The Flash (CW Series) thread, season 9

Oh man the CW's Birds of Prey was hot trash :rofl:

So many bad signs. Hot chick who is so clearly not disabled in a wheelchair, 15 min and Jesse Pinkman is in this, Dinah Lance with ridiculous executed premonition powers, a lot of sign of the times with the computers and way this show was shot, the story itself, Huntress not even wearing a mask etc.
Yeah I been up on CW's game since Smallville, mad they caught me again with Flash and Arrow but luckily I pulled the plug quick.
smallville was pretty good though (at the time when it was aired) although i did stop watching after like season 4 or 5.

Can't believe that $h*t went on for 10 years...

Similar sentiments. Never cared for the character or actor much.

Crazy to me he would risk his career like that. He did appear like an okay guy but there you go.

:rofl: @ how writers will handle that for next season. I recall so many articles I came across them hyped about the Sue and Ralph and their future plans :lol:

Now may be the time to recast with a black superhero.

Also :wow: WOW @ his other tweets. He's on that Dan Harmon/James Gunn "humor level" talking about cutting homeless women breasts off, child molestation, just random racism, etc.

These tweets go back to like 2010 up to now. This aint just locked in the house pandemic tweets.

Dude is sick in the head.

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Just looks like more Ls until the usual turn around and win.

They should've teased the return of Zoom or something.
meh... i'm more interested in them creating the artificial speedforce more than anything...
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