The days of illegal downloading coming to an end

Dec 16, 2004
[font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif][sup][font=Georgia, serif]U.S.ISPs become 'copyright cops' starting July 12th [/font][/sup][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]

[font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]Comcast,Cablevision, Verizon, Time Warner Cable and other Internet serviceproviders in the United States will soon launch new programs topolice their networks in an effort to catch digital pirates and stopillegal file-sharing. Major ISPs announced last summer that they hadagreed to take new measures in an effort to prevent subscribers fromillegally downloading copyrighted material, but the specificssurrounding the imminent antipiracy measures were not made available.Now, RIAA chief executive Cary Sherman has said that ISPs are readyto begin their efforts to curtail illegal movie, music and softwaredownloads on July 12th. Read on for more.[/font]

“[font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]EachISP has to develop their infrastructure for automating the system,[/font]
Record labels are loving this. At the same time....people will always find a way to get access to things. We'll see what happens.
I don't even download THAT much, but I'm sure if the luxury of doing it was to go away, I'd realize how much I really needed it. The world is changing my friends.
People will still find ways to download things and the record labels will be more pissed and go to a greater extreme and things will get even more crazy and the cat and mouse game will continue on.
Any chance of me paying for music or movies has gone out the window.

I'll stare at my blank wall if I have to.

**@+ them.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Any chance of me paying for music or movies has gone out the window.

I'll stare at my blank wall if I have to.

**@+ them.

...serious question. is it really that serious?
...what about the inconsistencies in quality from downloading vs owning a physical copy?
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Any chance of me paying for music or movies has gone out the window.

I'll stare at my blank wall if I have to.

**@+ them.


they won't win this...its too far gone for people to give in and just start purchasing music/movies again...
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Any chance of me paying for music or movies has gone out the window.

I'll stare at my blank wall if I have to.

**@+ them.

Everyone should take this stance. Ignore iTunes too. Wankers.
this is BULL. i refuse to start paying!! the only time i do make a purchase is when an artist i support drops a CD at bestbuy.

downloaders > fruit cakes that cop tracks from iTunes for $0.99.
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