The Flash (CW Series) thread, season 9

I still gotta watch the newest ep where they’re at the circus and I think meet pt barnum.
I stopped watching Legends halfway through last season i think..

Arrow I didnt even start the last season lmao
I haven't been digging the Legends season so far. A bit too goofy for me atm.

Could be doing so much more with a time traveling ship.

Arrow has always been trash to me.

Flash has been declining.
Still wondering what the writers have in store for Wally. Should had a few episodes of Team Flash without Barry. Team Flash has a team full of geniuses, a speedster who was stated to be Faster than the other flash but they can't handle saving the city :smh:
Jessica Camacho though :evil::

Baby girl was looking like a snack in that dress.
Michael Jordan Happy Face.png

Don't know what the hell that foolishness is on Wally's head.
Another villain of the week ep.

:lol: @ Barry creating more metahuman villains to fight by returning..

:rofl: @ nobody noticing Wally being gone. And of course he gets written out of the show.
Wait a minute, I thought Jesse went to that other Earth to be the Flash since Barry's dad/Flash died or w/e.

Like that was why they split and was on some long distance alt earth relationship.
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Wally should go join Legends of Tomorrow
I was thinking that may be where he ends up especially when I think of his cameo in the premiere but his I'm going to stay with a friend was so lame.

Son should've said "I'm going to GOTHAM! Deuces."
Joe at the end of the episode looked like me the first time my ex girl said her period was late.
Iris being a stage 5 clinger with that wedding trap :lol: converting the funeral to her wedding and telling the sick priest to walk it off :rofl:

:rofl: at Joe in the end
That was a great cut away to end the scene.

So many questions running through Joe's head :lol:

Shorty a bad one though but story wise he was still enjoying being with her. He probably hoping Barry goes back in time and changes **** again. Run Barry! Run!
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