What do y'all use to deal with sweating in your hair when you can't wash it?

This DC weather been rough on me last week after I just got a retwist and I was sweating hard from that heat
What do y'all use to deal with sweating in your hair when you can't wash it?

This DC weather been rough on me last week after I just got a retwist and I was sweating hard from that heat

Headband when necessary.

Alcohol x water mist from spray bottle but make sure you oil your scalp if you use alcohol mixture.

Blow dry your scalp on coolest setting.

If you don't wanna use alcohol, the Caribbean women at the place I used to go to said use witch hazel and a little mint oil or tea tree oil (optionally with lime or lemon juice).
What do y'all use to deal with sweating in your hair when you can't wash it?

This DC weather been rough on me last week after I just got a retwist and I was sweating hard from that heat
Wash your scalp b.

Healthy scalp = Healthy hair

Even throwing on a wave cap and running water on your scalp, plus moisture helps with the matting process.
Who's still in?

Subbed never knew there was a Loc thread on NT. Been loc’d up six months or so. Started growing my hair around the time I found out I would be having a kid. Got twisted up the week he was born.

Baby loc’s are rough but this is my second set. I’m happy with what I got so far and I’m hoping my son will want locs when he’s older. I genuinely Don’t plan to cut my hair again for like a decade at least.
Gonna be 3 years in January. Ive achieved what I wanted to with it, particularly length wise, gonna chop it soon after. :smile:
Seems like an appropriate time to bring the thread back. Since I posted last in here .I took down that set, got another set, took it down, and an trying again. This time I'm keeping em. The first two sets were weak but last person I went to knows their ****. Currently how their looking on the second pic

My hairline running from my eyebrows but my shorty does them for me and it still looks good.

She will def let me know when it's time to come home :lol:
Been thinking about it though my lines receding. Still not as bad as homies here yet this looks pretty good.

Dude brain showing. I think I see a vain. Dreads make the situation better hecause if he had a fro or any other cut it would look bad
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