The Following: Episode 15.....Season Finale - Finally.

Credibility officially slipping away. Suspension of disbelief gone too far.

Ep was nice with the action and drama with how Hardy was playing the trio and the compelling suspense of what would happen in the end to wrap up this stand off. I gotta say I was expecting nothing less than the trio dying or maybe just the one guy who hasn't killed to survive getting away but mainly all of them dead with new guys coming in taking the kid or them losing the kid but gaining the wife. I specifically wanted new ppl to come in to kill the trio.

What actually happens? Two guys manage to take out 4 FBI swat agents by a lame distraction tactic. How was the house not completely surrounded with a reasonable perimeter established? A bunch of dudes in the front with 2 guys in the back? ONLY TWO? 2 followers show up out of nowhere in the damn woods undetected and end up taking out FBI swat agents and save everybody else, take the kid and manage to survive as well :smh: :stoneface: I mean even the dude who took Claire got away

Carroll still being able to use his attorney and wanting to get a transfer wasn't intriguing enough either. I wanted a bit more of reveal of this master plan and where this is going.

:lol: @ this guy stalking Claire for 2 years though. These guys keep getting creepier

Iceman stays suspicious. Son probably DEEP DEEP DEEP undercover for Carroll the way he took the bullet, I just don't like how he brushed off the shot was conveniently out for w/e time and had a vest and just told Hardy to go on. Of course that deputy ranger chick was a follower and they think ppl will be more interesting by throwing around the name Roderick all crazy.

Don't care for the cult experts background. Funny that she was in a cult and got put through it but overall timing of this wasn't best especially in trying to relate to this psycho chick.

Show is on thin ice with me from here on. I'm just disappointed.
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:x Good guys can't catch a break.

Can't help but feel like it's moving too quickly...makes for exciting television though. Bacon was a great choice for the lead.
I Once Loved This Show.

Now I Like The Show.

If the amount of unbelievable things that are ridiculously stupid keep happening though I will probably end up hating the show in about 2 or 3 more episodes.

Don't get me wrong, the show is entertaining as hell and Kevin Bacon is a great lead.
His scenes were very entertaining tonight.
But the amount of FBI stupidity is literally making me cringe. I have no law enforcement background. Most of what I know about law enforcement is based on watching years of 24, Homeland, and The Wire.

But C'Mon with some of these decisions man... They are making the FBI look like boy scouts man.
What kind of writing is this man? I know Carroll is supposed to be the star, the genius, and his plan is supposed to keep working or else there is no show.

But how much help is he going to get from the FBI? Every decision they make is stupid. Every decision they make is the opposite of common sense.
Every decision they make is absolutely unbelievable. :stoneface:

Not only that, but we can't trust any character on the show besides Hardy. Not 1.


Not even the Almighty Morgan Freeman.

Yeah it's suspenseful and cool that there are followers everywhere, but at the same time its annoying that we cant ever establish any type of trust with the characters we're learning about. We dont know who to like, because everyones a suspect. So as a viewer its frustrating. if Ryan Hardy isn't on the screen, then naturally everyone we see we assume is a bad guy. Its kinda ANTI-suspenseful in that manner. So in a way its slowly starting to backfire.

Like i said, i still LIKE the show right now. Ill give it 2 or 3 more episodes until that changes. Things need to be a little more realistic for me to keep liking it least a little. I know its TV but cmon man... :smh:
The writing just gets worse with each episode. Predictability has replaced mystery/tension. Based off that preview for next week, let me take a wild guess that Joe magically evades the FBI transport team and escapes to his followers. The writers are basically begging the audience to suspend belief every moment and overlook the predictable nature.

And that FBI!?!? My goodness. "He's gone sir." Yeah stop at the doorway and don't continue the search up the stairs. Bacon, "Local popo, FBI, ATF, US marshalls, etc. got this place surrounded." TWO FBI SWAT members guard the south entrance and have that side "lockdown", both don't shoot approaching non compliant person, SWAT gets flanked and shot. Two more SWAT die in the house because no other SWAT was flanking the house from the south except those TWO that got lit up and got their uniforms stolen. Worse portrayed TV FBI in history.

If they wanted the local cop reveal to be grand/surprising, they should have stopped giving her mug that extra cam focus on her basically telling the audience, yeah this one is a follower too, deal with it.

Don't know what to think anymore about this show. So much damn potential yet such amateur writing.
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:lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't even hate this show or anything, but I feel like I'm officially in hate-watching mode.
This show is a comedy now.

Tell me you can even look at Natalie Zea without getting ready to laugh...

.....Liar. :lol:
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This show got the stupidest cops I've seen in a while. I can't believe the kid and the girl escaped by running out the back

The cops flashbanged themselves while the stalker guy hit the escape tunnel
They Didn't even TRY to go after him though :rofl: :rofl:

They see the door is open so they hit the quick retreat. Not even gonna try to go after him. Acting like he's Usain Bolt and they have no chance of catching him with his 5 second head start... :lol:

Not that important is it FBI? Who cares about the biggest cyber hacker in the country who is helping the serial killer kidnap people.
He ran away so let him go. We got too many important things to do than chase him. Lets get back to throwing flashbangs and surrounding the Forrest only to let them slide right out of the house too.

"He's gone Mr. Freeman! He's out the secret door... We won't get him"



Breathe :rofl:

seriously though, you really ain't even going to attempt to go after him!? :rofl:
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I'm currently watching the latest episode and I think the blonde policewoman is a Follower.

Too many close-ups for an extra IMO.

Can't believe how weak the police and the Feds are. **** this show, I'm beginning to see how unrealistically stupidly written the cops are.
Can't believe how weak the police and the Feds are. **** this show, I'm beginning to see how unrealistically stupidly written the cops are.
Wow, the Feds didn't go after Claire's Follower.

"He's gone." 



Plus 4 Swats just got killed.

The death of the last 2 were written so ******g poorly.

So those 4 must have coordinated to surround the gay guys, right?

(The 2 Fake Feds and the 2 Real One)

Aren't they suppose to know each other?

Can't they tell that the 2 Feds are posers? 


Bacon didn't even shoot the tires?
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This show gets dumber and more ridiculous each week :lol:. This dude has a special forces team following him just because he wrote some crappy books and murdered a bunch of college girls. I wouldn't be surprised by anything anymore. This show is going into "24" territory with them throwing crazy, unbelievable stuff at you all the time. He probably has people in the Presidential Cabinet and Supreme Court Justices under his wing too along with cops in every town :smh:.
I still enjoy the show.
Annie's backstory with being in the cult as a kid :x
Too many people involved in the whole scheme though :smh:
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Ryan Hardy is the only person on the show with any common sense...beside Carroll himself.

It's crazy.

2 smart characters.

Then A million dumb ones...literally, dumb.
It was funny how Hardy had both guys so shook that they were afraid to tie his hands. That was some alpha male flexing right there.
Annie's backstory with being in the cult as a kid :x

yea that was awesome. had a feeling someone on this show would have a background like that. some waco siege type ish. :smokin
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This show gets dumber and more ridiculous each week
. This dude has a special forces team following him just because he wrote some crappy books and murdered a bunch of college girls. I wouldn't be surprised by anything anymore. This show is going into "24" territory with them throwing crazy, unbelievable stuff at you all the time. He probably has people in the Presidential Cabinet and Supreme Court Justices under his wing too along with cops in every town
I could tell the show was going to be stupid from the first episode, the writing was just not high quality at all. I probably would dislike the show less if it hadn't been hyped up as something besides a generic basic cable cop show, which is exactly what it is.
They have another cult show premiering on the CW. Could be good. Once in awhile the network will put out a good show. T-Bag is the star of it.
They need to slow it down. Make this a psychological thriller instead of an action one. You cant have 3 idiots escape a surrounded joint. We saw FOUR cops. 4. A cat gets stuck in a tree and 13 officers roll up. Come on. :lol:

I do like the backstory for main FBI chick, somethin big comin up with her.

That said, how many folks on Joe's payroll? They up to like 15 followers or so so far. Small town cops and ****. Ex military dudes. Lethal group set up, but the show needs to relax tryin to show them off. Make it a smarter show, stop cutting corners.
I agree with the general sentiment here... I enjoy the show, but parts are just really getting ridiculous, like the incompetence of "the authorities". 

I appreciate that they like "shock-moments", but I hope they don't start getting into a habit of turning everyone into a mole/follower.  Just too convenient. 

Interesting backstory with Parker's cult... 

Gonna stick with the show though... at this point, screw it... I'm going on Team-Carroll!
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