The Flash (CW Series) thread, season 9

Glad Wally is out the picture.

Did the writers really create a meta that just produces bad luck tho?! Wtf?! :lol:

Iris went from couples therapy to trapping Barry at a wedding. The signs are there, Barry. Time to flash.
Jinx has actually become popular as she's often used in the Teen Titan cartoons.
I expected better for Elongated Man

the end is dumb where he grabs the helicopter and it just stops in place without even anchoring himself to anything, dudes feet was glued to the floor? does he weigh a few tons that the helicopter doesn't take him with them? then Barry just running on his arms? tf?

Joe is just pure comedy these days though, after Barry saves him he just blurts out his gf being preggo :lol:

Barry's speed is insane now lol
Was kinda lit how he phased him and Iris down from the bomb and his reaction to the guns was fast af lol
kind of lame how he bootlegged Quicksilver from DoFP with the gun recoil though, looked super weak :lol:
To go off of rfx45 rfx45 real world science criticisms;

The thing about that kind of super speed, both would need to be super trained and super delicate if they were moving that fast.

If you move so fast it looks like ppl are not moving or in slow-mo then if you touch any of those them with your finger you could break their bones let alone moving their arms.

So none of it really makes sense.
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I called Cecile being pregnant as soon as she said she aint wanna move anymore.
I know my ***** Joe was just shooting up the club recklessly thinking they both old so aint nothing gonna happen :lol:
**** I would've been tossing her tiny *** all around the house too. His face though when she told him :rofl:

:rofl: @ Jesse leaving Wally. Fam got a conk in 2017 and thought his girl wouldnt leave him :lol:
This season is shaping up to be trash filler.

Yet another meaningless boring and bad ep with little hints to the bigger plot.

Why do they hate Wally so much? No one called him to say he’s going to be a big brother. No one invited hin to Larry’s bachelor party. Poor guy.
Weakest season yet :smh:
Did the writers from previous seasons leave or something?
Arrow jumped the shark after season 3 for me so Im not suprised this is happening to The Flash also
This show is a dumpster fire right now. I give it until the midseason finale but if things haven't improved then I'm gone.
Yeah its crazy how trash the season is. Itw like they don't care.

I always thought Arrow was pretty bad so I didn't stick around for it to get terrible in s3 but if the drop off is similar its shocking its still on air.

**** is getting Gotham bad.

Legends lucky they been established a goofy and zany feel. Plus the **** villain for s1 didn't make expectations high.
This show is a dumpster fire right now. I give it until the midseason finale but if things haven't improved then I'm gone.

I stopped after that "we" bs from Iris. Funny how almost everyone hates her :lol: I can look past a lot of the shows bs, but couldnt take anymore of her.
It honestly would've been better if they had killed Iris and then just brought her back later on as a speedster :lol:

I'd like to see her in side skin tight red.
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