The concept of "old enough" and "jailbait" is a manmade construct and therefore not valid

Tags : r kelly, science, chris hansen, age of consent of consent/
No lie I would smash a 16 year old ....... only if they were mentally ready and socially acceptable

BUT since that is not the case.... I will not partake in that activity. THat means possible jail time and maybe a brutal anal pounding in jail.

16+ year old women (if you want to call them that) are very much ready for sex, well not every 16 year old but most. THey have all the signs a man can look forin a possible mate.

The booty is on point and all the characteristics of a woman are there. Even tho they might look ready for a smashing they are not MENTALLY ready.

If I had a dollar for every underage girl I have went up to thinking they were 18+ I would be a millionare. I mean as soon as you talk to them you KNOW theyare under age. THe tone of voice and the overal quality of conversation is not the same

I could not really smash an underage broad cause it would really feel like taking advantage of a child, because they do indeed sound like children when youtalk to them.

So NO, smashing a girl under age 17-18 is not acceptable.
side note tho... thats Just not the business. Not right at all broski.
Every way and everything that help us make sense of the world are culturally constructed,
not just the case of underage girls and that old enough approach.
In the end, there is no justification for piping girls who just got back from recess.
Honestly, there is nothing inherently wrong with a guy in his 20's or even older having consensual sex with a 16 or 17 year old young women. I know themost commo nargument is that she is too young to understand the gravity of her decsions.

The first flaw with that argument is that sex being something of such importance is a cultural construct, other cultures take it much less seriously.

Second, if sex can only happen if mboth partners are equally as mature and posses an equally accute understandin gof the opposite sex, we would die off asspecies because such match is difficult to find.

Finally, there is nothing that will cause pregnancy or STD in a 17 year old as in a 27 year old. If a women does not understand and/or refuses to use birthcontrol at 17, she is likely to never understand or use it.

Sex with children is deplorable, disguisting, vile and should be illegal. Sex with a consenting women is not any of those things and biologically a women islargly the same when she is 16 compared to when she is 18.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Honestly, there is nothing inherently wrong with a guy in his 20's or even older having consensual sex with a 16 or 17 year old young women. I know the most commo nargument is that she is too young to understand the gravity of her decsions.

The first flaw with that argument is that sex being something of such importance is a cultural construct, other cultures take it much less seriously.

Second, if sex can only happen if mboth partners are equally as mature and posses an equally accute understandin gof the opposite sex, we would die off as species because such match is difficult to find.

Finally, there is nothing that will cause pregnancy or STD in a 17 year old as in a 27 year old. If a women does not understand and/or refuses to use birth control at 17, she is likely to never understand or use it.

Sex with children is deplorable, disguisting, vile and should be illegal. Sex with a consenting women is not any of those things and biologically a women is largly the same when she is 16 compared to when she is 18.
His argument isn't a 16 year old young woman (the age 16 is also a culturally constructed arbitrarily chosen number) but rather girls who arephysically capable of reproducing, in other words have begun menstruating -- largely 12 and 13 year old girls.

And the human race extinction argument shouldn't even be a consideration here, because the human race numbers in the billions and faces no naturalpredators. We can afford to be more selective in copulation.
Ok, so you must also agree homosexuality is okay too since the romans and greeks were cool about it.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Ok, so you must also agree homosexuality is okay too since the romans and greeks were cool about it.

Well technically in most Roman and Greek societies homosexuality was "deplored." Anal sodomy was punishable by death.

They were just all about the "molestation" and man love.

They invented bro'ing out if you will.
Just googled some stuff on the Greeks touching little boys, see my avatar. I do not approve, plus obviously that has no function as it relates to prreservationof the species.

There are, indeed, a great many pictures on vases that show how an older lover, the erastes, courts a boy, the eromenos. They appear not to be of the same age: the erastes has a beard and plays an active role, whereas the adolescent has no beard and remains passive. He will never take an initiative, looks shy, and is believed not to have enjoyed the sexual union. His older lover reached an orgasm by anal or intercrural contact. ("Intercrural" means that the erastes moved his penis between the boy's thighs.) on a vase, you will never see a boy with an erection, even when his erastes touches his genitals. It is assumed by many modern scholars that as soon as the adolescent had a beard, the love affair had to be finished. He had to find an eromenos of his own.

See avatar; not DatZNasty approved.

But on the jailbaits thing, though I pejoratively refer to it as a social construct having no basis in provable reality, and therefore labeling those whofollow it as mindless and sheep, obviously I live in society so whether we agree or not, it's something we all have to comply with or face whatever thatsame society deems appropriate repercussion.

And you don't have to worry. I'm not saying I'm lurking in the trees with candy and video games trying to lure the recently developed. I was justsaying, sex is one place (out as many as someone mentioned) where we let religion and societal norms dictate our judgements on things despite provable science(i.e period, puberty- why do you think the hips are one of the first things to develop?)
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Honestly, there is nothing inherently wrong with a guy in his 20's or even older having consensual sex with a 16 or 17 year old young women. I know the most commo nargument is that she is too young to understand the gravity of her decsions.

The first flaw with that argument is that sex being something of such importance is a cultural construct, other cultures take it much less seriously.

Second, if sex can only happen if mboth partners are equally as mature and posses an equally accute understandin gof the opposite sex, we would die off as species because such match is difficult to find.

Finally, there is nothing that will cause pregnancy or STD in a 17 year old as in a 27 year old. If a women does not understand and/or refuses to use birth control at 17, she is likely to never understand or use it.

Sex with children is deplorable, disguisting, vile and should be illegal. Sex with a consenting women is not any of those things and biologically a women is largly the same when she is 16 compared to when she is 18.

I agree. Course, I cant bother to say this because everyone would think im crazy/ a pedophile because its against the "law".
You'd probably be right if we were still living in a hunter/gatherer society...but really...we've progressed(and in some ways regressed) beyond that.
And they had shorter lifespans then so they couldn't waste time of available fertility waiting for them to reach some arbitrarily selected age. But I wassurprised this post didn't get locked or take a turn for the worse. I tried to avoid it, that's why I didn't post my antithesis to the Lupe picture(adult but looks jailbait), because that would obviously be posting like a 15yo who people want to beat.
I had a question and as naive as it may sound someone answer.
I heard there was a 3 year rule when a guy reaches a certain age..

If he is 18 the youngest is 15
19 16
20 17
21 18

Is there any truth to that?
Originally Posted by cucumbercool

I had a question and as naive as it may sound someone answer.
I heard there was a 3 year rule when a guy reaches a certain age..

If he is 18 the youngest is 15
19 16
20 17
21 18

Is there any truth to that?

I dont understand why you're asking, and if it's because there's a girl you're scouting, i'd strongly suggest against it.

There is no 3-year-rule.

A lot of jurisdictions (states) in the US have 4 year rules that are the difference between 2nd degree rape (statutory rape) and the less minor but stillserious offense of sexual assault.

for example: in New York the age of consent is 17. If you have sex with a girl under the age of 14, it's child molestation, no matter what. If you havesex with a girl between the ages of 14-17 and you're exactly 4 or less years older than her (i.e. shes 14 and 1 day old and you're exactly 18 years and1 day old or younger, but still older than her, then it is sexual assault.) If she's 16 and 364 days old and you're EXACTLY 21, it's stillstatutory rape, and a strict liability crime in most states.

Meaning it doesn't matter if she told you she was of age, showed you a fake id, and you HONESTLY believed she was older. It's still rape.


To discourage people from having sex with underage girls and to encourage them being more scrupulous when picking your partners.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

The fact that they aren't making smart decisions at such an alarming rate shows they aren't ready. I saw the pics but that don't still doesn't mean she's fair game if she's under 18.
pretty much
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