THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Amazing movie. :smokin :smokin :smokin

I felt awkward cause I was the only one clapping & stuff at all the fights at first but then everyone warmed up and joined in on the fun.

Gonna try to see it at least 2 more times since Bats has always been my favorite comic character.
Heading out to see this shortly. I'm still pumped to see it, I'm kinda sour about the tragedy. But I'm going to go and enjoy myself.

I'll be back to post my thoughts on this epic movie later. Be safe and aware everyone. God Bless or good luck if you don't subscribe :lol:.
So nobody noticed Fox telling Bruce the vehicle used in the end was autpilot?

But Why would Alfred dream something he never knew existed?

I think the inceptiion like endind went over people's heads

How do you spoiler?
I saw it earlier today. I loved it. It had a good sense of scale and closure.

I loved the ending. The reveal of Talia, John Blake's real name, Alfred going to Venice (was it Venice? I don't remember). And that sewer fight! :nthat: When Bane turned on the venom and his whole voice and demeanor changed and he really started kicking Bats' *** 8)8)8) I still gotta give the edge to Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker though
And whatever happened to the rumored Lazarus Pit that was seen during production? Possibly it was an exterior shot of the prison Bruce was in?
I really enjoyed this movie. TDK still #1 in my books, but TDKR was great.

Not sure how you can Bane wasn't smart or anything. Dude definitely knew what he was doing. Tom Hardy killed it as Bane
Things I think I think...

Loved the film, how Nolan went about a time lapse without explaining ****. I know some would hate the lack of explanation but it was all in the dialogue. So you know time has passed, you know Bruce Wayne's body is deteriorating because quite frankly he is a human being like you and I. It gave Batman/Bruce Wayne that human element, for those that would confuse him for a SUPER-hero.

I disagree with those saying Bane was not a good villain, thought he was an excellent choice, and Tom Hardy did an excellent job in portraying him. Would be interested to see if they considered CGI to add mass and size to Bane. Since the "venom" makes him grow in size, kind of like the Hulk when he gets angry.

Bane was always one step ahead of Batman, even at the end. If Catwoman didnt come back, gamble by Batman, he would've been SOL.

I knew the twist was coming regarding Bane, since I didn't think Nolan would try to shove Bane being Ra's Al Ghul's child. He's to smart to try to shove that down the throats of actual Batman fans, knowing well that casual fans wouldn't know and probably wouldn't care.

Some things that didn't sit well

- Should've explained the mask and the "venom", at least a little.
- The ending was too drawn out, Batman had more than 90 seconds to fly that bomb into the bay. Longest minute and a half ever.
- Didn't like the ambiguous ending regarding Batman/Bruce Wayne: Is he dead? Did he stay on the plane? Was it on auto pilot? If Alfred and Fox know he's alive why did they bury him? Was Alfred just hallucinating in Italy? If he was, why was his partner Salina Kyle?
- There's holes here and there, but minimal.
I ain't even gonna stress ranking the movies. What impresses me Is that it really feels like one epic long story that feels complete
Def hard compare the last two movies. But shows how much the villian had influence has on the movie, and bane and the joker are on complete different ends on the villian scale that it made the movies much different(which I think was a good thing).
Def want to the next move after this trilogy is.
Maybe it's just me, but that beat down batman took in the sewer was tough to digest. it was like watching a friend just get merked in front of you.

But overall the movie was on point
aside from the voice and how from time to time you couldn't understand what he was saying.
Bane was :smokin
Things I think I think...

Loved the film, how Nolan went about a time lapse without explaining ****. I know some would hate the lack of explanation but it was all in the dialogue. So you know time has passed, you know Bruce Wayne's body is deteriorating because quite frankly he is a human being like you and I. It gave Batman/Bruce Wayne that human element, for those that would confuse him for a SUPER-hero.

I disagree with those saying Bane was not a good villain, thought he was an excellent choice, and Tom Hardy did an excellent job in portraying him. Would be interested to see if they considered CGI to add mass and size to Bane. Since the "venom" makes him grow in size, kind of like the Hulk when he gets angry.

Bane was always one step ahead of Batman, even at the end. If Catwoman didnt come back, gamble by Batman, he would've been SOL.

I knew the twist was coming regarding Bane, since I didn't think Nolan would try to shove Bane being Ra's Al Ghul's child. He's to smart to try to shove that down the throats of actual Batman fans, knowing well that casual fans wouldn't know and probably wouldn't care.

Some things that didn't sit well

- Should've explained the mask and the "venom", at least a little.
- The ending was too drawn out, Batman had more than 90 seconds to fly that bomb into the bay. Longest minute and a half ever.
- Didn't like the ambiguous ending regarding Batman/Bruce Wayne: Is he dead? Did he stay on the plane? Was it on auto pilot? If Alfred and Fox know he's alive why did they bury him? Was Alfred just hallucinating in Italy? If he was, why was his partner Salina Kyle?
- There's holes here and there, but minimal.

remember at the end Fox was talking to a dude who said auto pilot was engaged for a couple weeks. which means he set it on auto then got away. alfred wasnt dreaming on the batman and selina kyle sighting he really saw him so he actually lived
Damn just saw what happened last night in Colorado. Not the news I was expecting to be reading in regards to TDKR. >:

Great ending to the chapter of Batman trilogy. Bane was at his best in the sewer fight scene. Gonna need a gif of him picking up Batman and executing a WWE move. :lol:
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enjoyed the movie... buuuutttt...

1) should have explained Bane's mask in detail
2) too close to an inception type ending
3) should have let the beard grow more in jail to show exactly how long he was down in the pit

(no spoiler tags, because honestly, you shouldn't be coming in until you see it anyway)
I should've saved my money and waited for a TS version to hit the internet, honestly. This movie was bland, and I'm not going to force myself into believing it was good, just cause it's Batman and there is a lot of hype. You most definitely can compare the two, because it's the same movie with a different villain. The Joker was more compelling and it worked, Bane just isnt that interesting. Towards the end I was litterally dozing off. And this is how you know the series itself was bland....cause NO ONE ever mentions the first Batman (which was also boring). The second was just too good, they shoulda ended it there. Or used Mister Freeze instead of a bald Brock Lesner. I will say that I was, shocked and thoroughly pleased by Anne's performance. I never really saw her as "sexy" but I definitely believed it in this movie. The prison storyline was also boring. Bane BARELY caused a mayhem. With The Joker, you litterally felt that the entire city was going crazy.

[COLOR=#red]-The Juice[/COLOR]
remember at the end Fox was talking to a dude who said auto pilot was engaged for a couple weeks. which means he set it on auto then got away. alfred wasnt dreaming on the batman and selina kyle sighting he really saw him so he actually lived
Things I think I think...
Loved the film, how Nolan went about a time lapse without explaining ****. I know some would hate the lack of explanation but it was all in the dialogue. So you know time has passed, you know Bruce Wayne's body is deteriorating because quite frankly he is a human being like you and I. It gave Batman/Bruce Wayne that human element, for those that would confuse him for a SUPER-hero.
I disagree with those saying Bane was not a good villain, thought he was an excellent choice, and Tom Hardy did an excellent job in portraying him. Would be interested to see if they considered CGI to add mass and size to Bane. Since the "venom" makes him grow in size, kind of like the Hulk when he gets angry.
Bane was always one step ahead of Batman, even at the end. If Catwoman didnt come back, gamble by Batman, he would've been SOL.
I knew the twist was coming regarding Bane, since I didn't think Nolan would try to shove Bane being Ra's Al Ghul's child. He's to smart to try to shove that down the throats of actual Batman fans, knowing well that casual fans wouldn't know and probably wouldn't care.
Some things that didn't sit well
- Should've explained the mask and the "venom", at least a little.
- The ending was too drawn out, Batman had more than 90 seconds to fly that bomb into the bay. Longest minute and a half ever.
- Didn't like the ambiguous ending regarding Batman/Bruce Wayne: Is he dead? Did he stay on the plane? Was it on auto pilot? If Alfred and Fox know he's alive why did they bury him? Was Alfred just hallucinating in Italy? If he was, why was his partner Salina Kyle?
- There's holes here and there, but minimal.
this is true.
Fox found out that it was Auto Pilot when the engineers were going through it. That all happened AFTER the funeral. He is not dead, he is alive, there is no ambiguous ending. Alfred saw him, and like he said, he wouldn't say anything to him and Bruce neither, they would just know.
First, RIP to those injured and killed in the Colorado shooting. Truly sad news to start the day.

Just got home from the show. I really enjoyed it, didn't really feel like 165min.
Thought the fighting scenes between Bane and Batman were fantastic, and Anne Hathaway did a dope job as Selina Kyle.

Gonna go see it again Sunday (tix bought by a friend so idc)
Things I think I think...
Loved the film, how Nolan went about a time lapse without explaining ****. I know some would hate the lack of explanation but it was all in the dialogue. So you know time has passed, you know Bruce Wayne's body is deteriorating because quite frankly he is a human being like you and I. It gave Batman/Bruce Wayne that human element, for those that would confuse him for a SUPER-hero.
I disagree with those saying Bane was not a good villain, thought he was an excellent choice, and Tom Hardy did an excellent job in portraying him. Would be interested to see if they considered CGI to add mass and size to Bane. Since the "venom" makes him grow in size, kind of like the Hulk when he gets angry.
Bane was always one step ahead of Batman, even at the end. If Catwoman didnt come back, gamble by Batman, he would've been SOL.
I knew the twist was coming regarding Bane, since I didn't think Nolan would try to shove Bane being Ra's Al Ghul's child. He's to smart to try to shove that down the throats of actual Batman fans, knowing well that casual fans wouldn't know and probably wouldn't care.
Some things that didn't sit well
- Should've explained the mask and the "venom", at least a little.
- The ending was too drawn out, Batman had more than 90 seconds to fly that bomb into the bay. Longest minute and a half ever.
- Didn't like the ambiguous ending regarding Batman/Bruce Wayne: Is he dead? Did he stay on the plane? Was it on auto pilot? If Alfred and Fox know he's alive why did they bury him? Was Alfred just hallucinating in Italy? If he was, why was his partner Salina Kyle?
- There's holes here and there, but minimal.

-But the did explain the mask pretty well. The mask supplies a painkiller so Bane can tolerate his pain and function. He is not hooked on Venom like in the comics

-Brah you really complaining about how long a minute in the final sequence of a action movie. C'mon

-Bruce is alive. Alfred sees Bruce after the funeral. People are only questioning the ending because of Inception. Selina is there with Bruce, it is a giveaway that it real
Saw it early this morning. Movie was amazing! I loved the ending sequence of the movie and how everything was explained. I need to see this again just because it was so dope. Hathaway did a great job, and so did Tom Hardy.
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