The CONFESSIONS thread Vol.. bout damn time!

I've def asked that question on some playin-half-serious-just-2-see-what-she-say tip before a couple times...and she always look me right in my eye and say'of course'...which I know is by far the softest thing I've ever fixed my fingers 2 type, but neway I know she's here 4 the duration if I wanther 2 be, and some deep, romantic-comedy type place in my soul wants her 2 be...but most of me is scared $#!+less by that kind of commitment, which I guess iswhy I do what I do extracurricularly...which is stupid, but...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

my girlfriend an I of 4 years are doin terrible right now. rocky as hell. its like we cant stand each other but were afraid to leave each other.
tough it out bro...
real talk..maybe you guys need it some time thats in it for the long run
Originally Posted by potus2028

I've def asked that question on some playin-half-serious-just-2-see-what-she-say tip before a couple times...and she always look me right in my eye and say 'of course'...which I know is by far the softest thing I've ever fixed my fingers 2 type, but neway I know she's here 4 the duration if I want her 2 be, and some deep, romantic-comedy type place in my soul wants her 2 be...but most of me is scared $#!+less by that kind of commitment, which I guess is why I do what I do extracurricularly...which is stupid, but...
I've done this #%@% too, but the difference between me and my boys (ya'll
) is that I'mnot really scared of that type of thing. I welcome it. The only thing is that I'm not where I want to be in life yet. Hell, dudes can't be playersALL they daddy still is a rollin stone and everything he did is coming back to bite him in the !%%. I really don't wanna go out like that, realtalk. I've always been that type of dude whose dream was to get married, have kids, lead a family, etc...that's just me. Especially coming from ahousehold where you NEVER saw a commitment move past the boyfriend/girlfriend stage. I'm tryna break the cycle, feel me?

Another confession:
- I'm either in love with this certain female, or it's a [color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]REALLY STRONG[/color] "like," but Ican't shake the feeling that she thinks I'm weird as hell for telling her how I feel.
More random thoughts and confessions... I really do love this stuff

- I've only "liked" maybe 3 girls since highschool, if that. I mean, yeah it's attractive women all around and it's great personalitiesall around, but they never mesh the way they should. She's never AS funny or AS cute or AS... whatever. One of those girls I have yet to meet in person.. Iknow rii?

-I'm addicted to stimulation. I don't know how to NOT-be doing SOMETHING. and when I'm not stimulated, I get REALLY %$!!%% up out of boredom. Thatreally scares me. I don't wanna be like this. I leave class everyday after 10 minutes cuz I can't sit still. I'm still passing but damn. And weedhas started to open some gates. Lucky me, I made a promise to my dying mother to not do anything hard-hard.... but since then I've killed over 50 Xanaxes,100 vicodens, a few Percs, and I just had Prometh for the first time Sat. night. I like to think that that isn't a lot and that it isn't too bad... butI promised man...I PROMISED...

-I may be bi-polar... I just don't SNAP OFF like they do. I'm too pensive for that. I know my emotions all too well. But I am quick to go into arage.... I just haven't bodied any one, yet. I contain myself when I'm mad. I shut off all stimulation -- that goes for conversation, TVs, radios,THOUGHTS...whatever. Then I sit there and simmer and rock back and forth and wait for it to pass slooooooooooowly. It's like I log out and log back in whenI'm "normal" again. A couple of times people have taken that as a sign of weakness and tried to !$%+ with me while I was trying to "getaway" from it all. I almost jammed my switchblade into my brother's chest while he was driving but my friend's lil sister was in the back seat andshe was "innocent" so to speak.. Thank God I have a partial conscience. I'm so glad I didn't do it now.

-I like causing pain...

-I have a low tolerance for pain... yeah... that means I don't fight unless I HAVE to but I WILL shoot you in a hurry. Real talk.

-I've been VERY forgetful since.... I forgot when.

-Sometimes my emotions effect the way I LITERALLY view the world. When I'm depressed, things move slower and seem more bland and greyish. When I'm mad,I drive 80 through school zones and everything pulsates and has an ominous glow... I'm crazy, I know. The day I realized, like REALLY realized mom wasdying -- time stopped. There was no wind and the clouds stood still and I was driving down 35th towards Chase (From Burger King) and I felt like I was movingin place, going nowhere. I'll never forget that moment, ever. My life has never been the same. I grew all the way up right then and there, on 35th ave.It's moments like these that make me question this reality...

-I'm running out of straight sexual activities to try.. I got like 2 or 3 more things I can think of before I've done every freaky, nasty, pornstarthing you can think of...then what? I'm scared I'll get bored with sex. I'm already kinda bored with sex. I've posted a couple times that onceI get TO the goods, I'm pretty much content. The hunt is all that really interests me at times. I don't even be hungry. All I know is that I'm notgonna be Hugh Heff -- JOin to gay porn and stuff. Nah, not me.. couldn't be me.. (HOOTIE HOO!)

-I kinda wanna know what human flesh tastes like

-I had sex with a 15 year old.... but I was 17 and she SAID she was 17 at the time...and I believed her... or at least I wanted to...yeah, I believed her... Ithink... no I didn't.

-I found out the wrong way that sex is WAAAAAAAY better at the end of the's cuz shorties get STOOPID horny and BEGGGGGGG for the pole andthat's a huge turn on for me. Then they go crazy when you slam it cuz their nerves are going haywire down there....and it's really "wet" ifthat's what you wanna call it.... just don't breathe through your nose.....................
I disgust myself at times...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Another confession:
- I'm either in love with this certain female, or it's a [color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]REALLY STRONG[/color] "like," but I can't shake the feeling that she thinks I'm weird as hell for telling her how I feel.
dog, just leave [color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]Amerie[/color] alone....

you're obviously creeping her out...

That ain't who I'm talkin bout though.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by potus2028

I've def asked that question on some playin-half-serious-just-2-see-what-she-say tip before a couple times...and she always look me right in my eye and say 'of course'...which I know is by far the softest thing I've ever fixed my fingers 2 type, but neway I know she's here 4 the duration if I want her 2 be, and some deep, romantic-comedy type place in my soul wants her 2 be...but most of me is scared $#!+less by that kind of commitment, which I guess is why I do what I do extracurricularly...which is stupid, but...
I've done this #%@% too, but the difference between me and my boys (ya'll
) is that I'm not really scared of that type of thing. I welcome it. The only thing is that I'm not where I want to be in life yet. Hell, dudes can't be players ALL they daddy still is a rollin stone and everything he did is coming back to bite him in the !%%. I really don't wanna go out like that, real talk. I've always been that type of dude whose dream was to get married, have kids, lead a family, etc...that's just me. Especially coming from a household where you NEVER saw a commitment move past the boyfriend/girlfriend stage. I'm tryna break the cycle, feel me?

Another confession:
- I'm either in love with this certain female, or it's a [color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]REALLY STRONG[/color] "like," but I can't shake the feeling that she thinks I'm weird as hell for telling her how I feel.

You already know fam... You already... and AJ, just be CAREFUL. There's two types of down +%% chicks. There's the type that got ya back forever, nomatter how many times you #$$@ up. Then there's the type that got ya back longer than forever, but you can't #$$@ her over or she'll bounce on yo+%%. Both types deserve better than your after school activities, and you know that. Which type do you have? I've watched my fam lose aGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAAAAAAAAAAAT girl cuz he got caught up, and likewise my other fam could #$$@ as many other !%!% as he wanted and his girl ain't gon do#@+% but cry and accept it. You know you should treat her better cause you're a real __ and us real __s know thesethings..............................................................butifyougetcaughtwillyougetawaywithit?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

-I kinda wanna know what human flesh tastes like

-I found out the wrong way that sex is WAAAAAAAY better at the end of the's cuz shorties get STOOPID horny and BEGGGGGGG for the pole and that's a huge turn on for me. Then they go crazy when you slam it cuz their nerves are going haywire down there....and it's really "wet" if that's what you wanna call it.... just don't breathe through your nose.....................
I disgust myself at times...


I know man... Just for clarity, I've never ASKED for the goods at the end of the month, but in the past a few GFs have LAUNCHED it at me. Hey, I likeaggressive broads.... I asked some married buddies of mine if they'd ever done it and BOTH of them... 34 years old and 48 years old... said "Are youserious? That's what the towel is for" and laughed. So I figured, meh...join the club. As or human flesh... I have no explanation besides me beingcrazy and curious. My bad.
Originally Posted by PicknRoll

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by PicknRoll

I had sex with a 14 yr dont wanna know how old I am..

Originally Posted by PicknRoll


Damn son, damn.
but you know what the sad part is..............


I hope you go to jail.

Like seriously.

That #@#% ain't even funny.


Pick & Roll:


Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Chico Dusty

Aiight ... Aint the first time I've been tardy.

My turn in a min. BRB ...

All gravy.. I'm just chastising for the hell of it.. make it a spicy post fam.
I'm diggin in the crates as I type. Readin what P&Roll typed threw me off a bit ... Dude is uh -uh.
Originally Posted by Chico Dusty

Aiight ... Aint the first time I've been tardy.

My turn in a min. BRB ...

All gravy.. I'm just chastising for the hell of it.. make it a spicy post fam.
-currently deployed in iraq wasting time. next time ill make it harder for them to find me.
-im torn between 2 chicks right now. my female best friend that i can see myself with forever & this model chick that probably wont last no longer then 6months after i hit

-i use fresh clothing and nikes to cover up whats inside
-im really my only competition.
-i choose to slack so that my boys dont feel like im shinnin on them
-poppa was a rollin stone. momma was a cordless phone.
-grandmother and aunt were drunks.
-granddad and unkle were crackheads.
-older sister still drinks and she use to be a stripper.

-who do you look up to when ur better then ur idols?
I'm too chicken to tell a good friend that I really really really like her cuz I'm scared how it might turn out.

I'm convinced that the girls that are from around here have no morals and/or nothing to offer me.

College isn't how I imagined it would be.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

I'm too chicken to tell a good friend that I really really really like her cuz I'm scared how it might turn out.
I was just in your shoes not too long ago.
Why? consider the facts...

I'm 20, in college, on the brink of musical success, employed, damn near married, and I survived what may be the toughest thing many people could everendure -- watching my mother slowly, painfully die of ALS. What else? Hmm... my last day as teenager I beat the %%+% outta some guy in the mall cuz he wasbeating on the sales lady in the store. I have an IQ above 140 AND I'm hood as #*$! at the same time so I could have sold crack or cracked the human genomeif I wanted to. Not to mention I have 13 pages worth of e-fame. I'm practically a God to you.

Just playing bruh. Get ya Michael Jackson on.

Lighten up.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

I'm too chicken to tell a good friend that I really really really like her cuz I'm scared how it might turn out.
I was just in your shoes not too long ago.
what happened?

I don't want her to say no and avoid me/look at me differently. But I don't want her to say yes and then if something bad happens between us then wenever speak/don't stay friends.
for the past few weeks I've been talkin to this girl from my high school and we got really close. I liked her and she liked me. I wanted to be with her sobadly but she didn't want a relationship and I did. One day we were chillin, everything was going perfect when out of no where she hits me with the Idon't wana be in a relationship smack to the face. I took that so bad And to be honest that $#@% hurt. We still kinda talk now but the relationship neverbe the same and that upsets me to the point that thinking about her and talking to her makes me angry and depressed. Damn :-(
I lose interest in women too fast, mostly after I smash.

I don't know why, it's been this way since the 10th grade...

guess I haven't found the right one... or due to the slim pickings round here...
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