's not good. He's kinda late on the podcast train and like someone said you'd think he would've been on it sooner with his head start on YouTube.

I'm iffy on Charlemagne so I tried to get into Brilliant Idiots but I cannot stand Andrew with every fiber of my being. I heard him and his lady broke up and I don't know how she lasted as long as she did.

I listen to:
The Read - gossip/current event stuff
2 Guys & A Girl- same as the Read & both groups are all friends with each other. This is less "professional" though. They record separately and you can hear them chewing all in your ear.

The Evening Jones

Snap Judgment-probably my favorite. People tell their stories based on whatever the subject is that week.

This American Life. Same as Snap Judgment but I like Snap better for some reason.

Latino USA - someone RT an episode that featured Mero From Desus v Mero one day about Bodegas and I kept listening from there. It's from NPR like Snap but focuses on Latinos. Some serious topics some light hearted stuff.

Another Round- two black ladies that write for BuzzFeed. Some girls that talk about random stuff but it's not gossipy and ****.

MMHMM, Girl - two black girls from the Bay Area that talk about a lot of nothing but again they don't really do celebrity gossip so it's a break from that. Their identities are a secret.

The Dormtainment Podcast -they just started. They sit around and talk about whatever. It's just ok. I listen when I've listened to everything else.

Words With Friends. This is where I first heard of yesjulz. Jabari talks to his friends doing their thing in media/fashion/"influencer" types. I heard he's shooting a documentary right now so there hasn't been a new episode in months.
New Budden today

Co-sign on that ItsTheReal podcast... they had bodega bams on last week was good stuff.

Also like: Eddie Huang's Podcast and Chase 'n Cashe/ Tha Bizness new podcast: 

lil but on the conscious tip but good stuff.
Interesting to hear her timeline to getting to 105.1 always funny to hear Ebro low balling people just off the strength of Hot97's name and she wasn't impressed :lol:
It's too repetitive same jokes/stories and tough talk every episode. He's an odd combination of fake deep/smart

Him saying Joe Budden picked up kickball in rehab was pretty good though.
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I had to mute Tax on twitter cuz i thought he was whack and i don't like his sense of humor/keeping it real

i've listened to a few episodes cuz people liked the guests that were on but i didn't care for it...

I liked the Yee episode...i never heard her story before...only thing i knew is that she went into a lot of debt over buying shoes years ago.

how does how lame Rosenburg come up again? :lol: hes so annoying
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