THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

:smh: @ the Penguin & Mr. Freeze suggestions...their backgrounds are nowhere as dark as Bane & Joker, it would be a step BACKWARDS

only 3 logical choices imo...



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ummmm, I've got about 13 or more boxes of bagged and boarded comics that say i do bud. The hulk quote was for the ridiculousness that people find as faults in TDKR as they forget it's a comic book movie.
No Bane isn't older than Batman, there's no way. The quips during his assault on Batman are apparent he's mocking his age:
"You fight like a younger man, nothing held back. Admirable but mistaken"
Talia was always younger than Batman in the Comics by at least 5 years. Here she seems closer in age to Bane than to Batman. Making Bane the same age as Bruce or older makes no sense. Without the venom this isn't feasable, plus two old dudes beating each other up? Bane is younger and stronger to make up for the lack of the venom aspect. If not then he wouldn't be as much of a threat as he is.

Bane isn't older than Batman, they are relative in age. But at the same time, Batman isn't THAT old at this point. I mean, sure Christian Bale is like 40 now but in terms of where the story is? Bruce is no older than his mid 30's...

So one would assume that Bane is also, with Talia around her early 30's. Pushing that 29-31 age range...


And heres my take on everyone saying things about this movie as the closer -

Sure yeah, there were some jumps here and there. But you have to look at it for what it is. TDKR isn't trying to beat any bar TDK set outside of box office sales. The story is brilliant in its own right and just because everyone has set this mental bar so high with TDK it seems as if it won't EVER measure up to you.

You can't go into this movie saying "This better be better than The Dark Knight" because that thought alone will have you listening to EVERY line comparing it with another movie. If you got the same lines and the same feeling from this as you did with TDK, then this movie WOULDN'T be anything different.

Then you'd all say "it was just like the last one"...

Thats the same way they ****** up the Hangover 2. Same damn movie, nobody felt any way different about it.

But obviously this movie does pull something out of us all. Whether positive or negative, this movie took you somewhere and you left feeling like you just completed the final chapter. And that was the point. This movie wasn't made to be The Dark Knight 1.5... It was made to be the final chapter of the trilogy. So whether Banes dialog didn't strike you as much as the Jokers did or not, you can't fault Bane for that. Bane is not the Joker, and whether its the movies or the comics, Bane and the Joker were ALWAYS two different individuals with a different plan for Gotham. '

Both were ruthless, but they had no similarities in strategy OR similar mannerisms as each other.

The Joker was always witty... Bane was always a brute force. Two completely different villains. You cannot compare them directly. It will never be even, and one will never be better than the other. You may have a favorite, but being your favorite doesn't mean one is better than the other.
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Bane isn't older than Batman, they are relative in age. But at the same time, Batman isn't THAT old at this point. I mean, sure Christian Bale is like 40 now but in terms of where the story is? Bruce is no older than his mid 30's...
So one would assume that Bane is also, with Talia around her early 30's. Pushing that 29-31 age range...

I dont feel like going into it, but he would hve to be almost 45-50. If not, then that would mean Talia is ridiculously young, which she clearly wasnt. Bane was more of a protector, than a"friend" while they were in the pit. The doctor and Bane seemed to be the "good" guys in the pit and they protected the mom. After she had given birth, they forgot to lock the door 1 day and she was killed. Then they essentially raised her until she escaped around 6 or so. Then she came back with Ras etc.
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ummmm, I've got about 13 or more boxes of bagged and boarded comics that say i do bud. The hulk quote was for the ridiculousness that people find as faults in TDKR as they forget it's a comic book movie.
No Bane isn't older than Batman, there's no way. The quips during his assault on Batman are apparent he's mocking his age:
"You fight like a younger man, nothing held back. Admirable but mistaken"
Talia was always younger than Batman in the Comics by at least 5 years. Here she seems closer in age to Bane than to Batman. Making Bane the same age as Bruce or older makes no sense. Without the venom this isn't feasable, plus two old dudes beating each other up? Bane is younger and stronger to make up for the lack of the venom aspect. If not then he wouldn't be as much of a threat as he is.
Doesn't necessarily mean that he's younger than him. That's just what he was doing, mocking him and his tendency to fight like someone who is young despite pushing 40. He has to be OLDER than Bruce if anything. In the Pit, he had to be at least 20 years old as he wasn't born there as Blake alluded to. You're underestimating how an older person can still be physically imposing, a better fighter and better conditioned. For example, Herschel Walker is 50 years old yet he's an MMA fighter and is in better physical shape than most men in their prime.

I dont feel like going into it, but he would hve to be almost 45-50. If not, then that would mean Talia is ridiculously young, which she clearly wasnt.

Ok yeah you're right. Thinking back, Bane was always Talias protector and he was much older than her considering he had learned from so many people in that prison before being exiled by Ra's.

Seeing as to how thats the case, yeah, I can see him being at least 10 years older than her around 40-45ish...

But we all have to remember, the dude (in the comics) was jacked up on Venom. And in the movie he was a body building genius who popped multiple pain killin face needles twice a day. The dude was on that juice.
Nolan has you guys on some over shhhh thinking the ending wasn't really the ending.

We can go back and now say Inception was based on a true story, with you guys thinking that Bruce died in this film.

Just saw it in IMAX, movie was just as good as I thought it was. Visuals and sound in IMAX is just too :smokin
Alfred wouldnt imagine him with Selina. it definitely happened.

And I understand nobody knowing Selina with the chip. But bruce wayne is famous. someone would know it's him even if the records don't say it
Why wouldn't Alfred imagine him with Selina?  He told Bruce he should date her in the beginning when she stole his mom's necklace.  Granted, he was joking, but it's not far-fetched to say he imagined Bruce with Selina just to put a face on the woman Bruce would be with, since Rachel died.

For the record, I believe Batman survived, but this is Nolan's interpretation, so a little twist isn't out-of-character.

I must've missed something because I don't remember Bruce wanting to erase his history.  Regardless, if you see Bruce and he says he's not Bruce and there's no record of him then what are you gonna say?  He's gonna pull out an ID saying he's someone else and if you look him up in a government database his name isn't gonna come up as Bruce Wayne.  All he has to do is laugh it off and say he gets that mistake all the time, maybe even throw in an accent.
Bane isn't older than Batman, they are relative in age. But at the same time, Batman isn't THAT old at this point. I mean, sure Christian Bale is like 40 now but in terms of where the story is? Bruce is no older than his mid 30's...
So one would assume that Bane is also, with Talia around her early 30's. Pushing that 29-31 age range...

I agree. He has to be mid or slightly over mid 30s. Me and a buddy ran it down...

In Begins he went to college for a few years before the Chill trial, so lets put him at around 20-21 at that time. He went missing with the league of Shadows and returned after 6 years. So thats 26-27 (His bday also hits during the movie, so add 1 year). Then when TDK begins hes been batman for a little less than a the same age. And finally add 8 years to the beginning of TDKR, 35-36.

But I do believe Bane to be older. He talks to him as if hes older, and hes older than Talia, whose near the age of Bruce looks like...
Best. Finish. Ever.

Simply Wow.

I don't think I will love a franchise like this EVER again.

Thank you Nolan God.

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Can we take a moment to talk about how great the soundtrack/scores have been for these films?

I'm honestly about to cop all of them off iTunes...
-Why was Alfred the expert on Bane, telling the whole prison story to Bruce.
-There were parts with bad writing/acting ie. Daggett explaining the clean slate like he was reading off of a catalog description and Talia's death scene had me thinking of that Dave Chapelle skit where his body guard gets shot.

As much as I loved this movie in the end....the beginning had me a big worried, ESPECIALLY Alfred all of a sudden being the League of Shadows exert out of would he have even gotten that information?? Sounded so...comic-booky to me.

And I swear I was waiting on her to go 'I'm dead' at the end of her little speech too haha.
The only thing I DIDN'T like about the movie...

Showing Bane Cry....:smh:

Just saw it again.

Ending is AWESOME. Probably better the second time around to pay attention to all the details


He definitely ends up with Selina. 
While watching The Dark Knight today the funny irony in Morgan Freeman telling Bruce how the new suit is vulnerable to knives but holding off cats is even more funny now.

I mean, at the time I got the cat woman reference and future sighting in that scene, but the knife thing came back 10 fold on Bruce.

He indeed, didn't want to make it too easy, did he?
Shoulda got that suit redone bruce :smh:
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