THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Maybe I need to check the source material...but if you're feared by a bunch of goons you should at least have smarts to go with intimidation.

That's why I always felt the riddler should have been the main villian.

Bane was garbage at the end of the day... no taking up for that guy.

Anne did her thing though...on fire as Catwomen.
Maybe I need to check the source material...but if you're feared by a bunch of goons you should at least have smarts to go with intimidation.

That's why I always felt the riddler should have been the main villian.
so we could have a 2hr and 45 min movie of solving riddles? NAW IM GOOD
Maybe I need to check the source material...but if you're feared by a bunch of goons you should at least have smarts to go with intimidation.
That's why I always felt the riddler should have been the main villian.
Bane was garbage at the end of the day... no taking up for that guy.
Anne did her thing though...on fire as Catwomen.

Agree with the Anne though :smokin

The way I interpret the Bane character (both comic and in TDKR) is that his main selling point is that he's actually that smart and strong to the point that even though his weakness is way too obvious, it would still take a lot of effort to take him down.

AS for the source material, he actually has awesome intellect to back his strength.
I always liked Robin...cause he was the young guy out there fighting with he older Batman. Interested to see what happens in the future with him. Joseph Gordon-Levitt really stole the movie in my eyes great performance.

I mean TDK was the perfect movie to of my favorites.

But I think my expectations were raised so high it would have been impossible to meet.

This is how I feel about The Godfather III.

Not a terrible movie but it doesn't really measure up to TDK.

At least it didn't go out like the Spider Man triology...
Maybe I need to check the source material...but if you're feared by a bunch of goons you should at least have smarts to go with intimidation.

That's why I always felt the riddler should have been the main villian.

Bane was garbage at the end of the day... no taking up for that guy.

Bane was smart in the film. He was just more in your face but in the end, he manipulated and planned everything that happened.
It turned out he was working with Talia but Bane had his share and w/o him or if it was just a regular thug in charge of it, it would have likely failed.
Just because his plans wasn't as smooth or deceitful as the Jokers doesn't mean he was just some dumb thug who can kick your ***.
Look back at the film, he was still one step ahead of everyone including Bats or else the events wouldn't have unfolded as they did.
He kidnapped the Physicist and fakes his death by putting his blood on a dead body.
He managed to get thugs to do his work for him.
He pretty much organized the downfall of the structures in the sewers.
The whole planned could have easily been conceived by him.
Devised the strategy for the Gotham invasion.

I think you are blinded by his weakness even though he pretty much kicked Bats *** in their first encounter, not to mention that he devised that plan as well as to how Catwoman would set him up. He also knew who Batman was, which we can assume he discovered himself. Bats also only managed to beat him because he got some info from the doctor who treated Bane.

I mean really, Bane didn't show that he was dumb or wasn't smart at all. He barely made mistakes. Everything he planned was a success until the end when of course, the good guy has to succeed/win.
Yeah but how attainable is kryptonite? It's so elusive...but this dude Band was a brute with no smarts whatsoever. Dumb guy compared to The Joker...and having another bomb to blue up the city was done in the last film.
You can't go up from The Dark Knight in tems of Batman films and that's being honest.
Maybe down the road...but I had to put it back on. Because I was honestly let down by the tdkr.

So you're essentially faulting this movie because of a character that has been in the batman universe for decades?
Bane is not a new character. Anyone who knows ANYTHING about batman knows who Bane is and what his weakness is..

The Joker (as much as so many of you love him) is not Batmans ONLY villain/nemesis...

Yes the Jokers role is portrayed brilliantly in TDK, but Bane isn't anything to sleep on either.

At some point the attachment to past characters has to be broken to allow new characters to be brought to the light to help the growth and storyline of the MAIN character which is BATMAN. This movie isn't just about the Joker.

The Joker is Batmans worst enemy. Even without all of the strength or gadgets and tricks, the Joker has always been around the corner to give Bruce constant headaches. But not every villain was as powerful to the Batman storyline as the Joker was. Every villain is instrumental to the storyline and growth of the story, but you can't fault every villain for NOT being the Joker.

This film isn't supposed to out-do TDK, its supposed to close out the series and complete it. You have to look at these films as one big storyline and series rather than put them up against each other in some sort of "which one was better?" competition. Just as it is in a script where you have the beginning which bring the story up, the middle which is the stories peak or climax, the ending has to bring things back down and close it out. Thats how this trilogy is working. Batman Begins starts everything off from the ground, The Dark Knight is the peak of the series and the climax, and The Dark Knight Rises brings everything back down to close it out for you.
1.So they planned to blow up Gotham the whole time, what was the point of waiting all those months to do it?
2.How did Bruce get out the jail and end up in Gotham that fast?
3. The way Bane died sucked, and I expected way more from the second fight scene.

- I just really hated with how Bane was defeated, we can't say he necessarily died
- his voice was difficult to understand at times but I believe that was the purpose, the dialogue that was important we understood clearly
- and for those saying Bane didn't do it for them as a villain, I'm sorry but the entire scene in the sewers where he broke Batman topped the Joker interrogation room scene for me. You really see his brute strength and intensity shine through
Maybe I need to check the source material...but if you're feared by a bunch of goons you should at least have smarts to go with intimidation.

That's why I always felt the riddler should have been the main villian.

Bane was garbage at the end of the day... no taking up for that guy.

Bane was smart in the film. He was just more in your face but in the end, he manipulated and planned everything that happened.
It turned out he was working with Talia but Bane had his share and w/o him or if it was just a regular thug in charge of it, it would have likely failed.
Just because his plans wasn't as smooth or deceitful as the Jokers doesn't mean he was just some dumb thug who can kick your ***.
Look back at the film, he was still one step ahead of everyone including Bats or else the events wouldn't have unfolded as they did.
He kidnapped the Physicist and fakes his death by putting his blood on a dead body.
He managed to get thugs to do his work for him.
He pretty much organized the downfall of the structures in the sewers.
The whole planned could have easily been conceived by him.
Devised the strategy for the Gotham invasion.

I think you are blinded by his weakness even though he pretty much kicked Bats *** in their first encounter, not to mention that he devised that plan as well as to how Catwoman would set him up. He also knew who Batman was, which we can assume he discovered himself. Bats also only managed to beat him because he got some info from the doctor who treated Bane.

I mean really, Bane didn't show that he was dumb or wasn't smart at all. He barely made mistakes. Everything he planned was a success until the end when of course, the good guy has to succeed/win.

But it wasnt him it was Tahlia who did all the thinking he was just the one who did all the work she came up with the planning
But it wasnt him it was Tahlia who did all the thinking he was just the one who did all the work she came up with the planning

They never said that. For all we know all he part was just to get access to the reactor.

But even if she did all the planning, it would still take a decently smart person to execute everything to almost perfection. I say almost because Bats still managed to beat them.

Again, Bane never showed he was stupid or dumb. He was practically in charge the whole film and Talia wasn't there holding his hands as the whole plan unfolded.
1.So they planned to blow up Gotham the whole time, what was the point of waiting all those months to do it?
2.How did Bruce get out the jail and end up in Gotham that fast?
3. The way Bane died sucked, and I expected way more from the second fight scene.

1. They didn't know where the reactor was, Bruce and Fox had it hidden remember? Once they got it, as Bane said, he wanted them to suffer as Bruce would and then after that, they have his permission to die. I don't think the plan was to simply destroy the city but to teach the people to survive and cleanse the city. Maybe even teach the world a lesson?

2. Accept it as a plot holes and that it is a comic book film or assume that he is Bruce Wayne that has connections all over the world and simply found a way? I mean the movie is already 2 hours 45 minutes long, do you want a 20 minutes journey of how he found his way back to Gotham?

3. It did suck how he died but it didn't bother me because it showed that Catwoman returned to help. Consider it as a character growth and she changed and even conquered her own fear of Bane. To be honest, Bane was already beaten by Bats anyways so no need to make Banes death any more epic as things were escalating and the story is moving on to the bomb detonating.
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- and for those saying Bane didn't do it for them as a villain, I'm sorry but the entire scene in the sewers where he broke Batman topped the Joker interrogation room scene for me. You really see his brute strength and intensity shine through

Not to mention that speech he did that revealed what really happened to Harvey Dent and Bats. I agree though with his voice, a better voice would have made it much better but it was still an epic speech.
I've never really dived into DC that much, always been more of a Marvel guy.
But Batman is one of the best characters ever created, and another thing that I love is that most of his villains are extremely smart. Bane is probably one of the smarter ones too, he's way more than just a brute and this film did a pretty decent job portraying that. Could of been better, he had a lot of quotables too.

One thing though, was there any mention of venom? That's the main reason why he's so strong isn't it? The mask really has nothing to do with anything, other than the fact that it's supposed to keep feeding him the venom and I don't think that was ever mentioned.
1.So they planned to blow up Gotham the whole time, what was the point of waiting all those months to do it?
2.How did Bruce get out the jail and end up in Gotham that fast?
3. The way Bane died sucked, and I expected way more from the second fight scene.

1. They waited because, as Talia explains, a slow pain is always worse than a fast one. The LOS wanted Bruce to watch as his city crumbled for 5 months, and feel helpless-- knowing that he had failed-- as it did so.
2. It's possible Bruce was able to hitch a smuggling flight, as in TDK, or perhaps he could have auto-piloted The Bat to his location. This is one of those moment where you have to suspend your disbelief.
3. While I tend to agree that Bane's death was somewhat anti-climatic, from a narrative perspective, he had to die this way. Batman couldn't break his "one rule," and kill Bane.
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RFX, you've been posting info on toys in here.
Do you know if there is a mini sculpture like the one they erected of Batman towards the end?
Some dudes need to use the spoilers feature...

Ruining it for dudes who haven't seen it.
RFX, you've been posting info on toys in here.
Do you know if there is a mini sculpture like the one they erected of Batman towards the end?

Haven't seen it yet, they'll likely come out with one but the toy companies are probably seeing it for the first time this week too and then they'd have to get WB/DCs approval to make it and then it'll be produced.

Will probably take a few months or maybe a limited edition statue/bust will be included with the BluRay?
Haven't seen it yet, they'll likely come out with one but the toy companies are probably seeing it for the first time this week too and then they'd have to get WB/DCs approval to make it and then it'll be produced.
Will probably take a few months or maybe a limited edition statue/bust will be included with the BluRay?
Now you're talking :pimp: Thing was ill. They should replace Paterno's statue with it just because.
Some of you dudes should really read more comics or watch more comic books films. The hero discovering the villain"s "one weakness" has to be the oldest cliche there is. GET OVER IT

Bane was :smokin

This movie took what was great about Begins and DK and combined them into a superb movie.
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