The CONFESSIONS thread Vol.. bout damn time!

I have some more:

-Of the last 6 girls I messed with; two are 17, and the other two are 18 (the two remaining girls are 21 [ex's]). I'm 21 BTW.
-I never loved a girl, I just lie and say I do.
-I'm now also messing with two ex's.
-I can't see myself in a healthy relationship for a long time.
-I'm not really into black or filipino girls, I favor Latin and White girls (my family would kill me if they knew this).
-I'm not really too close to my friends now (although I'm going with them to Vegas on the 14-16th).
-I truthfully want to meet new friends.
-I've been going out on my own a lot lately, because of this I think my friends know I'm putting them in the back-burner.
-I'm not nearly as happy or confident in myself as I was 6 months ago, I think it has something to do with me quiting dr0.
• i have been clinically depressed for the last 4 months yet I refuse to get help.
• I still love HER even tho she played me for the last 2 years and is the reason for my depression
• I'm homophobic towards gay guys
• I hate my life
• Theres this friend I would like to date but I'm afraid to tell her
• Almost all my friends have left me/I left them
• my height bothers me cuz I'm short
• I don't think I will ever accomplish my dreams/goals in life

this is a great thread, keep it alive, I'll be back with more...
=I talk to a lot of girls at once, if i can't find one who meets all my wifey criteria... and whenever i hang out with one, i don't text or call any ofthe other ones... the next day, i make up some elaborate +%* story that makes them think "well that just HAS to be true... it's such a wildstory"... it seemingly always works...

=If given the chance, i would smash my sister's best friend... she's only 16 but i honestly don't even care... i would thrash that chick...

=I'm gonna smash my cousin's girlfriend soon and he doesn't even know it...

=I moved back home at the end of June and I've been telling everybody that I've been hard at work looking for a job, but i've honestly beenspending most of my time playing games online and trying to meet girls off the internet...

=I'm not as sweet and innocent as females think I am...

=I'm scared to have kids because I feel like I could end up being as bad a father as mine was... and that scares the +%%@ outta me... couple that with thefact that everybody assumes i'm going to be a good father and i'm scared i won't live up to their expectations...

=I watch too much HGTV... it's really the only reason I want a house... just so I can decorate it and invite people over to chill... lol...

=I tell females to ride me because it feels the best but honestly, i'm just lazy and I prefer it that way...

=If i had $2,000 right now, I'd buy a TV, a PS3, some sneakers and get my sleeve finished... even though I have a lot of bills and credit issues I need totake care of... not to mention, I owe lots of money to people but i would get all that stuff and have no problem flaunting it in front of all of their faces...

=I'm envious of my little brother because he was everything I wish I could have been in high school...

=I really wanna smash a white chick... just once...

=My great-aunt died a week ago and i really didn't feel bad upon hearing the news... her funeral was this Saturday and i didn't even go because i choseto hang out with this chick i met off the internet...

=I smashed this chick who pretty much repulses me in every way... i don't even like being around her but to fool myself into thinking i'm still a goodguy, i hang out with her every two weeks and pretend to enjoy it... luckily i'll be going off to college soon (AGAIN!) and i won't have to deal withher anymore...

=I've met some really good females in the past couple months, but I'm scared to get into anything serious with them because of what happened to me thelast time I tried to get serious with a girl... not to mention, i still want this girl and i feel like if i get into a relationship with somebody else, theni'm definitely never going to be with her because she'll think my feelings have changed...

=I need to use condoms more often... i used to be such an advocate of safe sex but me and my ex never used condoms and i got used to going in raw... and nowit's hard for me to use them with anybody even knowing the risks...

=One time, i smacked my sister because she made me mad... i still regret that one...

=I tell females all the time that I've been celibate since January just so that they think i'm a good, honest and pure guy... in all honesty, i'vehad more sex this year than ever before...

I'll have more later if this doesn't get locked...
Honestly even though I know I'm not that attractive .. I feel like I'm THAT dude recently

Schools goin so well, probably 3.75 after first ever college semester on some hard %$% classes .. Got other dudes mad at me for gettin buns from they girl ..Doin big things at a new school, %%$! is goin well

And I now realize that marijuana just makes me appreciate everything in my life so much more, I ain't a heavy time smoker by any means .. But I think itsway too great of a hobby to not take up full time.

Also took an Adderall for the first timethis week.

But it was because the night before I spent $80 at a bar ..
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i'm getting lazier and lazier by the day...

really feelin this ___ sleep next to me right now...

actually scares me but i guess i'll take a chance...if it doesn't work out i'm switching to girls...

the last part was a joke...

Uh oh, she said "switching to girls"

Time for all the younger gentlemen to post their smoking hats and devil faces.
-ive cut off many of my friends either because they have issues with me or i have issues with them. i went from having 7 or 8 close friends to 3.

-i steal sunglasses from sunglass hut since it is so easy (theyre not locked up in a case)

-im brutally honest to people and dont care what others think, which gets me labelled as an a-hole.

-i often dislike people because they hold opinions that i disagree with.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by PicknRoll

I had sex with a 14 yr dont wanna know how old I am..

Originally Posted by PicknRoll


Damn son, damn.
but you know what the sad part is..............


Originally Posted by PicknRoll

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by PicknRoll

I had sex with a 14 yr dont wanna know how old I am..

Originally Posted by PicknRoll


Damn son, damn.
but you know what the sad part is..............


You sick ***%.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by PicknRoll

I had sex with a 14 yr dont wanna know how old I am..

Originally Posted by PicknRoll


Damn son, damn.
DUDE, that is not cool. I don't even have a gif to express the level of disappointment and disapproval I feel towards you rightnow.
You couldn't wait anextra year for her 15th birthday.
-im screwing up in school so bad i kno it and im not doing anything about it first year of college btw
-currently leading on a girl who i have no intentions of getting with
-cut off the ex today because she was trying to play me, i really liked that girl
-current girl im feeling has a boyfriend and i dont wanna mess with that, karma is a @¡$#£ and i have bad experiences with girls in relationships
-ive been smoking alot lately
-ive been doing graffiti for 2 years now, i kno its wrong but i love it, got arrested for it 3 weeks ago but im not stopping, just got back from painting
-thats it for now
-dont really kno if i wanna be wit my current gf at the moment... i love her... but its too many girls to give up at college..
-im startin to feel this girl right now but idk where thats gonna go or what ima say to my girl now
-i talk to chicks on myspace and facebook for sport... not intentions of messin wit em or anything... but just do it cuz i can
-still not sure bout my gf cuz we've been through too much stuff
-im messin up in school... but too lazy to do anything about it... and its almost the end of the semester... prolly gonna have to change my major even tho idont want to
-I hate putting stress on my mom to help pay for school... especially when im not doin as good as a could and my deadbeat father isnt helpin financially in anyway shape or form
-I enjoy playing guitar hero
-I lie alot

there's more... haha this takes away a little bit of stress gettin it off ya chest
i really can't see myself going to 4 years of college and i think it will better suite me to drop out and find something i'm passionate about.
and i love to eat the box
a few years back i was seeing this chick and of course there was the hot co-worker. Need less to say I was tapping both of them.

but the confession is;

one day I hit my ex- girlfriend but then i got that phone call from the other chick. She needed help with something.

So I ended up sleeping with both of them on the sme day without taking a bath. I didnt have time. I know gross

But i feel okay, because that doesnt seem half as bad as some of the other stories on this thread.
My boy just passed and it questions what's real in this life of mine in ours. You realize a lot of stuff is fantasy and bs. You realize who your friendsare, and who is right for you relationship wise.

I'm lazy. lol
-i have a crush on a personal trainer at my local gym

-i have a weakness for guys that are fit or buff
1) today two of my male friends told me that i wear my ovaries on the outside and come across as really tough. but i'm really a softy

2) i have a few guys on deck but they are batting .150 and the only person i'm interested in is playing a completely different sport
.and no he is not playing for the other team

3) i really only care about myself.

4) i'm extremely apathetic. i truly do not give a @@*# about anything.

5) i am interested in people and then when things start to get serious i completely lose interest. i'm like @@*# this *!##. maybe this has something to dowith #s 4 & 5

6) i've learned the hard way that everyone %*!%% you over so i don't trust anyone. ever.

7) i'm pretty sure this is called alcoholism.

8.) and although all my confessions make me seem like i'd be a bitter person, i am extremely happy and positive. i guess it's just inherent.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

1) today two of my male friends told me that i wear my ovaries on the outside and come across as really tough. but i'm really a softy

2) i have a few guys on deck but they are batting .150 and the only person i'm interested in is playing a completely different sport

3) i really only care about myself.

4) i'm extremely apathetic. i truly do not give a @@*# about anything.

5) i am interested in people and then when things start to get serious i completely lose interest. i'm like @@*# this *!##. maybe this has something to do with #s 4 & 5

6) i've learned the hard way that everyone %*!%% you over so i don't trust anyone. ever.

7) i'm pretty sure this is called alcoholism.

8.) and although all my confessions make me seem like i'd be a bitter person, i am extremely happy and positive. i guess it's just inherent.
hes gay?

Damn, PicknRoll...that was an ineligible reciever, and you know it...

not even fam I aint know how old she was before hand

so I beat......found out her age.............

then smashed again
- I dubbed with my cousin before and I'm pretty sure she felt my throbbing erection threw her pants

-I cant go a day with fappin..the fap game is like the crack game

-I was on the FBI watch-list and if my mum wasnt cool with someone from the PD....

-When it comes to females if she doesnt let me beat in a week I drop her

-Some females only use me for sex and I'm not bothered by it

-Girls tell me I'm too attractive to be messing with such JO's

-I adore BBW pr0n
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