The CONFESSIONS thread Vol.. bout damn time!

- I wish i could redo my years at FAMU
- My ex texts me once every blue moon just to say hi, but i always respond who is this because her number is not in my phone anymore
- My lack of trust and patience is keeping me from having a girlfriend.
- I am to selfish
- I don't want to have anything to do with my father even though he lives 10 mins away from me
- Im falling out of love with hard liquor. Moreso casual drinking now.
- After college, I find myself prank calling my friends from school talking about old times.
- I have a thing for girls with freckles
- I still go to Detroit Lion games ..... :smh
- I often wonder are their any good women left after everything i have seen
- I wasted 2 years of football elgibility
Paid that rent, so I'm still going have a place to stay. But dammit if I don't feel like * literally I'm so out of it..

-i love my job and I hope they promote me. But either way, I love it. They let me do whatever the %%$! I want..

-i love this hurts me that were on a break and I wanna be with her, but its just all coming to a head...
dope thread, especially when listening to "welcome to heartbreak"

- I am too insecure
- I know Im not ready for college next year
- I haven't had a girlfriend in 3 years
- I don't have any feelings for these random chicks i hook up with
- I feel excluded from my old group of friends
-I still have feelings for this chick i got real close with last year, and she doesn't know
-i steal my breakfast wrap tues/thurs from the deli at school
- my volleyball season is almost over, its my senior year...i thought i was going to be devastated when my athletic career was over, but i honestly can'twait
- i havent talked to my father in any way, shape, or form in almost 6 years. i honestly dont want to, but he's been offering hella money, so i dunno
- i borderline hate one of my housemates, but i cant be mean to her up front, so i have to subliminally sabotage her days
I'll play along..

-I don't have too many friends anymore..i really believe that my girl is my best friend and her family and my family will never do me wrong so i stay bythem the most..
-I kinda feel like i do not want to become a teacher anymore and get into politics just because i feel like i can make a difference one day..
-I am not lookin forward to when my grandparents pass on..they do so much for me it's not even i try to go to NYC pretty much twice a month so ican see them..cause i never know when there gonna b gone..
-I hate when people cheat on their boyfriends/girlfriends but they do not "remember" it based on the fact that they were drunk the previousnight..that is one of the lamest excuses ever..and it really annoys me..*did not happen to me by the way*
i have only one true friend that i can talk to about anything
i've haven't been myself lately ( regretting everything, depressed, frustrated with anything/ anyone)
i'm feel so lonely even though i have great family/friends.
i try to show that nothing is wrong but i feel like i'm dying inside.
i need a girl
I dislike animals...Ive ran over and killed several cats and one dog and kept going.

I'm very mean...i like making fun of people when we hang out but only do so if i have an audience.

My sister works at a bar...and i exploit the fact that she is my sister by not paying for a single drink all night.

I know in my heart i can never own a firearm...because i get stupid drunk and would find myself shooting at cars and random objects.

I'm white and can only dance when im in black/spanish bars/clubs.
Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

Paid that rent, so I'm still going have a place to stay. But dammit if I don't feel like * literally I'm so out of it..

-i love my job and I hope they promote me. But either way, I love it. They let me do whatever the %%$! I want..

-i love this hurts me that were on a break and I wanna be with her, but its just all coming to a head...

Good %!@@ Court... you had me worried G....

Hey NT, me and shorty are back together....
Originally Posted by PicknRoll

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Black Milk

real talk, no $%*+@#@!, i lost my virginity at age 13 to my 15 year old cousin
till this day, we vowed to not even speak on it..ever..

why is this .gif so funny

- i eat raw pasta everyday
- avoid fast food now, after taking a health course and really soaking up what is taught
- i'm a loner, in my 20's and i don't see myself finding 'that girl'
- hard to trust anybody after the knowledge i've accumulated in my life
- i strive for mass wealth and knowledge
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

dare I say, break up and a make up?

I don't wanna talk about mines....smh

I play my hand well, partner. Your story?........ come onnnnnnnnnnnn............ (Peer pressure, PEER PRESSURE!)
Ehh, why not...I'm procrastinating, so I might as well post in here

-My self-esteem/swag is improving, but it's still fairly low...I never hold myself to the same level as most of my peers...
-95% of people think I'm really, really shy, but it's really more lack of self-esteem more than anything. If I feel comfortable, I'm still a bitshy, but I definitely don't hold anything back.
-I feel like my college life has been ruined by my suitemates from freshman year...not really their fault, but it's just that I felt that I could get byjust by knowing them...but then they backstabbed me in a housing situation once we moved off-campus and I haven't talked to them since.
-Right now there's only like 1-2 people I'm talking with on a daily basis in college.
-My apartment-mates probably think I'm a super-shy nerd as I never leave my room when I'm here-but I'm always studying or...on Niketalk. But thething is, they're not bad peeps, so it goes to the first lack of self-esteem kinda shields me from revealing myself to them.
-I worry too much about what other people think about me in real-life...
-While I have a lack of self-esteem sort of, I don't lack carrying self-confidence in my body language at all.
-The first time you talk to me, I'm probably gonna come off as really shy....
-There are a few girls in my classes that I think might like me, but I'm too shy/scared to approach them and breakthe ice. There's at least one girl that I think wants to "break the ice", she gives away a lot of signs, but I've just never made a move tofind out. It's in my head....but in reality, I know that I can't verify those things are true unless I actually find out for myself, but I'm tooscared of rejection
-I avoid a lot of social situations because of how "awkward" it could be. Sometimes I might see someone I know from a distance walking a certainpath, and I'll take another path just to avoid him/her.
-I'm getting by in my engineering classes understanding how to do problems through solutions manuals...more so than actually doing the problems themselves.
-I feel that 70% of the ppl in my classes are smarter than me.
-I'm a real chill go-with-the-flow kind of person so a lot of times I make decisions based on what others are doing.
I've kinda improved recently though.
-My self-esteem is some low , im not very confident in myself , but its not to the point that im really shy
-my girlfriend of 2 years doesnt know it really but , i day dream of being with a better looking chick Even though i know she actually has her head on straight
-I wouldnt really care if i never saw any of my (friends) again
-I could care less about my father that now going on 3 or 4 years i havent seen or spoken to him even though he lives about 2 hours away
-Im not really crazy turned on by my girl and im only 22 i really think this is a problem
-Im selfish , i rather be fly my self than buy take the lady out to dinner or even throw money to the family
-Im always worried about what other people think
-i dont have the heart to break my girlfriends heart
sounds like your relationship won't last. what's the point wasting your time with someone you're not attracted to? you're 22, thatwon't last
Originally Posted by heavenlee777

I have known my two closest friends for about 5 years now, but now I am beginning to hate them and I can't stand being by them.
Like a new guy started hanging out with us about 6 months ago, and once he came my two friends began to act like complete idiots.
They act like completely other people and its so sad.
Like instead of having their own personalities, they copy other peoples and try to act like them. They're a joke.
They both also begin to form some sort of a complex. They act like they are the "cool" kids... AND THEY AREN'T!!! It's so annoying.
Since they are beginning to piss me off their other bad qualities begin to fuel my anger even more.
I sometimes regret how I have chosen them over so many other people.
I just can't stand them anymore and I have to hang out with other people.

My Other Confessions:
- I pee in the sink
- I think I am the most gorgeous Asian in the whole world (I'M NOT COCKY)
- I am in love with myself
- I think Kurt Cobain was murdered
- I know almost everything about Nirvana and Kurt Cobain
- The first music artist I ever was obsessed with were the Backstreet Boys

- I have seen "Bring It On" about 1000 times NO JOKE. I know almost all the cheers and choreography, and when girls talk about the movie (i.e. Spirit Fingers) I know exactly what they are talking about....

- I swear I am not gay
- I don't check out girls, I think it's disgusting and disrespectful
- I have yet to have a girlfriend, but i am not ashmaned or sad.
- I have had quite a few chances but I ended up not liking the girl at the very end, and I may have accidently played them.

- When I first listened to a song that swore I was 12. And when they would swear I would jump and get scared, and put the volume real low because I thought it was bad.
- My role models are my two older sisters.
- I feel guilty almost after everythign I do.
- I say "sorry" like I am breathing.
- When I was watching "Wanted", I thought the main character was the spinning image of me... before he turned into a killer.
- I am not a @*!@%
- I think it's fun facebook stalking my friends
- I love my memories, so i keep journal entries. I also look back on them for fun.
- My fav dog is a Chihuahua

Well... That's it for now

i don't think i can love again.

but..i want to find someone who could give me the world and treat me right..someone who understands the woman i am and i think i found him.

sometimes i think I'm to much. i know its plenty women in the world and why would one direct their attention towards me.

I hate it when people call me out to be something I'm not.

i get annoyed easily.

I can't just be a boys' friend..they always fall for me..smh. It's only 2 males that i can really kick it with and know they ain't after me.Chasmand and Jordan.

but when I'm with him, i never get irritated. more like hyper. it feels like we're falling off again. we've been on a 3 year roller coaster. I gotboyfriends, he had girls to %%## and "cake" with. he just realized why i got the boyfriends. I'm still not convinced that we are at the time ofour lives where we are ready for each other (boyfriend girlfriend wise) i mean i'm at school 45 minutes away from the man and my communication skills arelacking there of. I make it hell for him. i don't try. no one wants to see us work..i do but he complains about me not being there for him. NT IS HIS NEWBETCH. I just want the old thing back. before i came to school. hopefully It'll come around sometimes. school is stressful and i don't think heunderstands that. i have early classes so I fall asleep super early like 12:30am and he wants to cake at night. i just got a lot to do and my service sucksballs up here in the middle of no where. =/

thats it so far..i think..
- i havnt done any productive work in college this semester
- i skip classes on the reg
- i pay 30k a year for college
- i have a huge cavity
- ny nose is broke ever since getting hit by a basketball
Originally Posted by E S C A P I S T

- i havnt done any productive work in college this semester
- i skip classes on the reg
- i pay 30k a year for college
none of that goes together
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