The DISNEY Illuminati Occult Connection (Indoctrinating the Minds of Children)...

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

Originally Posted by breaux

3. the illuminati and the occult are two separate and incompatible entities...

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

that's the thing u gotta love about NT, it's bliss ignorance. if i'da told u this video was about some naked women shakin their %%%, ur all over it. but since it's something educational, yall dismiss it without even watching it 1st.
can't say i'm surprised tho.

you're mad no one wants to watch your bum %#% video when we've had these posts on the regular for the last few weeks...WE GET IT...THEY ARE EVERYWHERE CONTROLLING US...

plus its 3 in the moring
I love it when MyT goes hard
...this thread sucks.
if this is true....then 99% of NT has been brainwashed by a disney movie.

next thing you know Dirty is going to be a freemason.
characters losing their mothers? its a classic archtype in multiple stories, not just disney.

"sex" in lion kings? its supposed to be "sfx," the sound effects crew for the movie.

this makes perfect sense. because disney was an illuminati it means that all people who write movies for him, even to present times, are under his influenceand are also illuminati. lets pay no attention to the fact that he died over 40 years ago either.
What does us post to do when I be boredome when it be late now but I still not be sleepy for nights to go there? Real talk yo.
Originally Posted by TeemOhtee

next thing you know Dirty is going to be a freemason.

I blame all this on my guy Haze. When I seen ol' dyslexic @#$ Guerrilla Warfare talk about fraternalallegiance in some other thread (and he spelled it right too)...I knew $@*% just got real.

i can respect the opinions of those who at least took the time to watch it before commenting. the fact that disney died long ago means what, exactly??
I had no idea that Walt Disney himself did all the animation for every Disney movie ever made. All of them. Every single one. I mean, that would explain allthe masonic symbols, because hes a mason, right? And he put a spell on C.S. Lewis to include all of those things in The Chronicles of Narnia 50 years earlierso he could then make the movie and include images of Pan and pedophilia, right? And Wikipedia is now all of a sudden the most reliable source in the worldbecause one, superbrain controls all of the information on it, right?

I want my ten minutes back.

Also, how the HELL is that a Nazi and not a security guard on the balcony in the Gatsby sequence? I facepalmed so hard I broke my nose after seeing that.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

that's the thing u gotta love about NT, it's bliss ignorance. if i'da told u this video was about some naked women shakin their %%%, ur all over it. but since it's something educational, yall dismiss it without even watching it 1st.
can't say i'm surprised tho.

Wrong. Educational? could I continue taking this video seriously when less than 2 minutes in we are informed that Walt Disney was a 33rd degreeFree Mason because Wikipedia says so. The exact quote was "this is a fact, provided by Wikipedia:
I believe the ONLY source cited in the entire video is Wikipedia....seriously. We've all seen the crap in the videos (a lot of which is subjective). Its much more likely, reasonable, intelligent, logical...etc that the particularartists were being sneaky. Not to mention that if you went back and looked at all cartoons from 60 years ago or whatever, you will notice what we considertoday to be blatant sexism and racism; it just simply a sign of the times.

Also, Roger Rabbit was not a Disney movie. Disney provided uncredited animation, they did not write or direct the movie. The Chronicles of Narnia also, NOTwritten by Disney. They produced it, but the story is based off novels by CS Lewis which were WIDELY read by children BEFORE Disney made the movie. Thepicture of the "theme park ride" was not a "theme park ride" it was a quarter ride, like they used to have in the malls and out front ofstores. Any number of them, Disney related or not, look like they imply some sort of sexual meaning, there are probably dozens of pics like that on failblogof non-disney related rides showing the same thing.

I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
This is the furthest reach of them all...

and that ducktales movie at the end with the pyramid was my ****. I'm bout to download that.
I dunno. This seems to be a little of a stretch. I heard about the cartoon hidden images, but with it being prior to computer animation with Disney in the US,I think they were just bored with spending years hand drawing frame by frame and put them in there for fun.
that was a waste of 10 minutes adnd my life.. also most of those movies shown were from my childhood and I promise I never saw the word sex in the lion king. Iassociate nothing bad with that movie or dumbo.. I think you suck as a parent and if you believe any of the crap in that video your children will have ahorrible childhood.. i feel bad for them already..
Dudes calling us ignorant because we don't take the time to watch that vid. But yet he's ignorant to the fact that he keeps trying to push his views onus when we don't want it.
That entire video is speculative. There was no concrete evidence to support his claims and he cited Wikipedia as a reference. This little segment falls underthe category of propaganda.
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