The concept of "old enough" and "jailbait" is a manmade construct and therefore not valid

i've thought about this before and agree. i'm not saying they should go out and have sex but girls get their periods and boys testicles drop for areason, they are physically ready to procreate. even though that doesn't mean they are mentally ready i don't think that the state should be able todecide who is mentally ready or not by picking the number for the age of consent. however you also have to realize that if there was no age of consent a lotmore teenagers would be taken advantage of by adults and pressured into having sex. so i understand why they have the laws but i don't get why people aredisgusted by it because it is only natural.

grass on the field play ball
cherry red enough to pluck she ready to

I think all of the TwerkTeam is of age. I was just using her as an example if she was underage. I understand what you're getting at but you know if a 19-20yr. old came at your 15 daughter you wouldn't be havin it so in my mind if it's not appropriate for my kids its not appropriate for anyone.
I see what you saying OP, but the limit has to be made. If it wasn't a law for it some adult men would take advantage of these young girls, how hard wouldit be to manipulate them in to doing something that I honestly believe they're not ready for, besides being like 4 years older than a minor and wanting tohave sex with them is kind of sick to me
Back to my example

is totally of age

but to me if you're turned on by either of these photos, you are a perv.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

pics of who? Mizz Twerksum? Don't send me those! I don't want'em! But I'm sure she's over 18, I think she's the 1 out of all of them that's in college.

Replace Mother Nature in all of my posts with God, since he's the one who gaves girls periods because of Eve's trifflin %%$. Plus since he is the genesis of everything. If he says she's ready to go, who are we to argue?

Why everybody in the supermarket looking at me crazy because I copped the bananas that are yellow with still a hint of green hue like, "those aren't ready yet Datz, you can't eat those!" Mind your business lady, I'm trying to get the jonts that just turned fully yellow, like since I entered the store, not the ones that are super over yellow>brown>black, just because you know those are good because they're past their prime. Damn that.

He also said that premarital sex was/is a sin.
I think some 16 year olds aren't ready for sex the same way some 16 year olds aren't ready to drive... people age and mature differently.

I smashed a couple 16 year old girls when i was 19 that was more ready to @+#% than me.
Yo fam I don't even know if you are joking or being serious with half your posts
the reason for age of consent has more to do with the social consequences of lettin someone as young as 13 engage in sexual relations with any person of age.
Originally Posted by youngflykidchris

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

pics of who? Mizz Twerksum? Don't send me those! I don't want'em! But I'm sure she's over 18, I think she's the 1 out of all of them that's in college.

Replace Mother Nature in all of my posts with God, since he's the one who gaves girls periods because of Eve's trifflin %%$. Plus since he is the genesis of everything. If he says she's ready to go, who are we to argue?

Why everybody in the supermarket looking at me crazy because I copped the bananas that are yellow with still a hint of green hue like, "those aren't ready yet Datz, you can't eat those!" Mind your business lady, I'm trying to get the jonts that just turned fully yellow, like since I entered the store, not the ones that are super over yellow>brown>black, just because you know those are good because they're past their prime. Damn that.

He also said that premarital sex was/is a sin.
He also said it was an abomination to eat seafood.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]just thought i'd quote hisname[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]thats"DatZNasty"[/color]
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Back to my example

is totally of age

but to me if you're turned on by either of these photos, you are a perv.

I came across her once and was seriously disturbed anyone would be into that except 12 y/o's.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I'm just saying, back in the day they dug girls out as soon as they were ready, and who made that decision on their readiness? Well, Mother Nature of course. If man's ultimate purpose is to procreate and preserve the species, then a female is "ready" once she reaches puberty and begins her period, right? And then you have all the other physical clues, besides the obvious, to let you know.

The Greeks and Romans used to have sex with "underaged" females all the time, and we copy everything else from them.

Physiologically, there is probably difference between a "Recently ripe" vagina and a has been ripe for a while one, just like buying fruit. You don't get the black, rotten bananas because you know they been ripe for a long time.

And who is more the perv in this situation? Some anime fan who likes chics who happen to be in their 30s, but look, dress, act, and talk as if they're MUCH younger including baby talk during sex (this is FAR from rare by the way)


some dude who wants to smash Sexy1104 (
throwback reference), who happened to be 15 at the time, but is built and looks like a for damn sure adult?

I say the first dude.
A. Just cuz someone is capable of carrying a child doesn't mean they're ready to, or that very minute is the most biologicallyadvantageous period for them to. Underage women are a lot more likely to suffer from various birth complications.

B. Society's also come a long way from our primal days, when all we had to do was eat, sex, give birth, and avoid velociraptors.

People have careers now. Lives. Having children at age 12 doesn't help facilitate that.

There's a lot more STIs in the world now than there were in the past. Sex is a lot more dangerous. To help curb the spread of those diseases it'simportant to encourage people to not have sex until they're sexually mature (and that's directly correllated with age and the related mental state.)

C. The ancient Greeks and Romans also had sexual relations with underage boys...
I see where you are coming from, but the legal side has good reasons.

1) Men would be driving around the schools picking up girls.
2) Teen pregnancy would be off the charts because once girls hit that legal age, it would be "The thing to do".
3) If teen pregnancy was off the charts, dropouts would also be off the charts, not to mention welfare for tons for 15 y/o's.
4) Teacher/student affairs would be 100x worse than they are now.

Besides, asking a chick what she is going to be doing later because you want to hit and hearing "After I get done with my paper route, I am going toride my bike around the neighborhood with my BFF and possibly play some hopscotch" is NOT a good look and disgusting.

Plus, kids start doing things that are age restricted at ages younger then the law states. Drinking/smoking - 14-16. Now imagine if they have to start teachingsex education at a younger age - 10 y/o's are going to be wanting to know what all the hype is and start thinking "Well, if 15 y/o's can do it,then it must be cool".

Basically, it all comes down to one word: MATURITY
Kids that young are not mature enough to handle a mature matter.
Originally Posted by 0cks

Yo fam I don't even know if you are joking or being serious with half your posts
I'm saying. You've been saying some pretty stupid things lately.
DatZNasty wrote:
What's Barrack's email address? I'm sending him this link, is the convention just like all the other Army ones? [email protected]?


Do you honestly think that a man with 2 young daughters is going to even take something like this serious? Please tell me that you are not being serious..

I have 2 young daughters also, and if I caught you with either of them before they turned 17, I would knock your teeth out, boss. Matter of fact, even if youwere the same age, I would still knock them out. Having sex at a young age is basically putting the rest your life on the line for a drastic change mentallyand/or physically. (Mind state/STDs/pregnancy)
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I'm just saying, back in the day they dug girls out as soon as they were ready, and who made that decision on their readiness? Well, Mother Nature of course. If man's ultimate purpose is to procreate and preserve the species, then a female is "ready" once she reaches puberty and begins her period, right? And then you have all the other physical clues, besides the obvious, to let you know.

The Greeks and Romans used to have sex with "underaged" females all the time, and we copy everything else from them.

Physiologically, there is probably difference between a "Recently ripe" vagina and a has been ripe for a while one, just like buying fruit. You don't get the black, rotten bananas because you know they been ripe for a long time.

And who is more the perv in this situation? Some anime fan who likes chics who happen to be in their 30s, but look, dress, act, and talk as if they're MUCH younger including baby talk during sex (this is FAR from rare by the way)


some dude who wants to smash Sexy1104 (
throwback reference), who happened to be 15 at the time, but is built and looks like a for damn sure adult?

I say the first dude.
A. Just cuz someone is capable of carrying a child doesn't mean they're ready to, or that very minute is the most biologically advantageous period for them to. Underage women are a lot more likely to suffer from various birth complications. Underage women are most likely to have a perfect pregnancy under normal physical conditions. Biologically speaking, they are entirely ready. Sociological views on when someone is ready to carry a child are the basis of what DatzNasty is getting at, how society constructs values surrounding these to the point where our ideologies no longer have any attachment to biology.

B. Society's also come a long way from our primal days, when all we had to do was eat, sex, give birth, and avoid velociraptors. Again, the talk is really about the difference between the suggested proper societal age for intercourse and the scientifically provable stage of development where true reproduction is possible.

People have careers now. Lives. Having children at age 12 doesn't help facilitate that. The question of money isn't one that should really determine the answer to this at all.

There's a lot more STIs in the world now than there were in the past. Sex is a lot more dangerous. To help curb the spread of those diseases it's important to encourage people to not have sex until they're sexually mature (and that's directly correllated with age and the related mental state.) Well sexual maturity occurs before the age of 14, so physically speaking, that's when you should start by your thoughts. There's no "direct corelation" between mental maturity and physical maturity, and that is exactly what DatzNasty is getting at. People don't realize that there are two completely separate sets of rules that govern sexuality. Either society convinces you of its ideology, or science convinces you through provable truth.

C. The ancient Greeks and Romans also had sexual relations with underage boys... People still do that today, you should never use cases that deviate from common society to prove an example, it doesn't speak for the majority of society.
Get at me about what you think about these ideas op, i think it's what you're getting at.
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