The CONFESSIONS thread Vol.. bout damn time!

turned 25 dont know what to do with my life, need to stop procrastinating and get my stuff together
Eh, I've been reading for 26 pages, might as well.

-I'm broke, jobless.

-Despite that, life is going pretty well right now. Grades are decent (as far as I know), I'm in good health, found a good girl, it's all good.

-I'm in my junior year of college and I'm behing a semester. I need to step my game up, I'm not tryna be here for 6 years.

-I'm aware that I'll probably be struggling for a while after I graduate. Teacher's salary FTL.

-I see this girl that did me dirty last semester all around campus. She gained mad weight and it makes me laugh.

-I hold grudges like crazy.

-Elton John's music is dope to me, I don't give a #+!+.

-I'm decently smart, but effort isn't my forte.

Might post some later.
- I'm worried about the economy. If they do not hire any new contractors in my department because of the grim outlook of the economy, my work load maytriple.

- I've been pulled over 4 times in the last 8 months (twice in the last two weeks). First 3 times I was let go on warnings but I finally got a ticket lastFriday
I want to fight it in court because I think I can justify why I was speeding...but I don't want to go through the whole process of going tocourt, researching defenses, etc. I will probably just end up paying it.

- I'm about 80% sure that I'll end up marrying the girl that lives across the street from my parents house..even though I've never spoken a word toher.

- Everyone I work with is married and older than I am. The one dude who is around my age listens to country music and is a gun freak and we don't haveenough in common to hang out.
Let's see..

- I love my job, but sometimes hate the people in it
- I feel like I need to workout but make excuses every time its time to go
- I think I am afraid of success
- I don't have friends that I can count on.. meaning I have no friends
- I feel like I am there when everyone needs me, but when I need people I'm alone
- I'm addicted to shoes and used to have nightmares I missed release dates before releases
- I wish everything could go back to the way it was in high school
- I think my girl spies on me every chance she gets.. she may be reading this now
*I transferred once, and I will be transferring again

*I have no rush to leave college: I love the feeling of adulthood with no responsibilities

*I know deep down I love my ex to death.
*I am sexist, and I try to combat that.
*I am the most well off of my friends and I feel guilty at times.
*I have never been faithful to a woman.
*I only relate to 5% of NT
*A mentor of mine is the man who created fiber-optic wiring: Dial-tone on your house phone- That's him: Needless to say he is rich beyond my comprehension.
*I dropped out of any ivy, and regret it.
*I don't save because I fear death.
*I have found the right girl for me, but it won't work out.
- i don't really fit in with my friends and it's starting to piss me off. they're all obscenely smart and while i'm no dunce, i feel like thetoken stupid one in the group
- i think i'm the only one in my group of friends who actually notices that i'm black (i go to a predominately white private school)
- i'm terrified of failing at life
- i've been drinking since i was thirteen (i'm 17 now)
- i actually really hate myself
- i'm both incredibly social and incredibly antisocial
- i hate females and i'm ashamed to be one most of the time
- my parents piss me the !+!$ off
- i'm addicted to money
I don't give any effort

I don't give a damn anymore

I want to blog, but I don't since I wouldn't have an already established broad audience.

I think karma is going to solve all of my problems

A beautiful chick in one of my classes that sits near me walked past me today in a part of a hallway that was empty (of people). We caught eyes about 15 feetfrom each other, kinda looked away, and we just walked right past each other...
  • I'm single
  • I drive a decent car, and I don't have to share it with anyone
  • I have a job
  • the right vibe was there
  • I told myself if I ever saw her, in that situation, I would get the digits
(In addition)
I am analytical as hell, and have pessimistic thoughts of what might happen in social interactions with many women I don't know, so I think too much aboutmost situations for no reason and nothing (no chick bagging) happens, most of the time. Therefore, I am a terrible wingman, unless my companion already knowsthe chick(s) being approached, which in this situation I feel more comfortable because I don't have to guess as hard what type of person they are. Ofcourse I don't change myself for females, but I want my attitude to match theirs, and then I adjust the mood accordingly to my standards.

It's a bunch of %#%@ that I could type about my approach to the world, but I won't.

- I have punchlines, but my delivery needs work
- My jumpshot needs work, I'm constantly relying on my slashing ability
- I'm 6'1 1/2 and I still can't fully throw the ball down

- I spend A LOT of time on NT
- I've never hated anyone throughout my entire life until just recently
- I'm lazy as hell

That's all I can currently think of, but the list goes on
my pops' Bdays today and he is walking around the house right now shouting..."How does it feel to be the Nifty Fifty?"...

i need to express my opinion more often

I have a slight nail-biting addiction

Im giving up on being nice to people
..."Humble getno the first sign of trouble.....!"
NT needs a generous persons' appreciation post
Originally Posted by JayJay414

* My room mate and my best friend *&^% basically my brother has let his mother and sister live with us for 14months out of the last 18 and they don't do anything but make my life a living hell...they don't pay rent they make our house look hella sloppy and they've ruined my sex life for the longest...chicks are afraid to scream when they're here...smh...his mom is like 50something and I don't work but make more money then her by siting my $%& at home all day...his sister is 24 and she's never had a JOB how do you not have a job ever!?...she just got her son took away from her and her dumb %$# went out to the club last night and came back here mad loud @ like 2am...I'm so stressed cuz of this cuz this dude is my brother we do anything for each other@#$! and I'm the only child technically so I don't like sharing space with people that's not my %$^&ing family she also has the cutest little girl but she is loud as hell and ruins my if homie can't get his family out by Feb. I'm outta here...they can pay my end of the rent can't take this %$#@ anymore lived with them all of last year and we got a new place and they came right back "can't have them on the street" is what he says I understand that but jesus christ they are grown $#% women and they don't wanna contribute why should I pay rent every month with NO JOB and support their living expenses anywho I'll continue to try and stay positive and pray about it every night...
Dude why you being soft? I know dude is your bro and all but still that does not give him the right to take advantage of you. You may not likethat but HE IS TAKING ADVANTAGE OF YOU.
You may want to change things up in that joint. Make the sister get a damn job and help contribute. If not kick them out.

Good luck man.
I've never had a girlfriend, probably cause of fear of rejection.

I'm about 90% sure I'll be rather wealthy before 25, I'm 15 now, but I don't think I'll have anyone to share it with. probably cause offear of rejection.

i'm about 90% sure i've never had a girl because of, you guessed it, fear of rejection.

- I haven't been to my philosophy class in 3 weeks and only 3 weeks left in the semester.
- I've been slacking this first semester of college.
- My friend asked to borrow $10 for the spring registration fee for school and I said I didn't have any, even though I did. I mean she has a job and askingfor money and I don't have a job. Wth. I haven't even talked to her in like 2 months, now she's asking for money. I'm not stingy but seriously?
- I'm kinda over the guy I'm dating, but I know it'd kill him if I tell him. When he texts me and I don't respond, I just tell him later thatmy phone was messing up, even though I actually just ignore them.
- I don't like my sister's husband.
- I don't have a car nor do I drive.
I've tucked my penis in between my legs before in the mirror........and I liked it
Originally Posted by Miss Incognito

- I haven't been to my philosophy class in 3 weeks and only 3 weeks left in the semester.
- I've been slacking this first semester of college.
- My friend asked to borrow $10 for the spring registration fee for school and I said I didn't have any, even though I did. I mean she has a job and asking for money and I don't have a job. Wth. I haven't even talked to her in like 2 months, now she's asking for money. I'm not stingy but seriously?
- I'm kinda over the guy I'm dating, but I know it'd kill him if I tell him. When he texts me and I don't respond, I just tell him later that my phone was messing up, even though I actually just ignore them.
- I don't like my sister's husband.
- I don't have a car nor do I drive.

$10 dollars for school registration? what is the 1980's? what school do you go to? should have gave it up
I think this dude thinks I'm flirting with him..he's giving me the "yeah, baby, on my days off.." speech that usually ends with "youswallow?"...damn I hate being the bearer of bad news...

-i work with all females and each of them has a trait I LOVE in women, its a good shift everyday..

-i wanna AuPair for like 6 months like this broad at my job..sounds like a damn good job..
- I'm happy my ex-girlfriend is dating a white trash drug dealer. It makes it hurt less that she's dating someone worthless than if she found someonesuccessful and respectable. Does this make me a bad person?
- Used to tell dumb girls at bars that me and my friend were in the NBA

- I find myself afraid of the dark sometimes, only when I start thinking about murders and stuff. Then I get psyched out.
- I haven't bought a pair of Jordans in over 2 years, yet I come on NT daily.
- I come to NT when I'm depressed, there's usually something funny on here to cheer me up.
- I have a very poor body image of the point I was borderline anorexic my freshmen year of college. I was 6'1 and down to 165 pounds and Ithought I was embarrassingly fat, and refused to take my shirt off around people even though my ribs were showing.

- I have nude pics of every one of my ex girlfriends. Every day i get closer to putting them on blast on NT
I want to stop smoking cigarettes but I never put as much effort to really stopping
I slack in school because I just dont feel like doing anything
I steal WAY too much money from work. (lemme put it like this at the end of the week I've stolen so much its like getting 2 paychecks)
I dont have the guts to break my girls heart
I want to put myself out there to smash other chicks
I have absolutely no balls to go up to a random chick and just start up a convo
I attract ugly !$% chicks
I love my father but have so much anger inside of me towards him that I always end up fighting with him over stupid things (my parents are separated)
I want to hurt my fathers new girlfriend. Literally beat her until she's a bloody pulp
I feel like I am never going to get any where when it comes to the gym. I want to be huge!
I want to marry a white girl
I spend a lot of time on NT when I should be reading or doing something productive or educational
I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to smash a close friend of mine. (both of us being in relationships FTL)
I have horrible mood swings that i let off on my girlfriend and family
I have a fear of being a failure in life

and thats pretty much all I can think about
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Black Milk

Kelly78dogg, arent you 13?..and you already drinking and smoking? drunk at just off myself now to avoid the inevitable failure in life. what i just said there should tell you to stop doing what you are doing. how you destroying your body when its at the stage of growing still? where are your parents?
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