The Cool Pictures Thread

Whats up Niketalk.  Haven't been on this site in a minute.  Had to make a new profile because I couldnt remember my password. Like the new site.

Not sure if we have one of these threads, so I thought I would get it poppin.

Post any picture you think is cool.

i was at a party in LA a couple years back, idk if it was drunk talk or dude was just flat out lying but he told me his good buddy or good buddy's buddy had taken this photo. a soldier saw the guy take the picture on the balcony of the hotel and then minutes later the building was swarmed by soldiers. they got to the guys room and beat him but did not find the camera. he hid the camera in the toilet tank. sounds like a cool story, hope it's true 

no the story is true but not the camera but the undeveloped film of it was hidden in the tank. when they later searched through the room they found nothing. also when the maids went through to clean they got nothing. later when the journalist went back to find it, it was still there. he swears that the only thing that could've ruined a historic picture of a historic moment was a simple toilet flush which no one ever did
what is the picture of? where is it from? wich war?
It was in China in 1989. A high leader in China just passed away that everyone loved. so thousands of University students go to Tiananmen Square in central Beijing to mourn for him and continue to argue his beliefs in to change the Chinese's economic and political system for the better, a more free market and since China was communist since the 50's that was a no-no. at first the protests was normal but they continued to grow and then weeks later the communist leaders got fed up with this so they gave martial law and they sent in the military to kill thousands of students and citizens who didn't want to leave the square. the military were told to clear central Beijing by force if they had to.

The picture is taken the next day of the riots/protests when tanks are patrolling the area and a guy carrying 2 shopping bags just simply stops in front of the tanks to show they want them to be kicked out. nobody wants to see tanks going through their city. the guy has never been identified so he's been simply known as Tank Man since then. oh and like any other world event happening there's reporters and I think the guy was from CBS who took the shot.

The Government called their actions of the massacre as a "counterrevolutionary riot" to defend something that was bound to turn bad for the sake of the nation. and now China, which is still "communist" to this day practically rewrote their own history so that this event never happened by not having the history books mention this and the best example is if you type in Tiananmen Square into our google you'll get probably riot pictures and Tank man, if you type in Tianamen Square into China's google you'll get happy faces of people in the square, and other typical tourist pretty picture crap as if you typed in Rome or Paris. To stop the kids from learning about what their parents fought for they'll just keep the kids ignorant. They don't call it the Great "Firewall" of China for nothing.

and the importance of the picture if you ask me, is that it symbolizes the common man vs. the government, the "man", communism, 1%ers whatever you want. and like all men with power they only want one thing, more power. this guys has groceries and you got tanks against him! the real scared people are the ones with the power sitting on top, they don't deserve it. especially in communism and more so today's world

no the story is true but not the camera but the undeveloped film of it was hidden in the tank. when they later searched through the room they found nothing. also when the maids went through to clean they got nothing. later when the journalist went back to find it, it was still there. he swears that the only thing that could've ruined a historic picture of a historic moment was a simple toilet flush which no one ever did

Jewish refugees, approaching allied soldiers, become aware that they have just been liberated, April, 1945


Prohibition- Alcohol barrels to be burned, 1924


Bombs dropped on Kobe, Japan, 1945


Pyramid of captured German helmets, New York, 1918


The first official riders in New York Citys first subway, 1904


Tereska, a child in a residence for disturbed children, grew up in a concentration camp. She drew a picture of “home” on the blackboard, Poland, 1948


A Japanese family returning home from a relocation center camp in Hunt, Idaho on May 10, 1945


First picture ever taken in space, 1946


Martin Luther King Jr removing a burned cross from his front yard with his son at his side. Atlanta Ga 1960


Hitler looking at the Gustav Railway gun, 1942


Alerted by the smell of a broken bottle of liquor, Federal Agents inspect a “lumber truck”. Los Angeles, 1926

Albert Einstein with a group of Hopi Indians, 1922

An English brewery donates beer to troops fighting in Normandy by strapping kegs to the underwings of Spitfires. 1944

A goodbye between North- and South Korean relatives after a family reunion, who were separated for over 57 years.2010

A 7-year-old Hans Massaquoi; a black child in Nazi Germany. Hamburg, 1933

A guy in ecstacy with the release of Windows '95

Behind the scenes of Goldeneye, which had the largest amount of miniature work ever in a James Bond movie. 1995

Al Pacino and Robert De Niro, 1982

An acoustic listening device used by the Dutch army for hearing enemy airplanes, between World War I and II.

A dog always loves you, even when nobody else does...

A fearless worker on the unfinished Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco. Ca 1935

An 18-year-old Kobe Bryant holding his Laker jersey for the first time back in 1996

"Flower Power", photograph by Bernie Boston of an anti-war protester, who places a flower in a soldier's gun. 1967

An elephant typing on a giant typewriter at the New York World Fair. 1939-1940

Gordie Howe of the Detroit Red Wings takes out Frank Udvari as the referee escapes collision. 1956

Paris. 1928

Alex Ferguson signs autographs for fans at his first match as United manager at Oxford in 1986

Beautiful photo of the Twin Towers in 1979

The first car advertisement in history, 1898

Tupac and Robbie Williams at a Versace show in Italy, early 90s

A letter from Gandhi to Hitler, written in July 1939.

Beautiful photo of The Dell, Southampton FC's old ground. England, 1966.

Woman in a giant frying pan with bacon tied to her feet before 7200 eggs are added to a record breaking omelette 1931

Amazing shot of Muhammad Ali knocking out Cleveland Williams in front of a crowd of 35,000. Houston, Texas 1966

"It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up." - Muhammad Ali

Charles Lindbergh landing in Paris, 1927

Funeral of Evita (Eva Perón), Argentina's First Lady, in Buenos Aires, attended by nearly 3 million people, 1952.

Omaha Beach, June 1944

A British airman learns to shoot by firing his machine gun from a simulated cockpit that moves along rails. 1910s

Aerial photo of the opposing trenches (German on the right) and no-man's land between Loos and Hulluch. France, 1917

Powerful photo of Otto Frank at the opening of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, 1960

A belly dancer on the London Underground, 1968

The construction of the Statue of Liberty in Paris. C. 1880

A London policeman gives tea to a homeless man after a V1 attack that killed his wife, and destroyed his home. 1944

A high school football game continues as a fire rages on at a school in Northfield, Massachusetts. 1965

Mugshot of Bill Gates, who was arrested in Albuquerque for running a stop sign and driving without a license. 1977

A 19-year-old Bill Clinton shaking hands with President Kennedy in Washington, 1963

The last known picture of Adolf Hitler, April 30, 1945

Ray Charles and a young Stevie Wonder in Detroit, 1962

Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, 1861

This is the first ever online ad banner. It went live in Oct 94 on   & it promoted 7 art museums

Sometimes, a donkey needs a ride too. This soldier was kind enough to carry him. 1940s

For the record.... Everytime I post idk if there has been any of these posted already and this is outta sheer laziness on me checking
Dope pictures...

I wonder what pictures from our generation will be posted in a "cool pics thread" 50 - 100 years from now.
with instagram I doubt the idea of "cool" pictures will be out the window. only ones I can think of are just historical pictures that'll come up now during our time. HD historical pictures if I might add
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