The Following: Episode 15.....Season Finale - Finally.

I think that FBI agent was a flashback from the chick that Lilly nem killed last season.

I can't wait until they kill mark man. I really feel bad for Mike dude had to watch his pops get slaughtered.
Ryan's neice, cousin, whatever she is, is the reason I'm still in on this show.

I think for right now they are transitioning out from the first guy's group, and a new group will emerge shortly. After that, we'll see where they go from there.
Ryan's neice, cousin, whatever she is, is the reason I'm still in on this show.

I think for right now they are transitioning out from the first guy's group, and a new group will emerge shortly. After that, we'll see where they go from there.

She reminds me of a prettier Deb from Dexter.

If the FBI agents are as ******ed this season as they were the first two, I'm out tho. :lol:
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I binged watched eps. Think I might stick with it.

I still remember how progressively absurd the show got as S1 got to it's end :lol: Can't even remember if I watched some S2 but when he had the beard and was like in the south and that new cult showed up I just wasn't down for any of that. The FBI is still incompetent as **** but I can laugh more at it as Ryan continues to be unable to save friends like with dude ending up in the box.

At this point, I'm enjoying the new killers showing up (reminds me of Dexter when it was good) as the cult **** isn't as in your face. The True Detective villain looking like a cobbler or handyman showing up in this and describing how he'd kill dude is the stuff that keeps me watching. This approach is kinda like Person of Interest and The Blacklist when they show you new ways to kill ppl and commit crimes. Plus not a lot is making it so I had to watch the seasons prior to this to keep up since I'm guessing they did a time skip.

Don't know if he showed up before but Joe's professor that's also in prison being the guy that molded them is cool.

I also got a running theory/idea that the person they keep saying will kill them and the one they're actually afraid of isn't this lame kid with mental problems. It's some other guy orchestrating **** but I don't know want to give the writers that much credit.
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I know some horror movie villain comparison would fit but the way Ealy was moving in this ep reminded me of Denzel in Safe House.

Son was out here so smooth and ghost like the way he was stalking this chick :lol: She damn lucky she aint die in the dark. Her reflexes and instinct were insanely slow. They really building dude up to be the ultimate serial killer, almost Dexter in his prime like.

Then the way he just goes home to his family :lol: Creeping me out.

Ealy should play more of these roles.
They still do some of the lamest-dumbest FBI/Cops stuff ever, but at least they have mostly moved on from Joe Carroll and can go about having all sorts of angles of nut jobs runnin loose. And that's what I wanted most of all when the show began. Legions of bad folks, layers and layers of them, and right now they seem to be doin that. You have the crazy brother and his troops, then the teacher guy, Carroll still lightly in the mix, and now this guy, who is a freaking savage so far.

And Ryan's niece looks better and better every episode. :pimp:
the yambs must be crazy good if that black guy saw her having sex with mike but still stays. Smh @ dude keeping the laptop just to spy on her though. Dude would be fired if someone else found out about it
I forgot to mention what's up with the new Luke Cage on the show with the messed up eye refusing to put an eye patch on???!! I mean please spare the viewers. How ya like that and you walking around like you shouldn't at least be rocking shades? I thought I missed a scene where the serial killers showed up and poured acid in his eye.

Watched an episode the other day n i see the cops still as dumb as ever :lol: :smh:
That's become something so bad now that it's entertaining.

I was taking them serious S1 and then the FBI got gradually dumber and dumber until I said no more but now once I lower my standards a bit it's a mainstay of the show to the point I'd be upset if they suddenly became competent.

Like in real life when Iceman leaves the girl alone for vengeance he'd get fired. Nobody would cover that up for him especially the way she got it with that piece of wood. Lucky it didn't get her head.
the yambs must be crazy good if that black guy saw her having sex with mike but still stays. Smh @ dude keeping the laptop just to spy on her though. Dude would be fired if someone else found out about it
Well Partlow has been locked up a long time and he didn't get any yambs out in London saving the world with Jack Bauer. Son a little clingy and obsessive here :lol:

It's gonna be funny when she finds out.
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Finally caught up on the season so far.

Not gonna front, it's been pretty good.

My dude Theo is a Super Saiyan serial killer.

He hit Strauss with that Mortal Kombat fatality for making it hot for him in these streets.

Intelligent like Joe was, but none of the ego. Doesn't care about getting credit for his work and that's why he hasn't gotten close to being caught.

Even has a family to remain further inconspicuous a la Trinity Killer, except that he doesn't seem to loathe them as Trinity did.

Don't see how these dumb Feds are gonna be able to catch him

Speaking of dumb Feds, FBI still with their ****ups this season.

Like Mike completely abandoning Max when they arrested Strauss seemingly forgetting about Daisy and allowing Max to get washed.

Mike gonna have to eat the booty to even have a chance to get the yambs again.

Also Mike and Ryan having that argument as far away from Mark as the possibly could instead of subduing him and allowing him to jump off the boat.
Finally caught up on the season so far.

Not gonna front, it's been pretty good.

My dude Theo is a Super Saiyan serial killer. :x

He hit Strauss with that Mortal Kombat fatality for making it hot for him in these streets. :lol: :x

Intelligent like Joe was, but none of the ego. Doesn't care about getting credit for his work and that's why he hasn't gotten close to being caught.

Even has a family to remain further inconspicuous a la Trinity Killer, except that he doesn't seem to loathe them as Trinity did. :lol:

Don't see how these dumb Feds are gonna be able to catch him

Speaking of dumb Feds, FBI still with their ****ups this season. :lol: :smh:

Like Mike completely abandoning Max when they arrested Strauss seemingly forgetting about Daisy and allowing Max to get washed.

Mike gonna have to eat the booty to even have a chance to get the yambs again.

Also Mike and Ryan having that argument as far away from Mark as the possibly could instead of subduing him and allowing him to jump off the boat.
Repped for calling them dudes Iceman and Chris Partlow. We do the same thing lol. So far, I'm enjoying S3 more than S4. But a couple things that bother me are: Did they just forget about Mark and that one girl? And did they not find the girl's husband's body?
They're really making "Theo" a threat. Again has shades of Dexter done right. Son was so ruthless doing away with his fam though :smh: That wife was so fine. Plus the kids :x He honestly looked like he loved them right before he injected his wife.

Them surviving that explosion was bull **** but maybe son should've had used more home made explosives. Diving in a bathtub shouldn't have saved them.

Can't wait to see what he does to mess with the FBI. Hope some bodies start dropping.

:lol: @ Ryan saying Joe's name still unknowingly and now seeing him places.
Yooooooooooooooooooo :wow:

This dude iced his own ****. :wow: :smh: :frown:

Cold blooded mother ******. When he got that alert, and sat down on the couch, he looked legit ready to stab the cameraman. :lol:

This has to be one of the best episodes in the series, so damn good. Dude was deletin pics like nothin, plugged the white couple but not til he double checked on his shovel. :rofl: God damn.

Preview flat out makes it look like Ryan is gonna get Joe to help him, but if they try that for real, this show is over.

I would love to see Joe match up with Theo that, that would be killer.

Max doe. :frown:
Good episode, had me wishing it was longer ...n they keep trollin with the dream scenes of Ryan n Joe hanging out :lol:
When he was deleting his pics from the internet though :x :smh: :wow: I was like this is some anon this dude is too dangerous ****.

I don't think I've seen or heard about a fictional (or real) serial killer that skilled with technology. Son forcing them to find him like they in the 70s while he damn near at the end of the century.

Seeing him grow that mustache for his new id :lol:

Was the chick he killed that was suspicious of him Mrs. Kettleman from Better Call Saul? :nerd:
Naw, not Kettelman. This broad was too old for her.
That is her.

Nosy *** Nancy couldn't mind her own business and got her and her husband got.

This dude Theo though.
So much for him caring about his family; he deaded them with the quickness, literally.
Glad he didn't kill his kids.

That warning to Ryan though.
Originally Posted by Theo

Be careful Agent Hardy; you don't know me. You only know what I have shown you, and that fact should keep you up at night. I am a man who will take your future. Like hundreds before you. Piece by piece"
How ole faulty Life Alert Pacemaker having Ryan Hardy suppose to go up against the dude who erased himself completely off the internet? 

Ryan better bust Joe out of Supermax and form a tag team.

Speaking of Joe, I was ready to give this show the biggest
if Joe escaped prison again.

Ryan and Joe dreaming about each other.
It's one thing I gotta give props for is this casting. Ealy is legit terrifying as this guy.

I see Ryan's new girl dying by his hand man :smh:

Let me know if the writers are ignoring it or did they fix it in the seasons I didn't watch what exactly happened with his pacemaker/faulty heart? Cuz all of a sudden so far Hardy is chasing ppl, pinning them down to the ground, etc. and he isn't losing breath like he use to. That was his crutch in S1 where like if it was discovered he'd be benched or forced in to retirement but now it isn't much of a problem at all :nerd:

This show is unwatchable.
I'm not gonna argue cuz I gave up on it S1 and didn't come back until now but if you lower your standards and laught at it a bit more I think you can enjoy this season if for the serial killing stylings of Ealy as "Theo" alone.
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They haven't really addressed his pacemaker after season 1 until the most recent episode.

Guess he's better.
They showed him doing a bunch of cardio and boxing. I guess that helped him get his conditioning under control. Digging the new villain. Max....
Really liked the episode last night, outside of Joe and Hardy standing in his bedroom smilin at each other. :lol:

The convo between Ealy and Joe. :pimp:

:rofl: dude bustin that laptop all up.

:stoneface: at the NYPD pullin him over, seein a gun, and not firin 18 shots thru his chest.

That said, man, Ealy is a freaking plague. Dude is WAY badder than Joe ever was. I really hope they keep him movin and findin new ways to screw with the FBI, he's been fantastic.
I haven't been in here in a while... haven't read any of the new posts... haven't watched one episode of the latest season.  What's the verdict?
I haven't been in here in a while... haven't read any of the new posts... haven't watched one episode of the latest season.  What's the verdict?

Been really good. New terror is a damn bad *** for real. Been a lot of fun imo.
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