The CONFESSIONS thread Vol.. bout damn time!

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i'm getting lazier and lazier by the day...

really feelin this ___ sleep next to me right now...

actually scares me but i guess i'll take a chance...if it doesn't work out i'm switching to girls...

the last part was a joke...


Im still in love with my ex and lately ive been seening her in my dreams. She still calls me but i dont answer the phone.

I wish i could be my bestfriend, im jealous of her and she 4 years younger than me.

All my friends think im so happy but im misarable.
Ive been workin at the same place for nine years and i need something new, but change scares me.

Im a lesbian but im curious about what it feel like to have intercourse with a man.

Thats all for now..........
Originally Posted by fiendxxx

-pr0n is the bizzz.
-when i was younger whenever me and my freinds would find an eviction notice on peoples doors,we would take it off and throw it away so they would never know about it.
-im too lazy for my own good and the only thing i care about is my football team,females,and having my swag on lock...
-i have a bad relationship with my parents and my freinds are the only people that get me.
-my grades are real low and i dont give enough effort to bring them up.
-i got poon lined up but just dont feel like goin to the girls houses,if only i wasnt lazy.
-i think im better and try to be better than others.
-i have no game but still got girls comin at me,maybe my swag is just too defined?.....
-I wear all my sneakers.
-im hardley self concious but i do have those days were i feel horrible, maybe about once every 2 months.
-i cant find a good girl for me that i could bring home to mom'...
-i always try to correct people whenever i get the chance.
-i carry my ipod literally everywhere i go, you would NEVER see me without it.
-i mostly listin to soulful hip-hop like common and lupe fiasco, but when i feel the need i would put on...get it?
-i work out and used to be fat/chubby and now i hate looking at old pictures...

Originally Posted by 1focusedfemale

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i'm getting lazier and lazier by the day...

really feelin this ___ sleep next to me right now...

actually scares me but i guess i'll take a chance...if it doesn't work out i'm switching to girls...

the last part was a joke...


Im still in love with my ex and lately ive been seening her in my dreams. She still calls me but i dont answer the phone.

I wish i could be my bestfriend, im jealous of her and she 4 years younger than me.

All my friends think im so happy but im misarable.
Ive been workin at the same place for nine years and i need something new, but change scares me.

Im a lesbian but im curious about what it feel like to have intercourse with a man.

Thats all for now..........

im very anti-social, i wont even answer the phone to NOBODY, except for my moms.

I could def chill out with Free the Cheif and Lincey (might be distant cuzin
), they seem real koo. (hideo)

tryin to get thru Zelda in the dark world (on snes, is kinda stressin me

i haven't drunken anything since 10pm last night, and i'm too lazy to get up and get something to drink. NT all day FTL.

i really hope my car gets fixed soon, cuz stayin @ the crib, waitin for my wife to get home pisses me off. i got places to go and ppl to see, and i need ahaircut.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

-I kinda wanna know what human flesh tastes like

-I found out the wrong way that sex is WAAAAAAAY better at the end of the's cuz shorties get STOOPID horny and BEGGGGGGG for the pole and that's a huge turn on for me. Then they go crazy when you slam it cuz their nerves are going haywire down there....and it's really "wet" if that's what you wanna call it.... just don't breathe through your nose.....................
I disgust myself at times...


I know man... Just for clarity, I've never ASKED for the goods at the end of the month, but in the past a few GFs have LAUNCHED it at me. Hey, I like aggressive broads.... I asked some married buddies of mine if they'd ever done it and BOTH of them... 34 years old and 48 years old... said "Are you serious? That's what the towel is for" and laughed. So I figured, meh...join the club. As or human flesh... I have no explanation besides me being crazy and curious. My bad.
we've all been there, however, you went in....and said that its WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better......

when in reality, it isn'

and human flesh doggie? lol

i'm just messing with you....

Personally, I don't prefer it AT ALL........................................................but it's better. Way better. It's only betterbecause of how shorty gets off.. it's ridiculous bro, straight up ego boost status. It's grimey but I appreciate the appreciation
- I wouldn't mind kickin' it with a few select NTers... or one in particular for that matter

- I wanna see my fam for Thanksgiving but I don't wanna be a burden. I feel like I was invited for pity even tho that probably ain't true

- I'm working on my emotional detachment #%!%
Last night I had somebody try and get through to me and I almost broke down for the first time ingod knows how long

- He kinda got me open but I can't fully get there because I'm reluctant to lose control

- I hate dudes with female tendencies

- I hate dudes who lie on their +%%$

- I hate dudes who try and make me jealous

- I hate dudes who think I couldn't and wouldn't drop them with the quickness if they were playing games

- I try to be everyone to everybody sometimes
For a long time it was working...

- I have mad options but I'm still stuck on him knowing someone else would treat me better
I'm making a decision whether I can @%#@! with himanymore in the next few days. %%*$% ridiculous

- I'm fairly high maintenance. It doesn't take much to please me, but I expect alot from myself in order to be satisfied

- I don't need a man but I still want one

- I hustle my %*% off and it makes me mad when people try to leech off my success or want sympathy for their poor decisions or state of affairs/circumstances

- I probably have NPD

- I'm gonna take strippersize classes as soon as I find someone to go with me

- I haven't had sex in a while but when I do I know it's slowly gonna start to take over my life/thoughts

- It used to bother me if people thought I was a ho but I don't care anymore

- My mind is in the gutter too damned much
I'm trying to curb my habit of saying sexually explicit #%!% but it just slips out... (!!@*

- I've had 4 dudes try to trap me or tell me they wouldn't mind trapping me
The !!@*?

- PicknRoll kinda disgusts me right now but I can't bring myself to hate him because he's probably cute

- I use too many emoticons/smilies...

That felt good although I'ma regret this #%!% later

Weekend Girl wrote:

- I wouldn't mind kickin' it with a few select NTers... or one in particular for that matter

- I wanna see my fam for Thanksgiving but I don't wanna be a burden. I feel like I was invited for pity even tho that probably ain't true

- I'm working on my emotional detachment #%!%
Last night I had somebody try and get through to me and I almost broke down for the first time in god knows how long

- He kinda got me open but I can't fully get there because I'm reluctant to lose control

- I hate dudes with female tendencies

- I hate dudes who lie on their +%%$

- I hate dudes who try and make me jealous

- I hate dudes who think I couldn't and wouldn't drop them with the quickness if they were playing games

- I try to be everyone to everybody sometimes
For a long time it was working...

- I have mad options but I'm still stuck on him knowing someone else would treat me better
I'm making a decision whether I can @%#@! with him anymore in the next few days. %%*$% ridiculous

- I'm fairly high maintenance. It doesn't take much to please me, but I expect alot from myself in order to be satisfied

- I don't need a man but I still want one

- I hustle my %*% off and it makes me mad when people try to leech off my success or want sympathy for their poor decisions or state of affairs/circumstances

- I probably have NPD

- I'm gonna take strippersize classes as soon as I find someone to go with me

- I haven't had sex in a while but when I do I know it's slowly gonna start to take over my life/thoughts

- It used to bother me if people thought I was a ho but I don't care anymore

- My mind is in the gutter too damned much
I'm trying to curb my habit of saying sexually explicit #%!% but it just slips out... (!!@*

- I've had 4 dudes try to trap me or tell me they wouldn't mind trapping me
The !!@*?

- PicknRoll kinda disgusts me right now but I can't bring myself to hate him because he's probably cute

- I use too many emoticons/smilies...

That felt good although I'ma regret this #%!% later

Nice post.

tim for a lil less WIERD #%$$ from ya boi..

- I write waaaaaaaaaay too often. I just pen bars and lose me. I don't even care if I forget them, lose them, and n ever record them. I just writeALLLLLLLLLLL day till my brain gets repetitive.

-I recently lost a battle to a coworker I don't even respect as a person, let alone as a rapper. Dude brought his A game and I wasstuck on C- status and he exploited that. the sad thing is, my C- status is KILLI NG these local cats....he just got the better of me. My boy says it was a tiebut I feel like since I don't respect him and I DIDN'T demolish this guy, I lost. Period. HE TRICKED ME THOUGH! I don't even like dude like thatand I let him in my car cuz he used to ALWAYS blunt-suckle me at work and he finally had a blunt of his own to smoke. I bumbed into him at the gas stationbuying Vegas and I was like"
...burn one" and he saidcool. So we get in my whip -- Me, him, our co worker/ my dude, and his 2 dudes. We start flowing...KILLLLLLLLING #%$$ for about 30 minutes and he, outtanowhere, tries to take my head off
eek.gif I give that boy hell, serioushell, even though I'm not up to my standards... and to me he was just that much better. When he left he said he only didthat cuz he respected my music and wanted to hop on a track with me so i guess I got the moral victory
........but still

- Dude gets HELLA props for calling me Free The Chief.... i ain't think cats really paid that much attention to me
Originally Posted by Chico Dusty

*wishes he had an L to light up*

- I'll be 30 next year. I look 25 tho ..
My health is above avg. I can still run a sub 4.5. 40. Bench 300 plus & tap the back board
& still hit a college fastball.

- Learning that its hard to give up my past to move forward as a man cuz life waits for no one ...

(Back story cliff notes : Former pro athlete
Catered to by people since I was in 8th grade because I could run /play ball.
Hard to give up the past
First in my fam to go the athlete route, so I had no teacher, no examples.

- Love my pops for being there but he lived thru me & I really dislike him for it. So much I wont be at his funeral ...

- I'm vain to a point.

- I'm crushn on a certain NT female

- I'm content w/ my life which means I know I can do better ...
-i'm highly obsessive with something when i want it. i tend to brood over it.
-i dont give a f about school. senioritis
-i'm interested in main girl i'm datin but i honestly am not ready for a relationship. she thinks she's competing with my company. i dont want tolet her down but at the same time, she's the best option i've had in a while. VERY attractive, unselfish, cooks, all the stuff i could want...yet idont even care. i feel a sense of entitlement
-i'm COMPLETELY paranoid about STDs and golddiggers.
-i honestly am a bit happy being broke but i need to get paid asap. all the company $ goes to rent and taxes.
-i've matured as i've dated. i still dont trust females easily but i'm growing. they usually feel me on that.
-i sometimes want my space but i missed my new chick cuz she went to ATL this weekend. she calls me all the time and it's sort of a turn on because atleast she's showing a lotta interest but it's a turnoff because i dont like talking most of the time.
-i hate the spotlight. i'd rather give give dap to ppl and keep it moving.
-I just wanna get away from everything sometimes. literally.

Wow....this thread is nice......heres mine

- Got suspended in 4th grade for showing a chick my piece

- Always conserned on what folks think of me.
- Always cheated on my gf's with previous ex' (my current relationship is an exception, even though i have desires to...smh)
- Been burnt a few times in relationships, thats prob why i end up cheating
- STILL on a HIGH from Obama winning
- Dont have a great relationship with my parents.....wish it could be better
- So lazy but manage to make it though medschool
- A procrastinator, I should be typing a history&physical paper as i type this

- back in 03 had had an argument with my ex, smashed and she started her period, went home to find my roommate having a house gathering and ended up gettinghead from some drunk chick without washing off my piece.....
Originally Posted by SlimK4

Wow....this thread is nice......heres mine

- Got suspended in 4th grade for showing a chick my piece

- Always conserned on what folks think of me.
- Always cheated on my gf's with previous ex' (my current relationship is an exception, even though i have desires to...smh)
- Been burnt a few times in relationships, thats prob why i end up cheating
- STILL on a HIGH from Obama winning
- Dont have a great relationship with my parents.....wish it could be better
- So lazy but manage to make it though medschool
- A procrastinator, I should be typing a history&physical paper as i type this

- back in 03 had had an argument with my ex, smashed and she started her period, went home to find my roommate having a house gathering and ended up getting head from some drunk chick without washing off my piece.....


-I get lazy...a lot
-I procrastinate waayyyy to much (my homework is looking at me as I type this)
-I think I am boderline sex drive is ridiculous-thank God for self-control

-I don't tell many people about my business...
-I can be a B*%&$ if need attitude overall needs some work
-I despise the telling the truth really that bad??
-I hardly ever wear sneakers anymore
-I hate my school with a passion
-I'm in wayy too much ($30,000 +) debt thanks to my loans-why did I go to college again?
-I'm scared I am not going to find a job I can live off of when I graduate
-I have yet to go to Trinidad...someday
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

- I wouldn't mind kickin' it with a few select NTers... or one in particular for that matter

Part 2:
-Life is full of regrets. If a time machine was invented in the near future I would enter it w/o hesitation just to see what could have been.
-The only person stopping myself from greatness is myself. People say you can be whatever you want to be but I know I can if I became serious.
-My nuclear family is the only thing that matters to me.
-I hate school and want to quit but I don't know how to tell the 'rents.
-I don't care about having friends. I only see them useful if its a symbiotic relationship (damn, I'm a bad person).
-(()) or GFs aren't important to me or a priority *insert jokes from NTers who have a file on me*.
-I love being alone. I value my privacy more than anything except my immediate family and my life.
-Don't trust ANYONE.
-Used to care what people thought about me.
* I have a very strong hate for authority of any form and I often find myself going an extra mile and making things harder on myself just to make sure Idon't conform to certain things.

* Brad Pitt is my favorite actor and if that's not bad enough, I'm genuinely mad at him for leaving Jennifer Aniston.

* I consider myself to be mature far beyond my years but can be childish in certain situations without realizing it.

* I'm one of the most opinionated people you'd ever know, sometimes at a fault, because for the most part I don't give a @%+% if I offend someone.

* I have massive amounts of knowledge about music and sports, and I think sometimes people get annoyed because of it.

* I can read a philosophy book easily but can't make myself read a chapter for any of my college courses.

* I hate college more and more with every passing day.

* The level of douche-baggery at my college is at such a high level that I am literally disgusted with it.

* There's nothing I'd love more than to move to a remote beach somewhere and sit on my porch all day with the people I love.

* I have a massive amount of material things that I collected in my younger adolescent years and it disturbs me to look at all of it now.

* When I'm busy, all I want to do is be able to relax but when I relax for too long I feel like I'm worthless and get depressed.

* I get so pissed off when I lose at poker because I know I'm easily better than anyone else at the table, word to Phil Hellmuth.

* I often think about violently attacking random people that I pass just because I know there's nothing they could do about it if I did.

- Tical.
. Art = life

. Freshmen year of college last year, I spent a substantial amount of money on drugs (My parents money).

. I like being praised, complimented.....Etc

.^ Due to that reason I stay chaining my crew on a monthly base.

. I don't let anyone know my plans.

. I hate small talk, obnoxious people, people that out shine me.

. I hate the fact that I will end up working in a cubicle....

. i get bored of repetitive crap.

. Surprisingly I love the world and what it has to offer.

. My Parents and I have a love&hate relationship, but it is all good as long as they pay my tuition and cover my needs.

. I get more critics from my father than anyone else I know.

. My dad recommended I should apply to an Ivy league for my Junior & Senior year, but I already applied after my freshmen year (An attempt to surprise himand myself) But got Denied..... And I now know that I have no chance. But I simply transfered to another school with the same stat as the previous one.

. It is not like I am in a bad school, it is in the top 50.

. I never admit to guilt... Which holds me back because I never learn from my mistakes.

. I hate the fact that I am sharing this with you all.

At the end I don't give a ____, I am overly confident yet I contradict myself with doubts but also I am an erudite, well spoken and generous.... I livelife the way I dream it. Nothing has changed since the day I was born, I am still a Kid at heart and will forever be.

__________________________ THE END______________________
-I'm slowly cursing more than usual when I do talk
-I have never held interest in driving
-I think if I met most of yall from here you would get on my nerves and vice versa for various reasons, I could be wrong
-I'm trying to be more people friendly, but failing outside of those whom are in my circle or whom I want to be in my circle
-School is getting uncomfortably expensive
-I discriminate against female teachers and professors unless they have phenomenal reviews
-I'm addicted to article surfing
-In my lifetime I've been rarely mad at someone. When I was, as long as I got my feelings out I wouldn't care after that. Unless someone has donesomething devastating to me, which no one has
-I've never understood intelligence being solely measured by books smarts
-College here is becoming an aggravating obstacle on various levels among my peers and many others, and I'm afraid the same may happen to me
-I was never looks specific, outside of being attractive, when it came to men and now all the sudden I am and on trivial things too
-I despise feminist of today
-I can't function without music in my ears for more than a day. The loss of my ipod would be the worst feeling ever.
-I regularly go on an apparel and accessory shopping binge twice a year
- I'm still a virgin. (Mostly by choice. I don't want to lose it to some random broad but that willing dime hasn't come by yet

- I go to school at a HBCU and I don't feel entirely comfortable about it because I'm the only Asian. I have nothing against black people. In fact mostof my friends are black, even back at home in New York. It just feels weird being the only one of my kind or of any other ethnicity other thanAfrican-American.

- I got a huge thing for some beautiful feet.

- I've had some strong feelings for this same girl for nearly 5 years now. She's a real close friend. 'nuff said.
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